(* Interface to Perl from OCaml. * Copyright (C) 2003 Merjis Ltd. * $Id: perl.ml,v 1.9 2003-10-26 11:22:38 rich Exp $ *) type t type sv type av type hv exception Perl_failure of string external create : ?args:string array -> unit -> t = "perl4caml_create" (* Initialization. This must happen first, otherwise other parts of the * program will segfault because of a missing interpreter. *) external c_init : unit -> unit = "perl4caml_init" let () = Callback.register_exception "perl4caml_perl_failure" (Perl_failure ""); c_init (); (* Initialise C code. *) (* Create the default interpreter. *) create ~args:[| ""; "-w"; "-e"; "0" |] (); () external current_interpreter : unit -> t = "perl4caml_current_interpreter" external destroy : t -> unit = "perl4caml_destroy" external set_context : t -> unit = "perl4caml_set_context" external int_of_sv : sv -> int = "perl4caml_int_of_sv" external sv_of_int : int -> sv = "perl4caml_sv_of_int" external float_of_sv : sv -> float = "perl4caml_float_of_sv" external sv_of_float : float -> sv = "perl4caml_sv_of_float" external string_of_sv : sv -> string = "perl4caml_string_of_sv" external sv_of_string : string -> sv = "perl4caml_sv_of_string" external sv_is_true : sv -> bool = "perl4caml_sv_is_true" external sv_is_undef : sv -> bool = "perl4caml_sv_is_undef" external sv_undef : unit -> sv = "perl4caml_sv_undef" external sv_yes : unit -> sv = "perl4caml_sv_yes" external sv_no : unit -> sv = "perl4caml_sv_no" let sv_true () = sv_of_int 1 let sv_false () = sv_of_int 0 let bool_of_sv = sv_is_true let sv_of_bool b = if b then sv_true () else sv_false () type sv_t = SVt_NULL | SVt_IV | SVt_NV | SVt_PV | SVt_RV | SVt_PVAV | SVt_PVHV | SVt_PVCV | SVt_PVGV | SVt_PVMG external sv_type : sv -> sv_t = "perl4caml_sv_type" let string_of_sv_t = function SVt_NULL -> "SVt_NULL" | SVt_IV -> "SVt_IV" | SVt_NV -> "SVt_NV" | SVt_PV -> "SVt_PV" | SVt_RV -> "SVt_RV" | SVt_PVAV -> "SVt_PVAV" | SVt_PVHV -> "SVt_PVHV" | SVt_PVCV -> "SVt_PVCV" | SVt_PVGV -> "SVt_PVGV" | SVt_PVMG -> "SVt_PVMG" external scalarref : sv -> sv = "perl4caml_scalarref" external arrayref : av -> sv = "perl4caml_arrayref" external hashref : hv -> sv = "perl4caml_hashref" external deref : sv -> sv = "perl4caml_deref" external deref_array : sv -> av = "perl4caml_deref_array" external deref_hash : sv -> hv = "perl4caml_deref_hash" external av_empty : unit -> av = "perl4caml_av_empty" external av_of_sv_list : sv list -> av = "perl4caml_av_of_sv_list" external av_push : av -> sv -> unit = "perl4caml_av_push" external av_pop : av -> sv = "perl4caml_av_pop" external av_shift : av -> sv = "perl4caml_av_shift" external av_unshift : av -> sv -> unit = "perl4caml_av_unshift" external av_length : av -> int = "perl4caml_av_length" external av_set : av -> int -> sv -> unit = "perl4caml_av_set" external av_get : av -> int -> sv = "perl4caml_av_get" external av_clear : av -> unit = "perl4caml_av_clear" external av_undef : av -> unit = "perl4caml_av_undef" external av_extend : av -> int -> unit = "perl4caml_av_extend" let av_map f av = let list = ref [] in for i = 0 to av_length av - 1 do list := f (av_get av i) :: !list done; List.rev !list let list_of_av av = let list = ref [] in for i = 0 to av_length av - 1 do list := av_get av i :: !list done; List.rev !list let av_of_string_list strs = av_of_sv_list (List.map sv_of_string strs) external hv_empty : unit -> hv = "perl4caml_hv_empty" external hv_set : hv -> string -> sv -> unit = "perl4caml_hv_set" external hv_get : hv -> string -> sv = "perl4caml_hv_get" external hv_exists : hv -> string -> bool = "perl4caml_hv_exists" external hv_delete : hv -> string -> unit = "perl4caml_hv_delete" external hv_clear : hv -> unit = "perl4caml_hv_clear" external hv_undef : hv -> unit = "perl4caml_hv_undef" external get_sv : ?create:bool -> string -> sv = "perl4caml_get_sv" external get_av : ?create:bool -> string -> av = "perl4caml_get_av" external get_hv : ?create:bool -> string -> hv = "perl4caml_get_hv" external call : ?sv:sv -> ?fn:string -> sv list -> sv = "perl4caml_call" external call_array : ?sv:sv -> ?fn:string -> sv list -> sv list = "perl4caml_call_array" external call_void : ?sv:sv -> ?fn:string -> sv list -> unit = "perl4caml_call_void" external eval : string -> sv = "perl4caml_eval" external call_method : sv -> string -> sv list -> sv = "perl4caml_call_method" external call_method_array : sv -> string -> sv list -> sv list = "perl4caml_call_method_array" external call_method_void : sv -> string -> sv list -> unit = "perl4caml_call_method_void" external call_class_method : string -> string -> sv list -> sv = "perl4caml_call_class_method" external call_class_method_array : string -> string -> sv list -> sv list = "perl4caml_call_class_method_array" external call_class_method_void : string -> string -> sv list -> unit = "perl4caml_call_class_method_void"