/* OCaml bindings for libvirt. * (C) Copyright 2007-2017 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc. * http://libvirt.org/ * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* Please read libvirt/README file. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_get_version (value driverv, value unit) { CAMLparam2 (driverv, unit); CAMLlocal1 (rv); const char *driver = Optstring_val (driverv); unsigned long libVer, typeVer = 0, *typeVer_ptr; int r; typeVer_ptr = driver ? &typeVer : NULL; NONBLOCKING (r = virGetVersion (&libVer, driver, typeVer_ptr)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virGetVersion"); rv = caml_alloc_tuple (2); Store_field (rv, 0, Val_int (libVer)); Store_field (rv, 1, Val_int (typeVer)); CAMLreturn (rv); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Connection object. */ CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_open (value namev, value unit) { CAMLparam2 (namev, unit); CAMLlocal1 (rv); const char *name = Optstring_val (namev); virConnectPtr conn; NONBLOCKING (conn = virConnectOpen (name)); CHECK_ERROR (!conn, "virConnectOpen"); rv = Val_connect (conn); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_readonly (value namev, value unit) { CAMLparam2 (namev, unit); CAMLlocal1 (rv); const char *name = Optstring_val (namev); virConnectPtr conn; NONBLOCKING (conn = virConnectOpenReadOnly (name)); CHECK_ERROR (!conn, "virConnectOpen"); rv = Val_connect (conn); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_version (value connv) { CAMLparam1 (connv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); unsigned long hvVer; int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectGetVersion (conn, &hvVer)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virConnectGetVersion"); CAMLreturn (Val_int (hvVer)); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_max_vcpus (value connv, value typev) { CAMLparam2 (connv, typev); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); const char *type = Optstring_val (typev); int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectGetMaxVcpus (conn, type)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virConnectGetMaxVcpus"); CAMLreturn (Val_int (r)); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_node_info (value connv) { CAMLparam1 (connv); CAMLlocal2 (rv, v); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); virNodeInfo info; int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virNodeGetInfo (conn, &info)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virNodeGetInfo"); rv = caml_alloc (8, 0); v = caml_copy_string (info.model); Store_field (rv, 0, v); v = caml_copy_int64 (info.memory); Store_field (rv, 1, v); Store_field (rv, 2, Val_int (info.cpus)); Store_field (rv, 3, Val_int (info.mhz)); Store_field (rv, 4, Val_int (info.nodes)); Store_field (rv, 5, Val_int (info.sockets)); Store_field (rv, 6, Val_int (info.cores)); Store_field (rv, 7, Val_int (info.threads)); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_node_get_free_memory (value connv) { CAMLparam1 (connv); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); unsigned long long r; NONBLOCKING (r = virNodeGetFreeMemory (conn)); CHECK_ERROR (r == 0, "virNodeGetFreeMemory"); rv = caml_copy_int64 ((int64_t) r); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_node_get_cells_free_memory (value connv, value startv, value maxv) { CAMLparam3 (connv, startv, maxv); CAMLlocal2 (rv, iv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); int start = Int_val (startv); int max = Int_val (maxv); int r, i; unsigned long long freemems[max]; NONBLOCKING (r = virNodeGetCellsFreeMemory (conn, freemems, start, max)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virNodeGetCellsFreeMemory"); rv = caml_alloc (r, 0); for (i = 0; i < r; ++i) { iv = caml_copy_int64 ((int64_t) freemems[i]); Store_field (rv, i, iv); } CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_set_keep_alive(value connv, value intervalv, value countv) { CAMLparam3 (connv, intervalv, countv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val(connv); int interval = Int_val(intervalv); unsigned int count = Int_val(countv); int r; NONBLOCKING(r = virConnectSetKeepAlive(conn, interval, count)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virConnectSetKeepAlive"); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_id (value domv) { CAMLparam1 (domv); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); unsigned int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainGetID (dom)); /* In theory this could return -1 on error, but in practice * libvirt never does this unless you call it with a corrupted * or NULL dom object. So ignore errors here. */ CAMLreturn (Val_int ((int) r)); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_max_memory (value domv) { CAMLparam1 (domv); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); unsigned long r; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainGetMaxMemory (dom)); CHECK_ERROR (r == 0 /* [sic] */, "virDomainGetMaxMemory"); rv = caml_copy_int64 (r); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_set_max_memory (value domv, value memv) { CAMLparam2 (domv, memv); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); unsigned long mem = Int64_val (memv); int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainSetMaxMemory (dom, mem)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainSetMaxMemory"); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_set_memory (value domv, value memv) { CAMLparam2 (domv, memv); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); unsigned long mem = Int64_val (memv); int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainSetMemory (dom, mem)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainSetMemory"); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_info (value domv) { CAMLparam1 (domv); CAMLlocal2 (rv, v); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); virDomainInfo info; int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainGetInfo (dom, &info)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainGetInfo"); rv = caml_alloc (5, 0); Store_field (rv, 0, Val_int (info.state)); // These flags are compatible. v = caml_copy_int64 (info.maxMem); Store_field (rv, 1, v); v = caml_copy_int64 (info.memory); Store_field (rv, 2, v); Store_field (rv, 3, Val_int (info.nrVirtCpu)); v = caml_copy_int64 (info.cpuTime); Store_field (rv, 4, v); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_scheduler_type (value domv) { CAMLparam1 (domv); CAMLlocal2 (rv, strv); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); char *r; int nparams; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainGetSchedulerType (dom, &nparams)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, "virDomainGetSchedulerType"); rv = caml_alloc_tuple (2); strv = caml_copy_string (r); Store_field (rv, 0, strv); free (r); Store_field (rv, 1, nparams); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_scheduler_parameters (value domv, value nparamsv) { CAMLparam2 (domv, nparamsv); CAMLlocal4 (rv, v, v2, v3); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); int nparams = Int_val (nparamsv); virSchedParameter params[nparams]; int r, i; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainGetSchedulerParameters (dom, params, &nparams)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainGetSchedulerParameters"); rv = caml_alloc (nparams, 0); for (i = 0; i < nparams; ++i) { v = caml_alloc_tuple (2); Store_field (rv, i, v); v2 = caml_copy_string (params[i].field); Store_field (v, 0, v2); switch (params[i].type) { case VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_INT: v2 = caml_alloc (1, 0); v3 = caml_copy_int32 (params[i].value.i); Store_field (v2, 0, v3); break; case VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_UINT: v2 = caml_alloc (1, 1); v3 = caml_copy_int32 (params[i].value.ui); Store_field (v2, 0, v3); break; case VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_LLONG: v2 = caml_alloc (1, 2); v3 = caml_copy_int64 (params[i].value.l); Store_field (v2, 0, v3); break; case VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_ULLONG: v2 = caml_alloc (1, 3); v3 = caml_copy_int64 (params[i].value.ul); Store_field (v2, 0, v3); break; case VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_DOUBLE: v2 = caml_alloc (1, 4); v3 = caml_copy_double (params[i].value.d); Store_field (v2, 0, v3); break; case VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_BOOLEAN: v2 = caml_alloc (1, 5); Store_field (v2, 0, Val_int (params[i].value.b)); break; default: caml_failwith ((char *)__FUNCTION__); } Store_field (v, 1, v2); } CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_set_scheduler_parameters (value domv, value paramsv) { CAMLparam2 (domv, paramsv); CAMLlocal1 (v); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); int nparams = Wosize_val (paramsv); virSchedParameter params[nparams]; int r, i; char *name; for (i = 0; i < nparams; ++i) { v = Field (paramsv, i); /* Points to the two-element tuple. */ name = String_val (Field (v, 0)); strncpy (params[i].field, name, VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_LENGTH); params[i].field[VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_LENGTH-1] = '\0'; v = Field (v, 1); /* Points to the sched_param_value block. */ switch (Tag_val (v)) { case 0: params[i].type = VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_INT; params[i].value.i = Int32_val (Field (v, 0)); break; case 1: params[i].type = VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_UINT; params[i].value.ui = Int32_val (Field (v, 0)); break; case 2: params[i].type = VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_LLONG; params[i].value.l = Int64_val (Field (v, 0)); break; case 3: params[i].type = VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_ULLONG; params[i].value.ul = Int64_val (Field (v, 0)); break; case 4: params[i].type = VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_DOUBLE; params[i].value.d = Double_val (Field (v, 0)); break; case 5: params[i].type = VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_BOOLEAN; params[i].value.b = Int_val (Field (v, 0)); break; default: caml_failwith ((char *)__FUNCTION__); } } NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainSetSchedulerParameters (dom, params, nparams)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainSetSchedulerParameters"); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_set_vcpus (value domv, value nvcpusv) { CAMLparam2 (domv, nvcpusv); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); int r, nvcpus = Int_val (nvcpusv); NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainSetVcpus (dom, nvcpus)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainSetVcpus"); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_pin_vcpu (value domv, value vcpuv, value cpumapv) { CAMLparam3 (domv, vcpuv, cpumapv); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); int maplen = caml_string_length (cpumapv); unsigned char *cpumap = (unsigned char *) String_val (cpumapv); int vcpu = Int_val (vcpuv); int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainPinVcpu (dom, vcpu, cpumap, maplen)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainPinVcpu"); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_vcpus (value domv, value maxinfov, value maplenv) { CAMLparam3 (domv, maxinfov, maplenv); CAMLlocal5 (rv, infov, strv, v, v2); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); int maxinfo = Int_val (maxinfov); int maplen = Int_val (maplenv); virVcpuInfo info[maxinfo]; unsigned char cpumaps[maxinfo * maplen]; int r, i; memset (info, 0, sizeof (virVcpuInfo) * maxinfo); memset (cpumaps, 0, maxinfo * maplen); NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainGetVcpus (dom, info, maxinfo, cpumaps, maplen)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainPinVcpu"); /* Copy the virVcpuInfo structures. */ infov = caml_alloc (maxinfo, 0); for (i = 0; i < maxinfo; ++i) { v2 = caml_alloc (4, 0); Store_field (infov, i, v2); Store_field (v2, 0, Val_int (info[i].number)); Store_field (v2, 1, Val_int (info[i].state)); v = caml_copy_int64 (info[i].cpuTime); Store_field (v2, 2, v); Store_field (v2, 3, Val_int (info[i].cpu)); } /* Copy the bitmap. */ strv = caml_alloc_string (maxinfo * maplen); memcpy (String_val (strv), cpumaps, maxinfo * maplen); /* Allocate the tuple and return it. */ rv = caml_alloc_tuple (3); Store_field (rv, 0, Val_int (r)); /* number of CPUs. */ Store_field (rv, 1, infov); Store_field (rv, 2, strv); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_cpu_stats (value domv) { CAMLparam1 (domv); CAMLlocal5 (cpustats, param_head, param_node, typed_param, typed_param_value); CAMLlocal1 (v); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); virTypedParameterPtr params; int r, cpu, ncpus, nparams, i, j, pos; int nr_pcpus; /* get number of pcpus */ NONBLOCKING (nr_pcpus = virDomainGetCPUStats(dom, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0)); CHECK_ERROR (nr_pcpus < 0, "virDomainGetCPUStats"); /* get percpu information */ NONBLOCKING (nparams = virDomainGetCPUStats(dom, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0)); CHECK_ERROR (nparams < 0, "virDomainGetCPUStats"); if ((params = malloc(sizeof(*params) * nparams * 128)) == NULL) caml_failwith ("virDomainGetCPUStats: malloc"); cpustats = caml_alloc (nr_pcpus, 0); /* cpustats: array of params(list of typed_param) */ cpu = 0; while (cpu < nr_pcpus) { ncpus = nr_pcpus - cpu > 128 ? 128 : nr_pcpus - cpu; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainGetCPUStats(dom, params, nparams, cpu, ncpus, 0)); CHECK_ERROR (r < 0, "virDomainGetCPUStats"); for (i = 0; i < ncpus; i++) { /* list of typed_param: single linked list of param_nodes */ param_head = Val_emptylist; /* param_head: the head param_node of list of typed_param */ if (params[i * nparams].type == 0) { Store_field(cpustats, cpu + i, param_head); continue; } for (j = r - 1; j >= 0; j--) { pos = i * nparams + j; if (params[pos].type == 0) continue; param_node = caml_alloc(2, 0); /* param_node: typed_param, next param_node */ Store_field(param_node, 1, param_head); param_head = param_node; typed_param = caml_alloc(2, 0); /* typed_param: field name(string), typed_param_value */ Store_field(param_node, 0, typed_param); Store_field(typed_param, 0, caml_copy_string(params[pos].field)); /* typed_param_value: value with the corresponding type tag */ switch(params[pos].type) { case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT: typed_param_value = caml_alloc (1, 0); v = caml_copy_int32 (params[pos].value.i); break; case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_UINT: typed_param_value = caml_alloc (1, 1); v = caml_copy_int32 (params[pos].value.ui); break; case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_LLONG: typed_param_value = caml_alloc (1, 2); v = caml_copy_int64 (params[pos].value.l); break; case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG: typed_param_value = caml_alloc (1, 3); v = caml_copy_int64 (params[pos].value.ul); break; case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_DOUBLE: typed_param_value = caml_alloc (1, 4); v = caml_copy_double (params[pos].value.d); break; case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_BOOLEAN: typed_param_value = caml_alloc (1, 5); v = Val_bool (params[pos].value.b); break; case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING: typed_param_value = caml_alloc (1, 6); v = caml_copy_string (params[pos].value.s); free (params[pos].value.s); break; default: /* XXX Memory leak on this path, if there are more * VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING past this point in the array. */ free (params); caml_failwith ("virDomainGetCPUStats: " "unknown parameter type returned"); } Store_field (typed_param_value, 0, v); Store_field (typed_param, 1, typed_param_value); } Store_field (cpustats, cpu + i, param_head); } cpu += ncpus; } free(params); CAMLreturn (cpustats); } value ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_all_domain_stats (value connv, value statsv, value flagsv) { CAMLparam3 (connv, statsv, flagsv); CAMLlocal5 (rv, dsv, tpv, v, v1); CAMLlocal1 (v2); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); virDomainStatsRecordPtr *rstats; unsigned int stats = 0, flags = 0; int i, j, r; unsigned char uuid[VIR_UUID_BUFLEN]; /* Get stats and flags. */ for (; statsv != Val_int (0); statsv = Field (statsv, 1)) { v = Field (statsv, 0); if (v == Val_int (0)) stats |= VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_STATE; else if (v == Val_int (1)) stats |= VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_CPU_TOTAL; else if (v == Val_int (2)) stats |= VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_BALLOON; else if (v == Val_int (3)) stats |= VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_VCPU; else if (v == Val_int (4)) stats |= VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_INTERFACE; else if (v == Val_int (5)) stats |= VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_BLOCK; else if (v == Val_int (6)) stats |= VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_PERF; } for (; flagsv != Val_int (0); flagsv = Field (flagsv, 1)) { v = Field (flagsv, 0); if (v == Val_int (0)) flags |= VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_ACTIVE; else if (v == Val_int (1)) flags |= VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_INACTIVE; else if (v == Val_int (2)) flags |= VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_OTHER; else if (v == Val_int (3)) flags |= VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_PAUSED; else if (v == Val_int (4)) flags |= VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_PERSISTENT; else if (v == Val_int (5)) flags |= VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_RUNNING; else if (v == Val_int (6)) flags |= VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_SHUTOFF; else if (v == Val_int (7)) flags |= VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_TRANSIENT; else if (v == Val_int (8)) flags |= VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_BACKING; else if (v == Val_int (9)) flags |= VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_ENFORCE_STATS; } NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectGetAllDomainStats (conn, stats, &rstats, flags)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virConnectGetAllDomainStats"); rv = caml_alloc (r, 0); /* domain_stats_record array. */ for (i = 0; i < r; ++i) { dsv = caml_alloc (2, 0); /* domain_stats_record */ /* Libvirt returns something superficially resembling a * virDomainPtr, but it's not a real virDomainPtr object * (eg. dom->id == -1, and its refcount is wrong). The only thing * we can safely get from it is the UUID. */ v = caml_alloc_string (VIR_UUID_BUFLEN); virDomainGetUUID (rstats[i]->dom, uuid); memcpy (String_val (v), uuid, VIR_UUID_BUFLEN); Store_field (dsv, 0, v); tpv = caml_alloc (rstats[i]->nparams, 0); /* typed_param array */ for (j = 0; j < rstats[i]->nparams; ++j) { v2 = caml_alloc (2, 0); /* typed_param: field name, value */ Store_field (v2, 0, caml_copy_string (rstats[i]->params[j].field)); switch (rstats[i]->params[j].type) { case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT: v1 = caml_alloc (1, 0); v = caml_copy_int32 (rstats[i]->params[j].value.i); break; case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_UINT: v1 = caml_alloc (1, 1); v = caml_copy_int32 (rstats[i]->params[j].value.ui); break; case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_LLONG: v1 = caml_alloc (1, 2); v = caml_copy_int64 (rstats[i]->params[j].value.l); break; case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG: v1 = caml_alloc (1, 3); v = caml_copy_int64 (rstats[i]->params[j].value.ul); break; case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_DOUBLE: v1 = caml_alloc (1, 4); v = caml_copy_double (rstats[i]->params[j].value.d); break; case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_BOOLEAN: v1 = caml_alloc (1, 5); v = Val_bool (rstats[i]->params[j].value.b); break; case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING: v1 = caml_alloc (1, 6); v = caml_copy_string (rstats[i]->params[j].value.s); break; default: virDomainStatsRecordListFree (rstats); caml_failwith ("virConnectGetAllDomainStats: " "unknown parameter type returned"); } Store_field (v1, 0, v); Store_field (v2, 1, v1); Store_field (tpv, j, v2); } Store_field (dsv, 1, tpv); Store_field (rv, i, dsv); } virDomainStatsRecordListFree (rstats); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_migrate_native (value domv, value dconnv, value flagsv, value optdnamev, value opturiv, value optbandwidthv, value unitv) { CAMLparam5 (domv, dconnv, flagsv, optdnamev, opturiv); CAMLxparam2 (optbandwidthv, unitv); CAMLlocal2 (flagv, rv); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); virConnectPtr dconn = Connect_val (dconnv); int flags = 0; const char *dname = Optstring_val (optdnamev); const char *uri = Optstring_val (opturiv); unsigned long bandwidth; virDomainPtr r; /* Iterate over the list of flags. */ for (; flagsv != Val_int (0); flagsv = Field (flagsv, 1)) { flagv = Field (flagsv, 0); if (flagv == Val_int (0)) flags |= VIR_MIGRATE_LIVE; } if (optbandwidthv == Val_int (0)) /* None */ bandwidth = 0; else /* Some bandwidth */ bandwidth = Int_val (Field (optbandwidthv, 0)); NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainMigrate (dom, dconn, flags, dname, uri, bandwidth)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, "virDomainMigrate"); rv = Val_domain (r, dconnv); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_migrate_bytecode (value *argv, int argn) { return ocaml_libvirt_domain_migrate_native (argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[6]); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_block_stats (value domv, value pathv) { CAMLparam2 (domv, pathv); CAMLlocal2 (rv,v); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); char *path = String_val (pathv); struct _virDomainBlockStats stats; int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainBlockStats (dom, path, &stats, sizeof stats)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainBlockStats"); rv = caml_alloc (5, 0); v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.rd_req); Store_field (rv, 0, v); v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.rd_bytes); Store_field (rv, 1, v); v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.wr_req); Store_field (rv, 2, v); v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.wr_bytes); Store_field (rv, 3, v); v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.errs); Store_field (rv, 4, v); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_interface_stats (value domv, value pathv) { CAMLparam2 (domv, pathv); CAMLlocal2 (rv,v); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); char *path = String_val (pathv); struct _virDomainInterfaceStats stats; int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainInterfaceStats (dom, path, &stats, sizeof stats)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainInterfaceStats"); rv = caml_alloc (8, 0); v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.rx_bytes); Store_field (rv, 0, v); v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.rx_packets); Store_field (rv, 1, v); v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.rx_errs); Store_field (rv, 2, v); v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.rx_drop); Store_field (rv, 3, v); v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.tx_bytes); Store_field (rv, 4, v); v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.tx_packets); Store_field (rv, 5, v); v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.tx_errs); Store_field (rv, 6, v); v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.tx_drop); Store_field (rv, 7, v); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_block_peek_native (value domv, value pathv, value offsetv, value sizev, value bufferv, value boffv) { CAMLparam5 (domv, pathv, offsetv, sizev, bufferv); CAMLxparam1 (boffv); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); const char *path = String_val (pathv); unsigned long long offset = Int64_val (offsetv); size_t size = Int_val (sizev); char *buffer = String_val (bufferv); int boff = Int_val (boffv); int r; /* Check that the return buffer is big enough. */ if (caml_string_length (bufferv) < boff + size) caml_failwith ("virDomainBlockPeek: return buffer too short"); /* NB. not NONBLOCKING because buffer might move (XXX) */ r = virDomainBlockPeek (dom, path, offset, size, buffer+boff, 0); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainBlockPeek"); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_block_peek_bytecode (value *argv, int argn) { return ocaml_libvirt_domain_block_peek_native (argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5]); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_memory_peek_native (value domv, value flagsv, value offsetv, value sizev, value bufferv, value boffv) { CAMLparam5 (domv, flagsv, offsetv, sizev, bufferv); CAMLxparam1 (boffv); CAMLlocal1 (flagv); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); int flags = 0; unsigned long long offset = Int64_val (offsetv); size_t size = Int_val (sizev); char *buffer = String_val (bufferv); int boff = Int_val (boffv); int r; /* Check that the return buffer is big enough. */ if (caml_string_length (bufferv) < boff + size) caml_failwith ("virDomainMemoryPeek: return buffer too short"); /* Do flags. */ for (; flagsv != Val_int (0); flagsv = Field (flagsv, 1)) { flagv = Field (flagsv, 0); if (flagv == Val_int (0)) flags |= VIR_MEMORY_VIRTUAL; } /* NB. not NONBLOCKING because buffer might move (XXX) */ r = virDomainMemoryPeek (dom, offset, size, buffer+boff, flags); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainMemoryPeek"); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_memory_peek_bytecode (value *argv, int argn) { return ocaml_libvirt_domain_memory_peek_native (argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5]); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Domain events */ CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_event_register_default_impl (value unitv) { CAMLparam1 (unitv); /* arg is of type unit = void */ int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virEventRegisterDefaultImpl ()); /* must be called before connection, therefore we can't use CHECK_ERROR */ if (r == -1) caml_failwith("virEventRegisterDefaultImpl"); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_event_run_default_impl (value unitv) { CAMLparam1 (unitv); /* arg is of type unit = void */ int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virEventRunDefaultImpl ()); if (r == -1) caml_failwith("virEventRunDefaultImpl"); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); } /* We register a single C callback function for every distinct callback signature. We encode the signature itself in the function name and also in the name of the assocated OCaml callback e.g.: a C function called i_i64_s_callback(virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, int x, long y, char *z, void *opaque) would correspond to an OCaml callback Libvirt.i_i64_s_callback : int64 -> [`R] Domain.t -> int -> int64 -> string option -> unit where the initial int64 is a unique ID used by the OCaml to dispatch to the specific OCaml closure and stored by libvirt as the "opaque" data. */ /* Every one of the callbacks starts with a DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN(NAME) where NAME is the string name of the OCaml callback registered in libvirt.ml. */ #define DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN(NAME) \ value connv, domv, callback_id, result; \ connv = domv = callback_id = result = Val_int(0); \ static value *callback = NULL; \ caml_leave_blocking_section(); \ if (callback == NULL) \ callback = caml_named_value(NAME); \ if (callback == NULL) \ abort(); /* C code out of sync with OCaml code */ \ if ((virDomainRef(dom) == -1) || (virConnectRef(conn) == -1)) \ abort(); /* should never happen in practice? */ \ \ Begin_roots4(connv, domv, callback_id, result); \ connv = Val_connect(conn); \ domv = Val_domain(dom, connv); \ callback_id = caml_copy_int64(*(long *)opaque); /* Every one of the callbacks ends with a CALLBACK_END */ #define DOMAIN_CALLBACK_END \ (void) caml_callback3(*callback, callback_id, domv, result); \ End_roots(); \ caml_enter_blocking_section(); static void i_i_callback(virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, int x, int y, void * opaque) { DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.i_i_callback") result = caml_alloc_tuple(2); Store_field(result, 0, Val_int(x)); Store_field(result, 1, Val_int(y)); DOMAIN_CALLBACK_END } static void u_callback(virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, void *opaque) { DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.u_callback") result = Val_int(0); /* () */ DOMAIN_CALLBACK_END } static void i64_callback(virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, long long int64, void *opaque) { DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.i64_callback") result = caml_copy_int64(int64); DOMAIN_CALLBACK_END } static void i_callback(virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, int x, void *opaque) { DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.i_callback") result = Val_int(x); DOMAIN_CALLBACK_END } static void s_i_callback(virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, char *x, int y, void * opaque) { DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.s_i_callback") result = caml_alloc_tuple(2); Store_field(result, 0, Val_opt(x, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string)); Store_field(result, 1, Val_int(y)); DOMAIN_CALLBACK_END } static void s_i_i_callback(virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, char *x, int y, int z, void * opaque) { DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.s_i_i_callback") result = caml_alloc_tuple(3); Store_field(result, 0, Val_opt(x, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string)); Store_field(result, 1, Val_int(y)); Store_field(result, 2, Val_int(z)); DOMAIN_CALLBACK_END } static void s_s_i_callback(virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, char *x, char *y, int z, void *opaque) { DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.s_s_i_callback") result = caml_alloc_tuple(3); Store_field(result, 0, Val_opt(x, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string)); Store_field(result, 1, Val_opt(y, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string)); Store_field(result, 2, Val_int(z)); DOMAIN_CALLBACK_END } static void s_s_i_s_callback(virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, char *x, char *y, int z, char *a, void *opaque) { DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.s_s_i_s_callback") result = caml_alloc_tuple(4); Store_field(result, 0, Val_opt(x, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string)); Store_field(result, 1, Val_opt(y, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string)); Store_field(result, 2, Val_int(z)); Store_field(result, 3, Val_opt(a, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string)); DOMAIN_CALLBACK_END } static void s_s_s_i_callback(virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, char * x, char * y, char * z, int a, void * opaque) { DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.s_s_s_i_callback") result = caml_alloc_tuple(4); Store_field(result, 0, Val_opt(x, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string)); Store_field(result, 1, Val_opt(y, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string)); Store_field(result, 2, Val_opt(z, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string)); Store_field(result, 3, Val_int(a)); DOMAIN_CALLBACK_END } static value Val_event_graphics_address(virDomainEventGraphicsAddressPtr x) { CAMLparam0 (); CAMLlocal1(result); result = caml_alloc_tuple(3); Store_field(result, 0, Val_int(x->family)); Store_field(result, 1, Val_opt((void *) x->node, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string)); Store_field(result, 2, Val_opt((void *) x->service, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string)); CAMLreturn(result); } static value Val_event_graphics_subject_identity(virDomainEventGraphicsSubjectIdentityPtr x) { CAMLparam0 (); CAMLlocal1(result); result = caml_alloc_tuple(2); Store_field(result, 0, Val_opt((void *) x->type, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string)); Store_field(result, 1, Val_opt((void *) x->name, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string)); CAMLreturn(result); } static value Val_event_graphics_subject(virDomainEventGraphicsSubjectPtr x) { CAMLparam0 (); CAMLlocal1(result); int i; result = caml_alloc_tuple(x->nidentity); for (i = 0; i < x->nidentity; i++ ) Store_field(result, i, Val_event_graphics_subject_identity(x->identities + i)); CAMLreturn(result); } static void i_ga_ga_s_gs_callback(virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, int i1, virDomainEventGraphicsAddressPtr ga1, virDomainEventGraphicsAddressPtr ga2, char *s1, virDomainEventGraphicsSubjectPtr gs1, void * opaque) { DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.i_ga_ga_s_gs_callback") result = caml_alloc_tuple(5); Store_field(result, 0, Val_int(i1)); Store_field(result, 1, Val_event_graphics_address(ga1)); Store_field(result, 2, Val_event_graphics_address(ga2)); Store_field(result, 3, Val_opt(s1, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string)); Store_field(result, 4, Val_event_graphics_subject(gs1)); DOMAIN_CALLBACK_END } static void timeout_callback(int timer, void *opaque) { value callback_id, result; callback_id = result = Val_int(0); static value *callback = NULL; caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (callback == NULL) callback = caml_named_value("Libvirt.timeout_callback"); if (callback == NULL) abort(); /* C code out of sync with OCaml code */ Begin_roots2(callback_id, result); callback_id = caml_copy_int64(*(long *)opaque); (void)caml_callback_exn(*callback, callback_id); End_roots(); caml_enter_blocking_section(); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_event_add_timeout (value connv, value ms, value callback_id) { CAMLparam3 (connv, ms, callback_id); void *opaque; virFreeCallback freecb = free; virEventTimeoutCallback cb = timeout_callback; int r; /* Store the int64 callback_id as the opaque data so the OCaml callback can demultiplex to the correct OCaml handler. */ if ((opaque = malloc(sizeof(long))) == NULL) caml_failwith ("virEventAddTimeout: malloc"); *((long*)opaque) = Int64_val(callback_id); NONBLOCKING(r = virEventAddTimeout(Int_val(ms), cb, opaque, freecb)); CHECK_ERROR(r == -1, "virEventAddTimeout"); CAMLreturn(Val_int(r)); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_event_remove_timeout (value connv, value timer_id) { CAMLparam2 (connv, timer_id); int r; NONBLOCKING(r = virEventRemoveTimeout(Int_val(timer_id))); CHECK_ERROR(r == -1, "virEventRemoveTimeout"); CAMLreturn(Val_int(r)); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_domain_event_register_any(value connv, value domv, value callback, value callback_id) { CAMLparam4(connv, domv, callback, callback_id); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); virDomainPtr dom = NULL; int eventID = Tag_val(callback); virConnectDomainEventGenericCallback cb; void *opaque; virFreeCallback freecb = free; int r; if (domv != Val_int(0)) dom = Domain_val (Field(domv, 0)); switch (eventID){ case VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_LIFECYCLE: cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i_i_callback); break; case VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_REBOOT: cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(u_callback); break; case VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_RTC_CHANGE: cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i64_callback); break; case VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_WATCHDOG: cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i_callback); break; case VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_IO_ERROR: cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(s_s_i_callback); break; case VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_GRAPHICS: cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i_ga_ga_s_gs_callback); break; case VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_IO_ERROR_REASON: cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(s_s_i_s_callback); break; case VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_CONTROL_ERROR: cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(u_callback); break; case VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_BLOCK_JOB: cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(s_i_i_callback); break; case VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_DISK_CHANGE: cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(s_s_s_i_callback); break; case VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_TRAY_CHANGE: cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(s_i_callback); break; case VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_PMWAKEUP: cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i_callback); break; case VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_PMSUSPEND: cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i_callback); break; case VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_BALLOON_CHANGE: cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i64_callback); break; case VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_PMSUSPEND_DISK: cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i_callback); break; default: caml_failwith("vifConnectDomainEventRegisterAny: unimplemented eventID"); } /* Store the int64 callback_id as the opaque data so the OCaml callback can demultiplex to the correct OCaml handler. */ if ((opaque = malloc(sizeof(long))) == NULL) caml_failwith ("virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny: malloc"); *((long*)opaque) = Int64_val(callback_id); NONBLOCKING(r = virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny(conn, dom, eventID, cb, opaque, freecb)); CHECK_ERROR(r == -1, "virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny"); CAMLreturn(Val_int(r)); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_info (value poolv) { CAMLparam1 (poolv); CAMLlocal2 (rv, v); virStoragePoolPtr pool = Pool_val (poolv); virStoragePoolInfo info; int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virStoragePoolGetInfo (pool, &info)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virStoragePoolGetInfo"); rv = caml_alloc (4, 0); Store_field (rv, 0, Val_int (info.state)); v = caml_copy_int64 (info.capacity); Store_field (rv, 1, v); v = caml_copy_int64 (info.allocation); Store_field (rv, 2, v); v = caml_copy_int64 (info.available); Store_field (rv, 3, v); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_get_info (value volv) { CAMLparam1 (volv); CAMLlocal2 (rv, v); virStorageVolPtr vol = Volume_val (volv); virStorageVolInfo info; int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virStorageVolGetInfo (vol, &info)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virStorageVolGetInfo"); rv = caml_alloc (3, 0); Store_field (rv, 0, Val_int (info.type)); v = caml_copy_int64 (info.capacity); Store_field (rv, 1, v); v = caml_copy_int64 (info.allocation); Store_field (rv, 2, v); CAMLreturn (rv); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_virterror_get_last_error (value unitv) { CAMLparam1 (unitv); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virErrorPtr err = virGetLastError (); rv = Val_opt (err, (Val_ptr_t) Val_virterror); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_virterror_get_last_conn_error (value connv) { CAMLparam1 (connv); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); rv = Val_opt (conn, (Val_ptr_t) Val_connect); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_virterror_reset_last_error (value unitv) { CAMLparam1 (unitv); virResetLastError (); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_virterror_reset_last_conn_error (value connv) { CAMLparam1 (connv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); virConnResetLastError (conn); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void ignore_errors (void *user_data, virErrorPtr error) { /* do nothing */ } /* Initialise the library. */ CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_init (value unit) { CAMLparam1 (unit); virSetErrorFunc (NULL, ignore_errors); virInitialize (); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); }