(* OCaml bindings for libvirt. (C) Copyright 2007-2015 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc. https://libvirt.org/ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the OCaml linking exception described in ../COPYING.LIB. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) type uuid = string type xml = string type filename = string external get_version : ?driver:string -> unit -> int * int = "ocaml_libvirt_get_version" let uuid_length = 16 let uuid_string_length = 36 (* https://caml.inria.fr/pub/ml-archives/caml-list/2004/07/80683af867cce6bf8fff273973f70c95.en.html *) type rw = [`R|`W] type ro = [`R] module Connect = struct type 'rw t type node_info = { model : string; memory : int64; cpus : int; mhz : int; nodes : int; sockets : int; cores : int; threads : int; } type credential_type = | CredentialUsername | CredentialAuthname | CredentialLanguage | CredentialCnonce | CredentialPassphrase | CredentialEchoprompt | CredentialNoechoprompt | CredentialRealm | CredentialExternal type credential = { typ : credential_type; prompt : string; challenge : string option; defresult : string option; } type auth = { credtype : credential_type list; cb : (credential list -> string option list); } type list_flag = | ListNoState | ListRunning | ListBlocked | ListPaused | ListShutdown | ListShutoff | ListCrashed | ListActive | ListInactive | ListAll external connect : ?name:string -> unit -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_open" external connect_readonly : ?name:string -> unit -> ro t = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_readonly" external connect_auth : ?name:string -> auth -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_auth" external connect_auth_readonly : ?name:string -> auth -> ro t = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_auth_readonly" external close : [>`R] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_close" external get_type : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_type" external get_version : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_version" external get_hostname : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_hostname" external get_uri : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_uri" external get_max_vcpus : [>`R] t -> ?type_:string -> unit -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_max_vcpus" external list_domains : [>`R] t -> int -> int array = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_domains" external num_of_domains : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_domains" external get_capabilities : [>`R] t -> xml = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_capabilities" external num_of_defined_domains : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_defined_domains" external list_defined_domains : [>`R] t -> int -> string array = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_defined_domains" external num_of_networks : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_networks" external list_networks : [>`R] t -> int -> string array = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_networks" external num_of_defined_networks : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_defined_networks" external list_defined_networks : [>`R] t -> int -> string array = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_defined_networks" external num_of_pools : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_storage_pools" external list_pools : [>`R] t -> int -> string array = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_storage_pools" external num_of_defined_pools : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_defined_storage_pools" external list_defined_pools : [>`R] t -> int -> string array = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_defined_storage_pools" external num_of_secrets : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_secrets" external list_secrets : [>`R] t -> int -> string array = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_secrets" external get_node_info : [>`R] t -> node_info = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_node_info" external node_get_free_memory : [> `R] t -> int64 = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_node_get_free_memory" external node_get_cells_free_memory : [> `R] t -> int -> int -> int64 array = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_node_get_cells_free_memory" (* See VIR_NODEINFO_MAXCPUS macro defined in . *) let maxcpus_of_node_info { nodes = nodes; sockets = sockets; cores = cores; threads = threads } = nodes * sockets * cores * threads (* See VIR_CPU_MAPLEN macro defined in . *) let cpumaplen nr_cpus = (nr_cpus + 7) / 8 (* See VIR_USE_CPU, VIR_UNUSE_CPU, VIR_CPU_USABLE macros defined in . *) let use_cpu cpumap cpu = Bytes.set cpumap (cpu/8) (Char.chr (Char.code (Bytes.get cpumap (cpu/8)) lor (1 lsl (cpu mod 8)))) let unuse_cpu cpumap cpu = Bytes.set cpumap (cpu/8) (Char.chr (Char.code (Bytes.get cpumap (cpu/8)) land (lnot (1 lsl (cpu mod 8))))) let cpu_usable cpumaps maplen vcpu cpu = Char.code (Bytes.get cpumaps (vcpu*maplen + cpu/8)) land (1 lsl (cpu mod 8)) <> 0 external set_keep_alive : [>`R] t -> int -> int -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_set_keep_alive" (* Internal API needed for get_auth_default. *) external _credtypes_from_auth_default : unit -> credential_type list = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_credtypes_from_auth_default" external _call_auth_default_callback : credential list -> string option list = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_call_auth_default_callback" let get_auth_default () = { credtype = _credtypes_from_auth_default (); cb = _call_auth_default_callback; } external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity" end module Virterror = struct type code = | VIR_ERR_OK | VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR | VIR_ERR_NO_MEMORY | VIR_ERR_NO_SUPPORT | VIR_ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST | VIR_ERR_NO_CONNECT | VIR_ERR_INVALID_CONN | VIR_ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN | VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG | VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED | VIR_ERR_GET_FAILED | VIR_ERR_POST_FAILED | VIR_ERR_HTTP_ERROR | VIR_ERR_SEXPR_SERIAL | VIR_ERR_NO_XEN | VIR_ERR_XEN_CALL | VIR_ERR_OS_TYPE | VIR_ERR_NO_KERNEL | VIR_ERR_NO_ROOT | VIR_ERR_NO_SOURCE | VIR_ERR_NO_TARGET | VIR_ERR_NO_NAME | VIR_ERR_NO_OS | VIR_ERR_NO_DEVICE | VIR_ERR_NO_XENSTORE | VIR_ERR_DRIVER_FULL | VIR_ERR_CALL_FAILED | VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR | VIR_ERR_DOM_EXIST | VIR_ERR_OPERATION_DENIED | VIR_ERR_OPEN_FAILED | VIR_ERR_READ_FAILED | VIR_ERR_PARSE_FAILED | VIR_ERR_CONF_SYNTAX | VIR_ERR_WRITE_FAILED | VIR_ERR_XML_DETAIL | VIR_ERR_INVALID_NETWORK | VIR_ERR_NETWORK_EXIST | VIR_ERR_SYSTEM_ERROR | VIR_ERR_RPC | VIR_ERR_GNUTLS_ERROR | VIR_WAR_NO_NETWORK | VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN | VIR_ERR_NO_NETWORK | VIR_ERR_INVALID_MAC | VIR_ERR_AUTH_FAILED | VIR_ERR_INVALID_STORAGE_POOL | VIR_ERR_INVALID_STORAGE_VOL | VIR_WAR_NO_STORAGE | VIR_ERR_NO_STORAGE_POOL | VIR_ERR_NO_STORAGE_VOL | VIR_WAR_NO_NODE | VIR_ERR_INVALID_NODE_DEVICE | VIR_ERR_NO_NODE_DEVICE | VIR_ERR_NO_SECURITY_MODEL | VIR_ERR_OPERATION_INVALID | VIR_WAR_NO_INTERFACE | VIR_ERR_NO_INTERFACE | VIR_ERR_INVALID_INTERFACE | VIR_ERR_MULTIPLE_INTERFACES | VIR_WAR_NO_NWFILTER | VIR_ERR_INVALID_NWFILTER | VIR_ERR_NO_NWFILTER | VIR_ERR_BUILD_FIREWALL | VIR_WAR_NO_SECRET | VIR_ERR_INVALID_SECRET | VIR_ERR_NO_SECRET | VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED | VIR_ERR_OPERATION_TIMEOUT | VIR_ERR_MIGRATE_PERSIST_FAILED | VIR_ERR_HOOK_SCRIPT_FAILED | VIR_ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT | VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT | VIR_ERR_INVALID_STREAM | VIR_ERR_ARGUMENT_UNSUPPORTED | VIR_ERR_STORAGE_PROBE_FAILED | VIR_ERR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILT | VIR_ERR_SNAPSHOT_REVERT_RISKY | VIR_ERR_OPERATION_ABORTED | VIR_ERR_AUTH_CANCELLED | VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN_METADATA | VIR_ERR_MIGRATE_UNSAFE | VIR_ERR_OVERFLOW | VIR_ERR_BLOCK_COPY_ACTIVE | VIR_ERR_OPERATION_UNSUPPORTED | VIR_ERR_SSH | VIR_ERR_AGENT_UNRESPONSIVE | VIR_ERR_RESOURCE_BUSY | VIR_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED | VIR_ERR_DBUS_SERVICE | VIR_ERR_STORAGE_VOL_EXIST | VIR_ERR_CPU_INCOMPATIBLE | VIR_ERR_XML_INVALID_SCHEMA | VIR_ERR_MIGRATE_FINISH_OK | VIR_ERR_AUTH_UNAVAILABLE | VIR_ERR_NO_SERVER | VIR_ERR_NO_CLIENT | VIR_ERR_AGENT_UNSYNCED | VIR_ERR_LIBSSH | VIR_ERR_DEVICE_MISSING | VIR_ERR_INVALID_NWFILTER_BINDING | VIR_ERR_NO_NWFILTER_BINDING | VIR_ERR_UNKNOWN of int let string_of_code = function | VIR_ERR_OK -> "VIR_ERR_OK" | VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR -> "VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR" | VIR_ERR_NO_MEMORY -> "VIR_ERR_NO_MEMORY" | VIR_ERR_NO_SUPPORT -> "VIR_ERR_NO_SUPPORT" | VIR_ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST -> "VIR_ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST" | VIR_ERR_NO_CONNECT -> "VIR_ERR_NO_CONNECT" | VIR_ERR_INVALID_CONN -> "VIR_ERR_INVALID_CONN" | VIR_ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN -> "VIR_ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN" | VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG -> "VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG" | VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED -> "VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED" | VIR_ERR_GET_FAILED -> "VIR_ERR_GET_FAILED" | VIR_ERR_POST_FAILED -> "VIR_ERR_POST_FAILED" | VIR_ERR_HTTP_ERROR -> "VIR_ERR_HTTP_ERROR" | VIR_ERR_SEXPR_SERIAL -> "VIR_ERR_SEXPR_SERIAL" | VIR_ERR_NO_XEN -> "VIR_ERR_NO_XEN" | VIR_ERR_XEN_CALL -> "VIR_ERR_XEN_CALL" | VIR_ERR_OS_TYPE -> "VIR_ERR_OS_TYPE" | VIR_ERR_NO_KERNEL -> "VIR_ERR_NO_KERNEL" | VIR_ERR_NO_ROOT -> "VIR_ERR_NO_ROOT" | VIR_ERR_NO_SOURCE -> "VIR_ERR_NO_SOURCE" | VIR_ERR_NO_TARGET -> "VIR_ERR_NO_TARGET" | VIR_ERR_NO_NAME -> "VIR_ERR_NO_NAME" | VIR_ERR_NO_OS -> "VIR_ERR_NO_OS" | VIR_ERR_NO_DEVICE -> "VIR_ERR_NO_DEVICE" | VIR_ERR_NO_XENSTORE -> "VIR_ERR_NO_XENSTORE" | VIR_ERR_DRIVER_FULL -> "VIR_ERR_DRIVER_FULL" | VIR_ERR_CALL_FAILED -> "VIR_ERR_CALL_FAILED" | VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR -> "VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR" | VIR_ERR_DOM_EXIST -> "VIR_ERR_DOM_EXIST" | VIR_ERR_OPERATION_DENIED -> "VIR_ERR_OPERATION_DENIED" | VIR_ERR_OPEN_FAILED -> "VIR_ERR_OPEN_FAILED" | VIR_ERR_READ_FAILED -> "VIR_ERR_READ_FAILED" | VIR_ERR_PARSE_FAILED -> "VIR_ERR_PARSE_FAILED" | VIR_ERR_CONF_SYNTAX -> "VIR_ERR_CONF_SYNTAX" | VIR_ERR_WRITE_FAILED -> "VIR_ERR_WRITE_FAILED" | VIR_ERR_XML_DETAIL -> "VIR_ERR_XML_DETAIL" | VIR_ERR_INVALID_NETWORK -> "VIR_ERR_INVALID_NETWORK" | VIR_ERR_NETWORK_EXIST -> "VIR_ERR_NETWORK_EXIST" | VIR_ERR_SYSTEM_ERROR -> "VIR_ERR_SYSTEM_ERROR" | VIR_ERR_RPC -> "VIR_ERR_RPC" | VIR_ERR_GNUTLS_ERROR -> "VIR_ERR_GNUTLS_ERROR" | VIR_WAR_NO_NETWORK -> "VIR_WAR_NO_NETWORK" | VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN -> "VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN" | VIR_ERR_NO_NETWORK -> "VIR_ERR_NO_NETWORK" | VIR_ERR_INVALID_MAC -> "VIR_ERR_INVALID_MAC" | VIR_ERR_AUTH_FAILED -> "VIR_ERR_AUTH_FAILED" | VIR_ERR_INVALID_STORAGE_POOL -> "VIR_ERR_INVALID_STORAGE_POOL" | VIR_ERR_INVALID_STORAGE_VOL -> "VIR_ERR_INVALID_STORAGE_VOL" | VIR_WAR_NO_STORAGE -> "VIR_WAR_NO_STORAGE" | VIR_ERR_NO_STORAGE_POOL -> "VIR_ERR_NO_STORAGE_POOL" | VIR_ERR_NO_STORAGE_VOL -> "VIR_ERR_NO_STORAGE_VOL" | VIR_WAR_NO_NODE -> "VIR_WAR_NO_NODE" | VIR_ERR_INVALID_NODE_DEVICE -> "VIR_ERR_INVALID_NODE_DEVICE" | VIR_ERR_NO_NODE_DEVICE -> "VIR_ERR_NO_NODE_DEVICE" | VIR_ERR_NO_SECURITY_MODEL -> "VIR_ERR_NO_SECURITY_MODEL" | VIR_ERR_OPERATION_INVALID -> "VIR_ERR_OPERATION_INVALID" | VIR_WAR_NO_INTERFACE -> "VIR_WAR_NO_INTERFACE" | VIR_ERR_NO_INTERFACE -> "VIR_ERR_NO_INTERFACE" | VIR_ERR_INVALID_INTERFACE -> "VIR_ERR_INVALID_INTERFACE" | VIR_ERR_MULTIPLE_INTERFACES -> "VIR_ERR_MULTIPLE_INTERFACES" | VIR_WAR_NO_NWFILTER -> "VIR_WAR_NO_NWFILTER" | VIR_ERR_INVALID_NWFILTER -> "VIR_ERR_INVALID_NWFILTER" | VIR_ERR_NO_NWFILTER -> "VIR_ERR_NO_NWFILTER" | VIR_ERR_BUILD_FIREWALL -> "VIR_ERR_BUILD_FIREWALL" | VIR_WAR_NO_SECRET -> "VIR_WAR_NO_SECRET" | VIR_ERR_INVALID_SECRET -> "VIR_ERR_INVALID_SECRET" | VIR_ERR_NO_SECRET -> "VIR_ERR_NO_SECRET" | VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED -> "VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED" | VIR_ERR_OPERATION_TIMEOUT -> "VIR_ERR_OPERATION_TIMEOUT" | VIR_ERR_MIGRATE_PERSIST_FAILED -> "VIR_ERR_MIGRATE_PERSIST_FAILED" | VIR_ERR_HOOK_SCRIPT_FAILED -> "VIR_ERR_HOOK_SCRIPT_FAILED" | VIR_ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT -> "VIR_ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT" | VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT -> "VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT" | VIR_ERR_INVALID_STREAM -> "VIR_ERR_INVALID_STREAM" | VIR_ERR_ARGUMENT_UNSUPPORTED -> "VIR_ERR_ARGUMENT_UNSUPPORTED" | VIR_ERR_STORAGE_PROBE_FAILED -> "VIR_ERR_STORAGE_PROBE_FAILED" | VIR_ERR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILT -> "VIR_ERR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILT" | VIR_ERR_SNAPSHOT_REVERT_RISKY -> "VIR_ERR_SNAPSHOT_REVERT_RISKY" | VIR_ERR_OPERATION_ABORTED -> "VIR_ERR_OPERATION_ABORTED" | VIR_ERR_AUTH_CANCELLED -> "VIR_ERR_AUTH_CANCELLED" | VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN_METADATA -> "VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN_METADATA" | VIR_ERR_MIGRATE_UNSAFE -> "VIR_ERR_MIGRATE_UNSAFE" | VIR_ERR_OVERFLOW -> "VIR_ERR_OVERFLOW" | VIR_ERR_BLOCK_COPY_ACTIVE -> "VIR_ERR_BLOCK_COPY_ACTIVE" | VIR_ERR_OPERATION_UNSUPPORTED -> "VIR_ERR_OPERATION_UNSUPPORTED" | VIR_ERR_SSH -> "VIR_ERR_SSH" | VIR_ERR_AGENT_UNRESPONSIVE -> "VIR_ERR_AGENT_UNRESPONSIVE" | VIR_ERR_RESOURCE_BUSY -> "VIR_ERR_RESOURCE_BUSY" | VIR_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED -> "VIR_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED" | VIR_ERR_DBUS_SERVICE -> "VIR_ERR_DBUS_SERVICE" | VIR_ERR_STORAGE_VOL_EXIST -> "VIR_ERR_STORAGE_VOL_EXIST" | VIR_ERR_CPU_INCOMPATIBLE -> "VIR_ERR_CPU_INCOMPATIBLE" | VIR_ERR_XML_INVALID_SCHEMA -> "VIR_ERR_XML_INVALID_SCHEMA" | VIR_ERR_MIGRATE_FINISH_OK -> "VIR_ERR_MIGRATE_FINISH_OK" | VIR_ERR_AUTH_UNAVAILABLE -> "VIR_ERR_AUTH_UNAVAILABLE" | VIR_ERR_NO_SERVER -> "VIR_ERR_NO_SERVER" | VIR_ERR_NO_CLIENT -> "VIR_ERR_NO_CLIENT" | VIR_ERR_AGENT_UNSYNCED -> "VIR_ERR_AGENT_UNSYNCED" | VIR_ERR_LIBSSH -> "VIR_ERR_LIBSSH" | VIR_ERR_DEVICE_MISSING -> "VIR_ERR_DEVICE_MISSING" | VIR_ERR_INVALID_NWFILTER_BINDING -> "VIR_ERR_INVALID_NWFILTER_BINDING" | VIR_ERR_NO_NWFILTER_BINDING -> "VIR_ERR_NO_NWFILTER_BINDING" | VIR_ERR_UNKNOWN i -> "VIR_ERR_" ^ string_of_int i type domain = | VIR_FROM_NONE | VIR_FROM_XEN | VIR_FROM_XEND | VIR_FROM_XENSTORE | VIR_FROM_SEXPR | VIR_FROM_XML | VIR_FROM_DOM | VIR_FROM_RPC | VIR_FROM_PROXY | VIR_FROM_CONF | VIR_FROM_QEMU | VIR_FROM_NET | VIR_FROM_TEST | VIR_FROM_REMOTE | VIR_FROM_OPENVZ | VIR_FROM_XENXM | VIR_FROM_STATS_LINUX | VIR_FROM_LXC | VIR_FROM_STORAGE | VIR_FROM_NETWORK | VIR_FROM_DOMAIN | VIR_FROM_UML | VIR_FROM_NODEDEV | VIR_FROM_XEN_INOTIFY | VIR_FROM_SECURITY | VIR_FROM_VBOX | VIR_FROM_INTERFACE | VIR_FROM_ONE | VIR_FROM_ESX | VIR_FROM_PHYP | VIR_FROM_SECRET | VIR_FROM_CPU | VIR_FROM_XENAPI | VIR_FROM_NWFILTER | VIR_FROM_HOOK | VIR_FROM_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT | VIR_FROM_AUDIT | VIR_FROM_SYSINFO | VIR_FROM_STREAMS | VIR_FROM_VMWARE | VIR_FROM_EVENT | VIR_FROM_LIBXL | VIR_FROM_LOCKING | VIR_FROM_HYPERV | VIR_FROM_CAPABILITIES | VIR_FROM_URI | VIR_FROM_AUTH | VIR_FROM_DBUS | VIR_FROM_PARALLELS | VIR_FROM_DEVICE | VIR_FROM_SSH | VIR_FROM_LOCKSPACE | VIR_FROM_INITCTL | VIR_FROM_IDENTITY | VIR_FROM_CGROUP | VIR_FROM_ACCESS | VIR_FROM_SYSTEMD | VIR_FROM_BHYVE | VIR_FROM_CRYPTO | VIR_FROM_FIREWALL | VIR_FROM_POLKIT | VIR_FROM_THREAD | VIR_FROM_ADMIN | VIR_FROM_LOGGING | VIR_FROM_XENXL | VIR_FROM_PERF | VIR_FROM_LIBSSH | VIR_FROM_RESCTRL | VIR_FROM_UNKNOWN of int let string_of_domain = function | VIR_FROM_NONE -> "VIR_FROM_NONE" | VIR_FROM_XEN -> "VIR_FROM_XEN" | VIR_FROM_XEND -> "VIR_FROM_XEND" | VIR_FROM_XENSTORE -> "VIR_FROM_XENSTORE" | VIR_FROM_SEXPR -> "VIR_FROM_SEXPR" | VIR_FROM_XML -> "VIR_FROM_XML" | VIR_FROM_DOM -> "VIR_FROM_DOM" | VIR_FROM_RPC -> "VIR_FROM_RPC" | VIR_FROM_PROXY -> "VIR_FROM_PROXY" | VIR_FROM_CONF -> "VIR_FROM_CONF" | VIR_FROM_QEMU -> "VIR_FROM_QEMU" | VIR_FROM_NET -> "VIR_FROM_NET" | VIR_FROM_TEST -> "VIR_FROM_TEST" | VIR_FROM_REMOTE -> "VIR_FROM_REMOTE" | VIR_FROM_OPENVZ -> "VIR_FROM_OPENVZ" | VIR_FROM_XENXM -> "VIR_FROM_XENXM" | VIR_FROM_STATS_LINUX -> "VIR_FROM_STATS_LINUX" | VIR_FROM_LXC -> "VIR_FROM_LXC" | VIR_FROM_STORAGE -> "VIR_FROM_STORAGE" | VIR_FROM_NETWORK -> "VIR_FROM_NETWORK" | VIR_FROM_DOMAIN -> "VIR_FROM_DOMAIN" | VIR_FROM_UML -> "VIR_FROM_UML" | VIR_FROM_NODEDEV -> "VIR_FROM_NODEDEV" | VIR_FROM_XEN_INOTIFY -> "VIR_FROM_XEN_INOTIFY" | VIR_FROM_SECURITY -> "VIR_FROM_SECURITY" | VIR_FROM_VBOX -> "VIR_FROM_VBOX" | VIR_FROM_INTERFACE -> "VIR_FROM_INTERFACE" | VIR_FROM_ONE -> "VIR_FROM_ONE" | VIR_FROM_ESX -> "VIR_FROM_ESX" | VIR_FROM_PHYP -> "VIR_FROM_PHYP" | VIR_FROM_SECRET -> "VIR_FROM_SECRET" | VIR_FROM_CPU -> "VIR_FROM_CPU" | VIR_FROM_XENAPI -> "VIR_FROM_XENAPI" | VIR_FROM_NWFILTER -> "VIR_FROM_NWFILTER" | VIR_FROM_HOOK -> "VIR_FROM_HOOK" | VIR_FROM_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT -> "VIR_FROM_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT" | VIR_FROM_AUDIT -> "VIR_FROM_AUDIT" | VIR_FROM_SYSINFO -> "VIR_FROM_SYSINFO" | VIR_FROM_STREAMS -> "VIR_FROM_STREAMS" | VIR_FROM_VMWARE -> "VIR_FROM_VMWARE" | VIR_FROM_EVENT -> "VIR_FROM_EVENT" | VIR_FROM_LIBXL -> "VIR_FROM_LIBXL" | VIR_FROM_LOCKING -> "VIR_FROM_LOCKING" | VIR_FROM_HYPERV -> "VIR_FROM_HYPERV" | VIR_FROM_CAPABILITIES -> "VIR_FROM_CAPABILITIES" | VIR_FROM_URI -> "VIR_FROM_URI" | VIR_FROM_AUTH -> "VIR_FROM_AUTH" | VIR_FROM_DBUS -> "VIR_FROM_DBUS" | VIR_FROM_PARALLELS -> "VIR_FROM_PARALLELS" | VIR_FROM_DEVICE -> "VIR_FROM_DEVICE" | VIR_FROM_SSH -> "VIR_FROM_SSH" | VIR_FROM_LOCKSPACE -> "VIR_FROM_LOCKSPACE" | VIR_FROM_INITCTL -> "VIR_FROM_INITCTL" | VIR_FROM_IDENTITY -> "VIR_FROM_IDENTITY" | VIR_FROM_CGROUP -> "VIR_FROM_CGROUP" | VIR_FROM_ACCESS -> "VIR_FROM_ACCESS" | VIR_FROM_SYSTEMD -> "VIR_FROM_SYSTEMD" | VIR_FROM_BHYVE -> "VIR_FROM_BHYVE" | VIR_FROM_CRYPTO -> "VIR_FROM_CRYPTO" | VIR_FROM_FIREWALL -> "VIR_FROM_FIREWALL" | VIR_FROM_POLKIT -> "VIR_FROM_POLKIT" | VIR_FROM_THREAD -> "VIR_FROM_THREAD" | VIR_FROM_ADMIN -> "VIR_FROM_ADMIN" | VIR_FROM_LOGGING -> "VIR_FROM_LOGGING" | VIR_FROM_XENXL -> "VIR_FROM_XENXL" | VIR_FROM_PERF -> "VIR_FROM_PERF" | VIR_FROM_LIBSSH -> "VIR_FROM_LIBSSH" | VIR_FROM_RESCTRL -> "VIR_FROM_RESCTRL" | VIR_FROM_UNKNOWN i -> "VIR_FROM_" ^ string_of_int i type level = | VIR_ERR_NONE | VIR_ERR_WARNING | VIR_ERR_ERROR | VIR_ERR_UNKNOWN_LEVEL of int let string_of_level = function | VIR_ERR_NONE -> "VIR_ERR_NONE" | VIR_ERR_WARNING -> "VIR_ERR_WARNING" | VIR_ERR_ERROR -> "VIR_ERR_ERROR" | VIR_ERR_UNKNOWN_LEVEL i -> "VIR_ERR_LEVEL_" ^ string_of_int i type t = { code : code; domain : domain; message : string option; level : level; str1 : string option; str2 : string option; str3 : string option; int1 : int32; int2 : int32; } let to_string { code = code; domain = domain; message = message } = let buf = Buffer.create 128 in Buffer.add_string buf "libvirt: "; Buffer.add_string buf (string_of_code code); Buffer.add_string buf ": "; Buffer.add_string buf (string_of_domain domain); Buffer.add_string buf ": "; (match message with Some msg -> Buffer.add_string buf msg | None -> ()); Buffer.contents buf external get_last_error : unit -> t option = "ocaml_libvirt_virterror_get_last_error" external get_last_conn_error : [>`R] Connect.t -> t option = "ocaml_libvirt_virterror_get_last_conn_error" external reset_last_error : unit -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_virterror_reset_last_error" external reset_last_conn_error : [>`R] Connect.t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_virterror_reset_last_conn_error" let no_error () = { code = VIR_ERR_OK; domain = VIR_FROM_NONE; message = None; level = VIR_ERR_NONE; str1 = None; str2 = None; str3 = None; int1 = 0_l; int2 = 0_l } end exception Virterror of Virterror.t exception Not_supported of string let rec map_ignore_errors f = function | [] -> [] | x :: xs -> try f x :: map_ignore_errors f xs with Virterror _ -> map_ignore_errors f xs module Domain = struct type 'rw t type state = | InfoNoState | InfoRunning | InfoBlocked | InfoPaused | InfoShutdown | InfoShutoff | InfoCrashed | InfoPMSuspended type info = { state : state; max_mem : int64; memory : int64; nr_virt_cpu : int; cpu_time : int64; } type vcpu_state = VcpuOffline | VcpuRunning | VcpuBlocked type vcpu_info = { number : int; vcpu_state : vcpu_state; vcpu_time : int64; cpu : int; } type domain_create_flag = | START_PAUSED | START_AUTODESTROY | START_BYPASS_CACHE | START_FORCE_BOOT | START_VALIDATE let rec int_of_domain_create_flags = function | [] -> 0 | START_PAUSED :: flags -> 1 lor int_of_domain_create_flags flags | START_AUTODESTROY :: flags -> 2 lor int_of_domain_create_flags flags | START_BYPASS_CACHE :: flags -> 4 lor int_of_domain_create_flags flags | START_FORCE_BOOT :: flags -> 8 lor int_of_domain_create_flags flags | START_VALIDATE :: flags -> 16 lor int_of_domain_create_flags flags type sched_param = string * sched_param_value and sched_param_value = | SchedFieldInt32 of int32 | SchedFieldUInt32 of int32 | SchedFieldInt64 of int64 | SchedFieldUInt64 of int64 | SchedFieldFloat of float | SchedFieldBool of bool type typed_param = string * typed_param_value and typed_param_value = | TypedFieldInt32 of int32 | TypedFieldUInt32 of int32 | TypedFieldInt64 of int64 | TypedFieldUInt64 of int64 | TypedFieldFloat of float | TypedFieldBool of bool | TypedFieldString of string type migrate_flag = Live type memory_flag = Virtual type list_flag = | ListActive | ListInactive | ListAll type block_stats = { rd_req : int64; rd_bytes : int64; wr_req : int64; wr_bytes : int64; errs : int64; } type interface_stats = { rx_bytes : int64; rx_packets : int64; rx_errs : int64; rx_drop : int64; tx_bytes : int64; tx_packets : int64; tx_errs : int64; tx_drop : int64; } type get_all_domain_stats_flag = | GetAllDomainsStatsActive | GetAllDomainsStatsInactive | GetAllDomainsStatsOther | GetAllDomainsStatsPaused | GetAllDomainsStatsPersistent | GetAllDomainsStatsRunning | GetAllDomainsStatsShutoff | GetAllDomainsStatsTransient | GetAllDomainsStatsBacking | GetAllDomainsStatsEnforceStats type stats_type = | StatsState | StatsCpuTotal | StatsBalloon | StatsVcpu | StatsInterface | StatsBlock | StatsPerf type domain_stats_record = { dom_uuid : uuid; params : typed_param array; } type xml_desc_flag = | XmlSecure | XmlInactive | XmlUpdateCPU | XmlMigratable (* The maximum size for Domain.memory_peek and Domain.block_peek * supported by libvirt. This may change with different versions * of libvirt in the future, hence it's a function. *) let max_peek _ = 65536 external create_linux : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_create_linux" external _create_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> int -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_create_xml" let create_xml conn xml flags = _create_xml conn xml (int_of_domain_create_flags flags) external lookup_by_id : 'a Connect.t -> int -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_lookup_by_id" external lookup_by_uuid : 'a Connect.t -> uuid -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_lookup_by_uuid" external lookup_by_uuid_string : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_lookup_by_uuid_string" external lookup_by_name : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_lookup_by_name" external destroy : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_destroy" external free : [>`R] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_free" external suspend : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_suspend" external resume : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_resume" external save : [>`W] t -> filename -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_save" external restore : [>`W] Connect.t -> filename -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_restore" external core_dump : [>`W] t -> filename -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_core_dump" external shutdown : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_shutdown" external reboot : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_reboot" external get_name : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_name" external get_uuid : [>`R] t -> uuid = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_uuid" external get_uuid_string : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_uuid_string" external get_id : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_id" external get_os_type : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_os_type" external get_max_memory : [>`R] t -> int64 = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_max_memory" external set_max_memory : [>`W] t -> int64 -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_set_max_memory" external set_memory : [>`W] t -> int64 -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_set_memory" external get_info : [>`R] t -> info = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_info" external get_xml_desc : [>`R] t -> xml = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_xml_desc" external get_xml_desc_flags : [>`W] t -> xml_desc_flag list -> xml = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_xml_desc_flags" external get_scheduler_type : [>`R] t -> string * int = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_scheduler_type" external get_scheduler_parameters : [>`R] t -> int -> sched_param array = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_scheduler_parameters" external set_scheduler_parameters : [>`W] t -> sched_param array -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_set_scheduler_parameters" external define_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_define_xml" external undefine : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_undefine" external create : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_create" external get_autostart : [>`R] t -> bool = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_autostart" external set_autostart : [>`W] t -> bool -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_set_autostart" external set_vcpus : [>`W] t -> int -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_set_vcpus" external pin_vcpu : [>`W] t -> int -> string -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_pin_vcpu" external get_vcpus : [>`R] t -> int -> int -> int * vcpu_info array * string = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_vcpus" external get_cpu_stats : [>`R] t -> typed_param list array = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_cpu_stats" external get_max_vcpus : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_max_vcpus" external attach_device : [>`W] t -> xml -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_attach_device" external detach_device : [>`W] t -> xml -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_detach_device" external migrate : [>`W] t -> [>`W] Connect.t -> migrate_flag list -> ?dname:string -> ?uri:string -> ?bandwidth:int -> unit -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_migrate_bytecode" "ocaml_libvirt_domain_migrate_native" external block_stats : [>`R] t -> string -> block_stats = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_block_stats" external interface_stats : [>`R] t -> string -> interface_stats = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_interface_stats" external block_peek : [>`W] t -> string -> int64 -> int -> string -> int -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_block_peek_bytecode" "ocaml_libvirt_domain_block_peek_native" external memory_peek : [>`W] t -> memory_flag list -> int64 -> int -> string -> int -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_memory_peek_bytecode" "ocaml_libvirt_domain_memory_peek_native" external get_all_domain_stats : [>`R] Connect.t -> stats_type list -> get_all_domain_stats_flag list -> domain_stats_record array = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_all_domain_stats" external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity" let get_domains conn flags = (* Old/slow/inefficient method. *) let get_active, get_inactive = if List.mem ListAll flags then (true, true) else (List.mem ListActive flags, List.mem ListInactive flags) in let active_doms = if get_active then ( let n = Connect.num_of_domains conn in let ids = Connect.list_domains conn n in let ids = Array.to_list ids in map_ignore_errors (lookup_by_id conn) ids ) else [] in let inactive_doms = if get_inactive then ( let n = Connect.num_of_defined_domains conn in let names = Connect.list_defined_domains conn n in let names = Array.to_list names in map_ignore_errors (lookup_by_name conn) names ) else [] in active_doms @ inactive_doms let get_domains_and_infos conn flags = (* Old/slow/inefficient method. *) let get_active, get_inactive = if List.mem ListAll flags then (true, true) else (List.mem ListActive flags, List.mem ListInactive flags) in let active_doms = if get_active then ( let n = Connect.num_of_domains conn in let ids = Connect.list_domains conn n in let ids = Array.to_list ids in map_ignore_errors (lookup_by_id conn) ids ) else [] in let inactive_doms = if get_inactive then ( let n = Connect.num_of_defined_domains conn in let names = Connect.list_defined_domains conn n in let names = Array.to_list names in map_ignore_errors (lookup_by_name conn) names ) else [] in let doms = active_doms @ inactive_doms in map_ignore_errors (fun dom -> (dom, get_info dom)) doms end module Event = struct module Defined = struct type t = [ | `Added | `Updated | `Unknown of int ] let to_string = function | `Added -> "Added" | `Updated -> "Updated" | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Defined.detail: %d" x let make = function | 0 -> `Added | 1 -> `Updated | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *) end module Undefined = struct type t = [ | `Removed | `Unknown of int ] let to_string = function | `Removed -> "UndefinedRemoved" | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Undefined.detail: %d" x let make = function | 0 -> `Removed | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *) end module Started = struct type t = [ | `Booted | `Migrated | `Restored | `FromSnapshot | `Wakeup | `Unknown of int ] let to_string = function | `Booted -> "Booted" | `Migrated -> "Migrated" | `Restored -> "Restored" | `FromSnapshot -> "FromSnapshot" | `Wakeup -> "Wakeup" | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Started.detail: %d" x let make = function | 0 -> `Booted | 1 -> `Migrated | 2 -> `Restored | 3 -> `FromSnapshot | 4 -> `Wakeup | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *) end module Suspended = struct type t = [ | `Paused | `Migrated | `IOError | `Watchdog | `Restored | `FromSnapshot | `APIError | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *) ] let to_string = function | `Paused -> "Paused" | `Migrated -> "Migrated" | `IOError -> "IOError" | `Watchdog -> "Watchdog" | `Restored -> "Restored" | `FromSnapshot -> "FromSnapshot" | `APIError -> "APIError" | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Suspended.detail: %d" x let make = function | 0 -> `Paused | 1 -> `Migrated | 2 -> `IOError | 3 -> `Watchdog | 4 -> `Restored | 5 -> `FromSnapshot | 6 -> `APIError | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *) end module Resumed = struct type t = [ | `Unpaused | `Migrated | `FromSnapshot | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *) ] let to_string = function | `Unpaused -> "Unpaused" | `Migrated -> "Migrated" | `FromSnapshot -> "FromSnapshot" | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Resumed.detail: %d" x let make = function | 0 -> `Unpaused | 1 -> `Migrated | 2 -> `FromSnapshot | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *) end module Stopped = struct type t = [ | `Shutdown | `Destroyed | `Crashed | `Migrated | `Saved | `Failed | `FromSnapshot | `Unknown of int ] let to_string = function | `Shutdown -> "Shutdown" | `Destroyed -> "Destroyed" | `Crashed -> "Crashed" | `Migrated -> "Migrated" | `Saved -> "Saved" | `Failed -> "Failed" | `FromSnapshot -> "FromSnapshot" | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Stopped.detail: %d" x let make = function | 0 -> `Shutdown | 1 -> `Destroyed | 2 -> `Crashed | 3 -> `Migrated | 4 -> `Saved | 5 -> `Failed | 6 -> `FromSnapshot | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *) end module PM_suspended = struct type t = [ | `Memory | `Disk | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *) ] let to_string = function | `Memory -> "Memory" | `Disk -> "Disk" | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown PM_suspended.detail: %d" x let make = function | 0 -> `Memory | 1 -> `Disk | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *) end let string_option x = match x with | None -> "None" | Some x' -> "Some " ^ x' module Lifecycle = struct type t = [ | `Defined of Defined.t | `Undefined of Undefined.t | `Started of Started.t | `Suspended of Suspended.t | `Resumed of Resumed.t | `Stopped of Stopped.t | `Shutdown (* no detail defined yet *) | `PMSuspended of PM_suspended.t | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *) ] let to_string = function | `Defined x -> "Defined " ^ (Defined.to_string x) | `Undefined x -> "Undefined " ^ (Undefined.to_string x) | `Started x -> "Started " ^ (Started.to_string x) | `Suspended x -> "Suspended " ^ (Suspended.to_string x) | `Resumed x -> "Resumed " ^ (Resumed.to_string x) | `Stopped x -> "Stopped " ^ (Stopped.to_string x) | `Shutdown -> "Shutdown" | `PMSuspended x -> "PMSuspended " ^ (PM_suspended.to_string x) | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Lifecycle event: %d" x let make (ty, detail) = match ty with | 0 -> `Defined (Defined.make detail) | 1 -> `Undefined (Undefined.make detail) | 2 -> `Started (Started.make detail) | 3 -> `Suspended (Suspended.make detail) | 4 -> `Resumed (Resumed.make detail) | 5 -> `Stopped (Stopped.make detail) | 6 -> `Shutdown | 7 -> `PMSuspended (PM_suspended.make detail) | x -> `Unknown x end module Reboot = struct type t = unit let to_string _ = "()" let make () = () end module Rtc_change = struct type t = int64 let to_string = Int64.to_string let make x = x end module Watchdog = struct type t = [ | `None | `Pause | `Reset | `Poweroff | `Shutdown | `Debug | `Unknown of int ] let to_string = function | `None -> "None" | `Pause -> "Pause" | `Reset -> "Reset" | `Poweroff -> "Poweroff" | `Shutdown -> "Shutdown" | `Debug -> "Debug" | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown watchdog_action: %d" x let make = function | 0 -> `None | 1 -> `Pause | 2 -> `Reset | 3 -> `Poweroff | 4 -> `Shutdown | 5 -> `Debug | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *) end module Io_error = struct type action = [ | `None | `Pause | `Report | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *) ] let string_of_action = function | `None -> "None" | `Pause -> "Pause" | `Report -> "Report" | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Io_error.action: %d" x let action_of_int = function | 0 -> `None | 1 -> `Pause | 2 -> `Report | x -> `Unknown x type t = { src_path: string option; dev_alias: string option; action: action; reason: string option; } let to_string t = Printf.sprintf "{ Io_error.src_path = %s; dev_alias = %s; action = %s; reason = %s }" (string_option t.src_path) (string_option t.dev_alias) (string_of_action t.action) (string_option t.reason) let make (src_path, dev_alias, action, reason) = { src_path = src_path; dev_alias = dev_alias; action = action_of_int action; reason = reason; } let make_noreason (src_path, dev_alias, action) = make (src_path, dev_alias, action, None) end module Graphics_address = struct type family = [ | `Ipv4 | `Ipv6 | `Unix | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *) ] let string_of_family = function | `Ipv4 -> "IPv4" | `Ipv6 -> "IPv6" | `Unix -> "UNIX" | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Graphics_address.family: %d" x let family_of_int = function (* no zero *) | 1 -> `Ipv4 | 2 -> `Ipv6 | 3 -> `Unix | x -> `Unknown x type t = { family: family; (** Address family *) node: string option; (** Address of node (eg IP address, or UNIX path *) service: string option; (** Service name/number (eg TCP port, or NULL) *) } let to_string t = Printf.sprintf "{ family = %s; node = %s; service = %s }" (string_of_family t.family) (string_option t.node) (string_option t.service) let make (family, node, service) = { family = family_of_int family; node = node; service = service; } end module Graphics_subject = struct type identity = { ty: string option; name: string option; } let string_of_identity t = Printf.sprintf "{ ty = %s; name = %s }" (string_option t.ty) (string_option t.name) type t = identity list let to_string ts = "[ " ^ (String.concat "; " (List.map string_of_identity ts)) ^ " ]" let make xs = List.map (fun (ty, name) -> { ty = ty; name = name }) (Array.to_list xs) end module Graphics = struct type phase = [ | `Connect | `Initialize | `Disconnect | `Unknown of int (** newer libvirt *) ] let string_of_phase = function | `Connect -> "Connect" | `Initialize -> "Initialize" | `Disconnect -> "Disconnect" | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Graphics.phase: %d" x let phase_of_int = function | 0 -> `Connect | 1 -> `Initialize | 2 -> `Disconnect | x -> `Unknown x type t = { phase: phase; (** the phase of the connection *) local: Graphics_address.t; (** the local server address *) remote: Graphics_address.t; (** the remote client address *) auth_scheme: string option; (** the authentication scheme activated *) subject: Graphics_subject.t; (** the authenticated subject (user) *) } let to_string t = let phase = Printf.sprintf "phase = %s" (string_of_phase t.phase) in let local = Printf.sprintf "local = %s" (Graphics_address.to_string t.local) in let remote = Printf.sprintf "remote = %s" (Graphics_address.to_string t.remote) in let auth_scheme = Printf.sprintf "auth_scheme = %s" (string_option t.auth_scheme) in let subject = Printf.sprintf "subject = %s" (Graphics_subject.to_string t.subject) in "{ " ^ (String.concat "; " [ phase; local; remote; auth_scheme; subject ]) ^ " }" let make (phase, local, remote, auth_scheme, subject) = { phase = phase_of_int phase; local = Graphics_address.make local; remote = Graphics_address.make remote; auth_scheme = auth_scheme; subject = Graphics_subject.make subject; } end module Control_error = struct type t = unit let to_string () = "()" let make () = () end module Block_job = struct type ty = [ | `KnownUnknown (* explicitly named UNKNOWN in the spec *) | `Pull | `Copy | `Commit | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *) ] let string_of_ty = function | `KnownUnknown -> "KnownUnknown" | `Pull -> "Pull" | `Copy -> "Copy" | `Commit -> "Commit" | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Block_job.ty: %d" x let ty_of_int = function | 0 -> `KnownUnknown | 1 -> `Pull | 2 -> `Copy | 3 -> `Commit | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *) type status = [ | `Completed | `Failed | `Cancelled | `Ready | `Unknown of int ] let string_of_status = function | `Completed -> "Completed" | `Failed -> "Failed" | `Cancelled -> "Cancelled" | `Ready -> "Ready" | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Block_job.status: %d" x let status_of_int = function | 0 -> `Completed | 1 -> `Failed | 2 -> `Cancelled | 3 -> `Ready | x -> `Unknown x type t = { disk: string option; ty: ty; status: status; } let to_string t = Printf.sprintf "{ disk = %s; ty = %s; status = %s }" (string_option t.disk) (string_of_ty t.ty) (string_of_status t.status) let make (disk, ty, status) = { disk = disk; ty = ty_of_int ty; status = status_of_int ty; } end module Disk_change = struct type reason = [ | `MissingOnStart | `Unknown of int ] let string_of_reason = function | `MissingOnStart -> "MissingOnStart" | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Disk_change.reason: %d" x let reason_of_int = function | 0 -> `MissingOnStart | x -> `Unknown x type t = { old_src_path: string option; new_src_path: string option; dev_alias: string option; reason: reason; } let to_string t = let o = Printf.sprintf "old_src_path = %s" (string_option t.old_src_path) in let n = Printf.sprintf "new_src_path = %s" (string_option t.new_src_path) in let d = Printf.sprintf "dev_alias = %s" (string_option t.dev_alias) in let r = string_of_reason t.reason in "{ " ^ (String.concat "; " [ o; n; d; r ]) ^ " }" let make (o, n, d, r) = { old_src_path = o; new_src_path = n; dev_alias = d; reason = reason_of_int r; } end module Tray_change = struct type reason = [ | `Open | `Close | `Unknown of int ] let string_of_reason = function | `Open -> "Open" | `Close -> "Close" | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Tray_change.reason: %d" x let reason_of_int = function | 0 -> `Open | 1 -> `Close | x -> `Unknown x type t = { dev_alias: string option; reason: reason; } let to_string t = Printf.sprintf "{ dev_alias = %s; reason = %s }" (string_option t.dev_alias) (string_of_reason t.reason) let make (dev_alias, reason) = { dev_alias = dev_alias; reason = reason_of_int reason; } end module PM_wakeup = struct type reason = [ | `Unknown of int ] type t = reason let to_string = function | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown PM_wakeup.reason: %d" x let make x = `Unknown x end module PM_suspend = struct type reason = [ | `Unknown of int ] type t = reason let to_string = function | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown PM_suspend.reason: %d" x let make x = `Unknown x end module Balloon_change = struct type t = int64 let to_string = Int64.to_string let make x = x end module PM_suspend_disk = struct type reason = [ | `Unknown of int ] type t = reason let to_string = function | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown PM_suspend_disk.reason: %d" x let make x = `Unknown x end type callback = | Lifecycle of ([`R] Domain.t -> Lifecycle.t -> unit) | Reboot of ([`R] Domain.t -> Reboot.t -> unit) | RtcChange of ([`R] Domain.t -> Rtc_change.t -> unit) | Watchdog of ([`R] Domain.t -> Watchdog.t -> unit) | IOError of ([`R] Domain.t -> Io_error.t -> unit) | Graphics of ([`R] Domain.t -> Graphics.t -> unit) | IOErrorReason of ([`R] Domain.t -> Io_error.t -> unit) | ControlError of ([`R] Domain.t -> Control_error.t -> unit) | BlockJob of ([`R] Domain.t -> Block_job.t -> unit) | DiskChange of ([`R] Domain.t -> Disk_change.t -> unit) | TrayChange of ([`R] Domain.t -> Tray_change.t -> unit) | PMWakeUp of ([`R] Domain.t -> PM_wakeup.t -> unit) | PMSuspend of ([`R] Domain.t -> PM_suspend.t -> unit) | BalloonChange of ([`R] Domain.t -> Balloon_change.t -> unit) | PMSuspendDisk of ([`R] Domain.t -> PM_suspend_disk.t -> unit) type callback_id = int64 let fresh_callback_id = let next = ref 0L in fun () -> let result = !next in next := Int64.succ !next; result let make_table value_name = let table = Hashtbl.create 16 in let callback callback_id generic x = if Hashtbl.mem table callback_id then Hashtbl.find table callback_id generic x in let _ = Callback.register value_name callback in table let u_table = make_table "Libvirt.u_callback" let i_table = make_table "Libvirt.i_callback" let i64_table = make_table "Libvirt.i64_callback" let i_i_table = make_table "Libvirt.i_i_callback" let s_i_table = make_table "Libvirt.s_i_callback" let s_i_i_table = make_table "Libvirt.s_i_i_callback" let s_s_i_table = make_table "Libvirt.s_s_i_callback" let s_s_i_s_table = make_table "Libvirt.s_s_i_s_callback" let s_s_s_i_table = make_table "Libvirt.s_s_s_i_callback" let i_ga_ga_s_gs_table = make_table "Libvirt.i_ga_ga_s_gs_callback" external register_default_impl : unit -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_event_register_default_impl" external run_default_impl : unit -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_event_run_default_impl" external register_any' : 'a Connect.t -> 'a Domain.t option -> callback -> callback_id -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_domain_event_register_any" external deregister_any' : 'a Connect.t -> int -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_domain_event_deregister_any" let our_id_to_libvirt_id = Hashtbl.create 16 let register_any conn ?dom callback = let id = fresh_callback_id () in begin match callback with | Lifecycle f -> Hashtbl.add i_i_table id (fun dom x -> f dom (Lifecycle.make x) ) | Reboot f -> Hashtbl.add u_table id (fun dom x -> f dom (Reboot.make x) ) | RtcChange f -> Hashtbl.add i64_table id (fun dom x -> f dom (Rtc_change.make x) ) | Watchdog f -> Hashtbl.add i_table id (fun dom x -> f dom (Watchdog.make x) ) | IOError f -> Hashtbl.add s_s_i_table id (fun dom x -> f dom (Io_error.make_noreason x) ) | Graphics f -> Hashtbl.add i_ga_ga_s_gs_table id (fun dom x -> f dom (Graphics.make x) ) | IOErrorReason f -> Hashtbl.add s_s_i_s_table id (fun dom x -> f dom (Io_error.make x) ) | ControlError f -> Hashtbl.add u_table id (fun dom x -> f dom (Control_error.make x) ) | BlockJob f -> Hashtbl.add s_i_i_table id (fun dom x -> f dom (Block_job.make x) ) | DiskChange f -> Hashtbl.add s_s_s_i_table id (fun dom x -> f dom (Disk_change.make x) ) | TrayChange f -> Hashtbl.add s_i_table id (fun dom x -> f dom (Tray_change.make x) ) | PMWakeUp f -> Hashtbl.add i_table id (fun dom x -> f dom (PM_wakeup.make x) ) | PMSuspend f -> Hashtbl.add i_table id (fun dom x -> f dom (PM_suspend.make x) ) | BalloonChange f -> Hashtbl.add i64_table id (fun dom x -> f dom (Balloon_change.make x) ) | PMSuspendDisk f -> Hashtbl.add i_table id (fun dom x -> f dom (PM_suspend_disk.make x) ) end; let libvirt_id = register_any' conn dom callback id in Hashtbl.replace our_id_to_libvirt_id id libvirt_id; id let deregister_any conn id = if Hashtbl.mem our_id_to_libvirt_id id then begin let libvirt_id = Hashtbl.find our_id_to_libvirt_id id in deregister_any' conn libvirt_id end; Hashtbl.remove our_id_to_libvirt_id id; Hashtbl.remove u_table id; Hashtbl.remove i_table id; Hashtbl.remove i64_table id; Hashtbl.remove i_i_table id; Hashtbl.remove s_i_table id; Hashtbl.remove s_i_i_table id; Hashtbl.remove s_s_i_table id; Hashtbl.remove s_s_i_s_table id; Hashtbl.remove s_s_s_i_table id; Hashtbl.remove i_ga_ga_s_gs_table id let timeout_table = Hashtbl.create 16 let _ = let callback x = if Hashtbl.mem timeout_table x then Hashtbl.find timeout_table x () in Callback.register "Libvirt.timeout_callback" callback type timer_id = int64 external add_timeout' : 'a Connect.t -> int -> int64 -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_event_add_timeout" external remove_timeout' : 'a Connect.t -> int -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_event_remove_timeout" let our_id_to_timer_id = Hashtbl.create 16 let add_timeout conn ms fn = let id = fresh_callback_id () in Hashtbl.add timeout_table id fn; let timer_id = add_timeout' conn ms id in Hashtbl.add our_id_to_timer_id id timer_id; id let remove_timeout conn id = if Hashtbl.mem our_id_to_timer_id id then begin let timer_id = Hashtbl.find our_id_to_timer_id id in remove_timeout' conn timer_id end; Hashtbl.remove our_id_to_timer_id id; Hashtbl.remove timeout_table id end module Network = struct type 'rw t external lookup_by_name : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_network_lookup_by_name" external lookup_by_uuid : 'a Connect.t -> uuid -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_network_lookup_by_uuid" external lookup_by_uuid_string : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_network_lookup_by_uuid_string" external create_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_network_create_xml" external define_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_network_define_xml" external undefine : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_network_undefine" external create : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_network_create" external destroy : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_network_destroy" external free : [>`R] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_network_free" external get_name : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_network_get_name" external get_uuid : [>`R] t -> uuid = "ocaml_libvirt_network_get_uuid" external get_uuid_string : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_network_get_uuid_string" external get_xml_desc : [>`R] t -> xml = "ocaml_libvirt_network_get_xml_desc" external get_bridge_name : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_network_get_bridge_name" external get_autostart : [>`R] t -> bool = "ocaml_libvirt_network_get_autostart" external set_autostart : [>`W] t -> bool -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_network_set_autostart" external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity" end module Pool = struct type 'rw t type pool_state = Inactive | Building | Running | Degraded | Inaccessible type pool_build_flags = New | Repair | Resize type pool_delete_flags = Normal | Zeroed type pool_info = { state : pool_state; capacity : int64; allocation : int64; available : int64; } external lookup_by_name : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_lookup_by_name" external lookup_by_uuid : 'a Connect.t -> uuid -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_lookup_by_uuid" external lookup_by_uuid_string : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_lookup_by_uuid_string" external create_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_create_xml" external define_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_define_xml" external build : [>`W] t -> pool_build_flags -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_build" external undefine : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_undefine" external create : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_create" external destroy : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_destroy" external delete : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_delete" external free : [>`R] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_free" external refresh : [`R] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_refresh" external get_name : [`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_name" external get_uuid : [`R] t -> uuid = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_uuid" external get_uuid_string : [`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_uuid_string" external get_info : [`R] t -> pool_info = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_info" external get_xml_desc : [`R] t -> xml = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_xml_desc" external get_autostart : [`R] t -> bool = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_autostart" external set_autostart : [>`W] t -> bool -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_set_autostart" external num_of_volumes : [`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_num_of_volumes" external list_volumes : [`R] t -> int -> string array = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_list_volumes" external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity" end module Volume = struct type 'rw t type vol_type = File | Block | Dir | Network | NetDir | Ploop type vol_delete_flags = Normal | Zeroed type vol_info = { typ : vol_type; capacity : int64; allocation : int64; } external lookup_by_name : 'a Pool.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_lookup_by_name" external lookup_by_key : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_lookup_by_key" external lookup_by_path : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_lookup_by_path" external pool_of_volume : 'a t -> 'a Pool.t = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_lookup_by_volume" external get_name : [`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_get_name" external get_key : [`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_get_key" external get_path : [`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_get_path" external get_info : [`R] t -> vol_info = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_get_info" external get_xml_desc : [`R] t -> xml = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_get_xml_desc" external create_xml : [>`W] Pool.t -> xml -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_create_xml" external delete : [>`W] t -> vol_delete_flags -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_delete" external free : [>`R] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_free" external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity" end module Secret = struct type 'rw t type secret_usage_type = | NoType | Volume | Ceph | ISCSI | TLS external lookup_by_uuid : 'a Connect.t -> uuid -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_lookup_by_uuid" external lookup_by_uuid_string : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_lookup_by_uuid_string" external lookup_by_usage : 'a Connect.t -> secret_usage_type -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_lookup_by_usage" external define_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_define_xml" external get_uuid : [>`R] t -> uuid = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_get_uuid" external get_uuid_string : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_get_uuid_string" external get_usage_type : [>`R] t -> secret_usage_type = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_get_usage_type" external get_usage_id : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_get_usage_id" external get_xml_desc : [>`R] t -> xml = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_get_xml_desc" external set_value : [>`W] t -> bytes -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_set_value" external get_value : [>`R] t -> bytes = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_get_value" external undefine : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_undefine" external free : [>`R] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_free" external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity" end (* Initialization. *) external c_init : unit -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_init" let () = Callback.register_exception "ocaml_libvirt_virterror" (Virterror (Virterror.no_error ())); Callback.register_exception "ocaml_libvirt_not_supported" (Not_supported ""); c_init (); Printexc.register_printer ( function | Virterror e -> Some (Virterror.to_string e) | _ -> None )