(* Diskimage library for reading disk images. (C) Copyright 2007-2008 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc. http://libvirt.org/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) open Printf open Unix open Int63.Operators let debug = ref false class virtual device = object (self) method virtual size : int63 method virtual name : string method virtual blocksize : int63 method virtual map_block : int63 -> (device * int63) list method virtual contiguous : Int63.t -> Int63.t (* Block-based read. Inefficient so normally overridden in subclasses. *) method read offset len = if offset < ~^0 || len < ~^0 then invalid_arg "device: read: negative offset or length"; let blocksize = self#blocksize in (* Break the request into blocks. * Find the first and last blocks of this request. *) let first_blk = offset /^ blocksize in let offset_in_first_blk = offset -^ first_blk *^ blocksize in let last_blk = (offset +^ len -^ ~^1) /^ blocksize in (* Buffer for the result. *) let buf = Buffer.create (Int63.to_int len) in let not_mapped_error () = invalid_arg "device: read: block not mapped" in (* Copy the first block (partial). *) (match self#map_block first_blk with | [] -> not_mapped_error () | (dev, base) :: _ -> let len = min len (blocksize -^ offset_in_first_blk) in let str = dev#read (base +^ offset_in_first_blk) len in Buffer.add_string buf str ); (* Copy the middle blocks. *) let rec loop blk = if blk < last_blk then ( (match self#map_block blk with | [] -> not_mapped_error () | (dev, base) :: _ -> let str = dev#read ~^0 self#blocksize in Buffer.add_string buf str ); loop (Int63.succ blk) ) in loop (Int63.succ first_blk); (* Copy the last block (partial). *) if first_blk < last_blk then ( match self#map_block last_blk with | [] -> not_mapped_error () | (dev, base) :: _ -> let len = (offset +^ len) -^ last_blk *^ blocksize in let str = dev#read ~^0 len in Buffer.add_string buf str ); assert (Int63.to_int len = Buffer.length buf); Buffer.contents buf (* Helper method to read a chunk of data into a bitstring. *) method read_bitstring offset len = let str = self#read offset len in (str, 0, String.length str lsl 3) end (* A concrete device which just direct-maps a file or /dev device. *) class block_device filename blocksize = let fd = openfile filename [ O_RDONLY ] 0 in let size = Int63.of_int64 (LargeFile.fstat fd).LargeFile.st_size in object (self) inherit device method read offset len = let offset = Int63.to_int64 offset in let len = Int63.to_int len in ignore (LargeFile.lseek fd offset SEEK_SET); let str = String.make len '\000' in read fd str 0 len; str method size = size method name = filename method blocksize = blocksize method map_block _ = [] method contiguous offset = size -^ offset method close () = close fd end (* A linear offset/size from an underlying device. *) class offset_device name start size blocksize (dev : device) = object inherit device method name = name method size = size method read offset len = if offset < ~^0 || len < ~^0 || offset +^ len > size then invalid_arg ( sprintf "%s: tried to read outside device boundaries (%s/%s/%s)" name (Int63.to_string offset) (Int63.to_string len) (Int63.to_string size) ); dev#read (start+^offset) len method blocksize = blocksize method map_block i = [dev, i *^ blocksize +^ start] method contiguous offset = size -^ offset end (* A device with just a modified block size. *) class blocksize_overlay new_blocksize (dev : device) = object inherit device method name = dev#name method size = dev#size method read = dev#read method blocksize = new_blocksize method map_block new_blk = let orig_blk = new_blk *^ new_blocksize /^ dev#blocksize in dev#map_block orig_blk method contiguous offset = dev#size -^ offset end (* The null device. Any attempt to read generates an error. *) let null_device : device = object inherit device method read _ _ = assert false method size = ~^0 method name = "null" method blocksize = ~^1 method map_block _ = assert false method contiguous _ = ~^0 end type machine = { m_name : string; (* Machine name. *) m_disks : disk list; (* Machine disks. *) m_lv_filesystems : (lv * filesystem) list; (* Machine LV filesystems. *) } and disk = { d_name : string; (* Device name (eg "hda") *) (* About the device itself. *) d_dev : block_device; (* Disk device. *) d_content : disk_content; (* What's on it. *) } and disk_content = [ `Unknown (* Not probed or unknown. *) | `Partitions of partitions (* Contains partitions. *) | `Filesystem of filesystem (* Contains a filesystem directly. *) | `PhysicalVolume of pv (* Contains an LVM PV. *) ] (* Partitions. *) and partitions = { parts_plugin_id : parts_plugin_id; (* Partitioning scheme. *) parts_dev : device; (* Partitions (whole) device. *) parts : partition list (* Partitions. *) } and partition = { part_status : partition_status; (* Bootable, etc. *) part_type : int; (* Partition filesystem type. *) part_dev : device; (* Partition device. *) part_content : partition_content; (* What's on it. *) } and partition_status = Bootable | Nonbootable | Malformed | NullEntry and partition_content = [ `Unknown (* Not probed or unknown. *) | `Filesystem of filesystem (* Filesystem. *) | `PhysicalVolume of pv (* Contains an LVM PV. *) ] (* Filesystems (also swap devices). *) and filesystem = { fs_plugin_id : fs_plugin_id; (* Filesystem. *) fs_dev : device; (* Device containing the filesystem. *) fs_blocksize : int63; (* Block size (bytes). *) fs_blocks_total : int63; (* Total blocks. *) fs_is_swap : bool; (* If swap, following not valid. *) fs_blocks_reserved : int63; (* Blocks reserved for super-user. *) fs_blocks_avail : int63; (* Blocks free (available). *) fs_blocks_used : int63; (* Blocks in use. *) fs_inodes_total : int63; (* Total inodes. *) fs_inodes_reserved : int63; (* Inodes reserved for super-user. *) fs_inodes_avail : int63; (* Inodes free (available). *) fs_inodes_used : int63; (* Inodes in use. *) } (* Physical volumes. *) and pv = { lvm_plugin_id : lvm_plugin_id; (* The LVM plug-in. *) pv_dev : device; (* Device covering whole PV. *) pv_uuid : string; (* UUID. *) } (* Logical volumes. *) and lv = { lv_dev : device; (* Logical volume device. *) } and parts_plugin_id = string and fs_plugin_id = string and lvm_plugin_id = string (* Convert a UUID (containing '-' chars) to canonical form. *) let canonical_uuid uuid = let uuid' = String.make 32 ' ' in let j = ref 0 in for i = 0 to String.length uuid - 1 do if !j >= 32 then invalid_arg "canonical_uuid"; let c = uuid.[i] in if c <> '-' then ( uuid'.[!j] <- c; incr j ) done; if !j <> 32 then invalid_arg "canonical_uuid"; uuid' (* This version by Isaac Trotts. *) let group_by ?(cmp = Pervasives.compare) ls = let ls' = List.fold_left (fun acc (day1, x1) -> match acc with [] -> [day1, [x1]] | (day2, ls2) :: acctl -> if cmp day1 day2 = 0 then (day1, x1 :: ls2) :: acctl else (day1, [x1]) :: acc) [] ls in let ls' = List.rev ls' in List.map (fun (x, xs) -> x, List.rev xs) ls' let rec uniq ?(cmp = Pervasives.compare) = function | [] -> [] | [x] -> [x] | x :: y :: xs when cmp x y = 0 -> uniq (x :: xs) | x :: y :: xs -> x :: uniq (y :: xs) let sort_uniq ?cmp xs = let xs = ExtList.List.sort ?cmp xs in let xs = uniq ?cmp xs in xs let rec range a b = if a < b then a :: range (a+1) b else []