(* mclu: Mini Cloud * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *) (* Implement 'mclu boot'. *) module C = Libvirt.Connect module D = Libvirt.Domain module MS = Mclu_status open Printf open Utils let memory = ref 0L (* 0 = choose for me *) let set_memory s = try memory := bytes_of_human_size s with Not_found -> eprintf "mclu: don't understand --memory parameter '%s' Try something like --memory 1G\n" s; exit 1 let size = ref 0L (* 0 = default *) let set_size s = try size := bytes_of_human_size s with Not_found -> eprintf "mclu: don't understand --size parameter '%s' Try something like --size 20G\n" s; exit 1 let timezone = ref "" (* "" = no timezone set *) let vcpus = ref 0 (* 0 = choose for me *) let open_console = ref false let open_viewer = ref false let get_arg_speclist () = Arg.align [ "--console", Arg.Set open_console, " Open the serial console"; "--cpus", Arg.Set_int vcpus, "n Number of virtual CPUs"; "--memory", Arg.String set_memory, "nnG Amount of RAM to give guest"; "--ram", Arg.String set_memory, "nnG Amount of RAM to give guest"; "--size", Arg.String set_size, "nnG Size of disk to give guest"; "--timezone", Arg.Set_string timezone, "TZ Set timezone of guest"; "--vcpus", Arg.Set_int vcpus, "n Number of virtual CPUs"; "--viewer", Arg.Set open_viewer, " Open the graphical console"; ] let boot ~verbose template name = let templates = Template.templates () in (* Does the template exist? *) let template_filename = try List.assoc template templates with Not_found -> eprintf "mclu: template %s not found Try `mclu list --templates' to list all known templates.\n" template; exit 1 in (* Probe the template for various features. *) let template_info = Template.probe ~verbose template_filename in (* Check --size is not too small. *) let size = match !size, template_info.Template.minimum_size with | 0L, None -> 0L (* virt-builder default *) | 0L, Some min_size -> (* go with template minimum size *) min_size | size, Some min_size when size < min_size -> eprintf "mclu: --size parameter is smaller than the minimum specified by the template (%s).\n" (human_size min_size); exit 1 | size, _ -> size in (* go with user-specified size *) (* Decide how much RAM we will give the guest. This affects our * choice of node, so do it early. *) let memory = !memory in let memory = if memory > 0L then ( (* User requested, just check it's above the minimum. *) match template_info.Template.minimum_memory with | None -> memory | Some min when min > memory -> eprintf "mclu: minimum memory for this template is %s\n" (human_size min); exit 1 | Some _ -> memory ) else ( (* User didn't request any memory setting, use the recommended. *) match template_info.Template.recommended_memory with | Some memory -> memory | None -> 4L *^ 1024L *^ 1024L *^ 1024L (* 4 GB *) ) in (* Check what's running. *) let summary = MS.node_guest_summary ~verbose () in (* Did the user request a specific host? If not, choose one. *) let hostname, name = match name_parse name with | Some hostname, name -> hostname, name | None, name -> (* Choose the first host with enough free memory. *) let nodes = List.filter ( fun { MS.free_memory = free_memory } -> free_memory >= memory ) summary in match nodes with | [] -> eprintf "mclu: no node with enough free memory found Try: `mclu status' and `mclu on '\n"; exit 1 | node :: _ -> let hostname = node.MS.node_status.MS.node.Mclu_conf.hostname in hostname, name in (* Check there isn't a guest with this name running anywhere * in the cluster already. *) List.iter ( fun ({ MS.active_guests = guests } as node) -> List.iter ( fun { Mclu_list.dom_name = n } -> if name = n then ( let hostname = node.MS.node_status.MS.node.Mclu_conf.hostname in eprintf "mclu: there is already a guest called '%s' (running on %s)\n" name hostname; exit 1 ) ) guests ) summary; (* Convert hostname to a specific node, and check it is up. *) let node = try List.find ( fun node -> node.MS.node_status.MS.node.Mclu_conf.hostname = hostname ) summary with Not_found -> eprintf "mclu: no node is called '%s'\n" hostname; exit 1 in if not node.MS.node_status.MS.node_on then ( eprintf "mclu: node '%s' is switched off Try: `mclu on %s'\n" hostname hostname; exit 1 ); (* Where we upload the template and image on remote. *) let format, extension = "qcow2", "qcow2" in let remote_template = sprintf "/tmp/mclu%s.sh" (string_random8 ()) in let remote_template_wrapper = sprintf "/tmp/mclu%s.sh" (string_random8 ()) in let xml_template_wrapper = sprintf "/tmp/mclu%s.sh" (string_random8 ()) in let remote_image = sprintf "/var/tmp/%s.%s" name extension in let remote_external_kernel_dir = sprintf "/var/tmp/%s.boot" name in let remote_external_kernel = sprintf "/var/tmp/%s.boot/kernel" name in let remote_external_initrd = sprintf "/var/tmp/%s.boot/initrd" name in let remote_arch = node.MS.node_status.node_info.model in (* UEFI firmware and NVRAM on remote, if required. *) let nvram = match remote_arch with | "aarch64" -> Some ("/usr/share/edk2.git/aarch64/QEMU_EFI-pflash.raw", "/usr/share/edk2.git/aarch64/vars-template-pflash.raw", remote_image ^ ".nvram") | _ -> None in (* Get ready to generate the guest XML. *) let vcpus = !vcpus in let vcpus = if vcpus > 0 then vcpus else min 4 node.MS.node_status.MS.node_info.C.cpus in let mac_addr = sprintf "52:54:00:%02x:%02x:%02x" (Random.int 256) (Random.int 256) (Random.int 256) in (* Generate the guest XML. *) let generate_standard_xml () = (* XXX Better quoting. *) let xml = sprintf "\ %s %Ld %Ld %d " name (memory /^ 1024L) (memory /^ 1024L) vcpus in let xml = xml ^ "\ " in let xml = match remote_arch with | "aarch64" -> xml ^ sprintf "\ hvm " | _ -> xml ^ "\ hvm " in let xml = match nvram with | Some (loader, nvram_template, nvram) -> xml ^ sprintf "\ %s %s " loader nvram_template nvram | None -> xml in let xml = xml ^ if template_info.Template.needs_external_kernel then sprintf "\ %s %s " remote_external_kernel remote_external_initrd else "" in let xml = xml ^ "\ destroy restart restart " in let xml = xml ^ sprintf "\ " format remote_image in let xml = xml ^ match template_info.Template.disk_bus with | Some "ide" -> " \n" | Some "virtio-scsi" | None -> " \n" | Some bus -> eprintf "mclu: unknown disk-bus: %s\n" bus; exit 1 in let xml = xml ^ "\ " in let xml = xml ^ if template_info.Template.disk_bus = Some "virtio-scsi" then " \n" else "" in (* XXX Don't hard-code bridge name here. *) let network_model = match template_info with | { Template.network_model = None } -> "virtio" | { Template.network_model = Some d } -> d in let xml = xml ^ sprintf "\ " mac_addr network_model in let xml = xml ^ "\ " in let xml = if remote_arch = "x86_64" then ( xml ^ "\ " ) else xml in let xml = xml ^ "\ " in xml and generate_custom_xml () = (* Generate a wrapper script to make passing the variables * to the template easier. *) let () = let chan = open_out xml_template_wrapper in let fpf fs = fprintf chan fs in fpf "#!/bin/sh\n"; fpf "export format=%s\n" (quote format); fpf "export initrd=%s\n" (quote remote_external_initrd); fpf "export kernel=%s\n" (quote remote_external_kernel); fpf "export mac_addr=%s\n" (quote mac_addr); fpf "export memory_kb=%Ld\n" (memory /^ 1024L); fpf "export name=%s\n" (quote name); fpf "export output=%s\n" (quote remote_image); fpf "export vcpus=%d\n" vcpus; fpf "%s xml\n" template_filename; close_out chan; Unix.chmod xml_template_wrapper 0o755 in if verbose then printf "%s\n%!" xml_template_wrapper; let chan = Unix.open_process_in xml_template_wrapper in let lines = ref [] in (try while true do lines := input_line chan :: !lines done with End_of_file -> ()); let stat = Unix.close_process_in chan in (match stat with | Unix.WEXITED 0 -> () | Unix.WEXITED i -> eprintf "mclu: template '%s' subcmd xml exited with error %d\n" template_filename i; exit 1 | Unix.WSIGNALED i -> eprintf "mclu: template '%s' subcmd xml killed by signal %d\n" template_filename i; exit 1 | Unix.WSTOPPED i -> eprintf "mclu: template '%s' subcmd xml stopped by signal %d\n" template_filename i; exit 1 ); let xml = String.concat "\n" (List.rev !lines) in xml in let xml = if not template_info.Template.has_xml_target then generate_standard_xml () else generate_custom_xml () in (* Copy the template to remote. *) let cmd = sprintf "scp %s root@%s:%s" (quote template_filename) (quote hostname) remote_template in if verbose then printf "%s\n%!" cmd; if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then ( eprintf "mclu: scp template to remote failed\n"; exit 1 ); (* Create a wrapper script that sets the variables and runs the * template. This just avoids complex quoting. *) let () = let chan = open_out remote_template_wrapper in let fpf fs = fprintf chan fs in fpf "#!/bin/bash\n"; fpf "set -e\n"; (* XXX Don't hard-code network_bridge here. *) fpf "export LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND_SETTINGS=network_bridge=br0\n"; fpf "export base_image=%s\n" (quote template_info.Template.base_image); fpf "export format=%s\n" (quote format); fpf "export name=%s\n" (quote name); fpf "export output=%s\n" (quote remote_image); (match size with | 0L -> () | size -> fpf "export size=%s\n" (quote (sprintf "--size %Ldb" size)) ); (match !timezone with | "" -> () | tz -> fpf "export timezone=%s\n" (quote (sprintf "--timezone %s" tz)) ); (match nvram with | Some (_, nvram_template, nvram) -> fpf "cp %s %s\n" (quote nvram_template) (quote nvram) | None -> () ); fpf "%s build\n" remote_template; if template_info.Template.needs_external_kernel then ( fpf "rm -rf %s\n" (quote remote_external_kernel_dir); fpf "mkdir %s\n" (quote remote_external_kernel_dir); fpf "pushd %s\n" (quote remote_external_kernel_dir); fpf "virt-builder --get-kernel %s\n" (quote remote_image); fpf "ln vmlinuz-* kernel\n"; fpf "ln init* initrd\n"; fpf "popd\n"; ); close_out chan; Unix.chmod remote_template_wrapper 0o755 in let cmd = sprintf "scp %s root@%s:%s" (quote remote_template_wrapper) (quote hostname) (quote remote_template_wrapper) in if verbose then printf "%s\n%!" cmd; if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then ( eprintf "mclu: scp template wrapper to remote failed\n"; exit 1 ); let cmd = sprintf "ssh root@%s %s" (quote hostname) (quote remote_template_wrapper) in if verbose then printf "%s\n%!" cmd; if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then ( eprintf "mclu: remote build failed\n"; exit 1 ); (* Start the guest. *) let dom = try let conn = let name = node.MS.node_status.MS.node.Mclu_conf.libvirt_uri in C.connect ~name () in let dom = D.create_xml conn xml [] in printf "mclu: %s:%s started\n" hostname (D.get_name dom); dom with Libvirt.Virterror msg -> eprintf "mclu: %s: %s\n" hostname (Libvirt.Virterror.to_string msg); exit 1 in (* Graphical console? *) if !open_viewer then Mclu_viewer.viewer ~verbose ~host:hostname (D.get_name dom); (* Serial console? (Interactive, so run it last) *) if !open_console then Mclu_console.console ~verbose ~host:hostname (D.get_name dom) let run ~verbose = function | [ template; name ] -> boot ~verbose template name | _ -> eprintf "Usage: mclu boot