(* Diskimage library for reading disk images. (C) Copyright 2007-2008 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc. http://libvirt.org/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) open Printf open ExtList open Unix open Int63.Operators include Diskimage_utils (* Use as the natural block size for disk images, but really we should * use the 'blockdev -getbsz' command to find the real block size. *) let disk_block_size = ~^512 let partition_types = [ Diskimage_mbr.plugin_id, ("MBR", Diskimage_mbr.probe); ] let filesystem_types = [ Diskimage_ext2.plugin_id, ("Linux ext2/3", Diskimage_ext2.probe); Diskimage_linux_swap.plugin_id, ("Linux swap", Diskimage_linux_swap.probe); Diskimage_linux_swsuspend.plugin_id, ("Linux s/w suspend", Diskimage_linux_swsuspend.probe); ] let lvm_types = [ Diskimage_lvm2.plugin_id, ("Linux LVM2", Diskimage_lvm2.probe, Diskimage_lvm2.list); ] let name_of_parts id = let name, _ = List.assoc id partition_types in name let name_of_filesystem id = let name, _ = List.assoc id filesystem_types in name let name_of_lvm id = let name, _, _ = List.assoc id lvm_types in name (* Probe a device for partitions. Returns [Some parts] or [None]. *) let probe_for_partitions dev = if !debug then eprintf "probing for partitions on %s ...\n%!" dev#name; let rec loop = function | [] -> None | (parts_plugin_id, (_, probe_fn)) :: rest -> try Some (probe_fn dev) with Not_found -> loop rest in let r = loop partition_types in if !debug then ( match r with | None -> eprintf "no partitions found on %s\n%!" dev#name | Some { parts_plugin_id = name; parts = parts } -> eprintf "found %d %s partitions on %s\n" (List.length parts) name dev#name ); r (* Probe a device for a filesystem. Returns [Some fs] or [None]. *) let probe_for_filesystem dev = if !debug then eprintf "probing for a filesystem on %s ...\n%!" dev#name; let rec loop = function | [] -> None | (fs_name, (_, probe_fn)) :: rest -> try Some (probe_fn dev) with Not_found -> loop rest in let r = loop filesystem_types in if !debug then ( match r with | None -> eprintf "no filesystem found on %s\n%!" dev#name | Some fs -> eprintf "found a filesystem on %s:\n" dev#name; eprintf "\t%s\n%!" fs.fs_plugin_id ); r (* Probe a device for a PV. Returns [Some lvm_name] or [None]. *) let probe_for_pv dev = if !debug then eprintf "probing if %s is a PV ...\n%!" dev#name; let rec loop = function | [] -> None | (lvm_name, (_, probe_fn, _)) :: rest -> try Some (probe_fn lvm_name dev) with Not_found -> loop rest in let r = loop lvm_types in if !debug then ( match r with | None -> eprintf "no PV found on %s\n%!" dev#name | Some { lvm_plugin_id = name } -> eprintf "%s contains a %s PV\n%!" dev#name name ); r let list_lvs lvm_name devs = let _, _, list_lvs_fn = List.assoc lvm_name lvm_types in list_lvs_fn devs (* Create machine description. *) let open_machine name disks = let disks = List.map ( fun (name, path) -> let dev = new block_device path disk_block_size (* XXX *) in { d_name = name; d_dev = dev; d_content = `Unknown } ) disks in { m_name = name; m_disks = disks; m_lv_filesystems = [] } let close_machine { m_disks = m_disks } = (* Only close the disks, assume all other devices are derived from them. *) List.iter (fun { d_dev = d_dev } -> d_dev#close ()) m_disks (* Main scanning function for filesystems. *) let scan_machine ({ m_disks = m_disks } as machine) = let m_disks = List.map ( fun ({ d_dev = dev } as disk) -> let dev = (dev :> device) in (* See if it is partitioned first. *) let parts = probe_for_partitions dev in match parts with | Some parts -> { disk with d_content = `Partitions parts } | None -> (* Not partitioned. Does it contain a filesystem? *) let fs = probe_for_filesystem dev in match fs with | Some fs -> { disk with d_content = `Filesystem fs } | None -> (* Not partitioned, no filesystem, is it a PV? *) let pv = probe_for_pv dev in match pv with | Some lvm_name -> { disk with d_content = `PhysicalVolume lvm_name } | None -> disk (* Spare/unknown. *) ) m_disks in (* Now we have either detected partitions or a filesystem on each * physical device (or perhaps neither). See what is on those * partitions. *) let m_disks = List.map ( function | ({ d_dev = dev; d_content = `Partitions parts } as disk) -> let ps = List.map ( fun p -> if p.part_status = Bootable || p.part_status = Nonbootable then ( let fs = probe_for_filesystem p.part_dev in match fs with | Some fs -> { p with part_content = `Filesystem fs } | None -> (* Is it a PV? *) let pv = probe_for_pv p.part_dev in match pv with | Some lvm_name -> { p with part_content = `PhysicalVolume lvm_name } | None -> p (* Spare/unknown. *) ) else p ) parts.parts in let parts = { parts with parts = ps } in { disk with d_content = `Partitions parts } | disk -> disk ) m_disks in (* LVM filesystem detection * * Look for all disks/partitions which have been identified as PVs * and pass those back to the respective LVM plugin for LV detection. * * (Note - a two-stage process because an LV can be spread over * several PVs, so we have to detect all PVs belonging to a * domain first). * * XXX To deal with RAID (ie. md devices) we will need to loop * around here because RAID is like LVM except that they normally * present as block devices which can be used by LVM. *) (* First: LV detection. * Find all physical volumes, can be disks or partitions. *) let pvs_on_disks = List.filter_map ( function | { d_dev = d_dev; d_content = `PhysicalVolume pv } -> Some (pv, (d_dev :> device)) | _ -> None ) m_disks in let pvs_on_partitions = List.map ( function | { d_content = `Partitions { parts = parts } } -> List.filter_map ( function | { part_dev = part_dev; part_content = `PhysicalVolume pv } -> Some (pv, part_dev) | _ -> None ) parts | _ -> [] ) m_disks in let lvs = List.concat (pvs_on_disks :: pvs_on_partitions) in (* Second: filesystem on LV detection. * Group the LVs by plug-in type. *) let cmp (a,_) (b,_) = compare a b in let lvs = List.sort ~cmp lvs in let lvs = group_by lvs in let lvs = List.map (fun (pv, devs) -> list_lvs pv.lvm_plugin_id devs) lvs in let lvs = List.concat lvs in (* lvs is a list of potential LV devices. Now run them through the * probes to see if any contain filesystems. *) let filesystems = List.filter_map ( fun ({ lv_dev = dev } as lv) -> match probe_for_filesystem dev with | Some fs -> Some (lv, fs) | None -> None ) lvs in { machine with m_disks = m_disks; m_lv_filesystems = filesystems } (* Ownership tables. *) let create_ownership machine = (* Iterate over all the things which can claim ownership of a * disk block (filesystems, partitions, PVs). * * A single disk block can be "owned" by several things (eg. it * could contain an LV filesystem, on a PV, on a partition). *) let rec iter_over_machine {m_disks = disks; m_lv_filesystems = lv_filesystems} = List.iter ( function | { d_content = (`Filesystem fs as owner) } -> iter_over_filesystem disks fs owner | { d_content = (`Partitions parts as owner) } -> iter_over_partitions disks parts owner | { d_content = (`PhysicalVolume pv as owner) } -> iter_over_pv disks pv owner | { d_content = `Unknown } -> () ) disks; List.iter ( fun (lv, fs) -> let owner = `Filesystem fs in iter_over_filesystem disks fs owner ) lv_filesystems (* Iterate over the blocks in a single filesystem. *) and iter_over_filesystem disks {fs_dev = dev} owner = iter_over_device disks dev owner (* Iterate over the blocks in a set of partitions, then * iterate over the contents of the partitions. *) and iter_over_partitions disks {parts = parts; parts_dev = parts_dev} owner = iter_over_device disks parts_dev owner; List.iter ( function | { part_content = (`Filesystem fs as owner) } -> iter_over_filesystem disks fs owner | { part_content = (`PhysicalVolume pv as owner) } -> iter_over_pv disks pv owner | { part_content = `Unknown } -> () ) parts (* Iterate over the blocks in a PV. *) and iter_over_pv disks {pv_dev = dev} owner = iter_over_device disks dev owner (* Iterate over the blocks in a device, assigning ownership to 'owner' * * In reality (1): There can be several owners for each block, so we * incrementally add ownership. The add_ownership function takes * care of handling overlapping ranges, using an AVL tree. * In reality (2): Iterating over blocks would take ages and result * in a very inefficient ownership representation. Instead we look * at minimum contiguous extents. *) and iter_over_device disks dev owner = let size = dev#size in let rec loop offset = if offset < size then ( let extent = let devs, extent = get_next_extent disks dev offset in if devs = [] then eprintf "warning: no device found under %s\n" (string_of_owner owner); List.iter ( fun (dev, dev_offset) -> add_ownership dev dev_offset extent owner ) devs; extent in loop (offset +^ extent) ) in loop ~^0 (* Return the length of the next contiguous region in the device starting * at the given byte offset. Also return the underlying block device(s) * if there is one. *) and get_next_extent disks (dev : device) offset = let disks = List.map (fun { d_dev = dev } -> (dev :> device)) disks in map_recursively disks dev offset and map_recursively disks dev offset = let this_extent = dev#contiguous offset in (* If this disk is a block_device (a member of the 'disks' list) * then we've hit the bottom layer of devices, so just return it. *) if List.memq dev disks then [dev, offset], this_extent else ( let blocksize = dev#blocksize in let block = offset /^ blocksize in let offset_in_block = offset -^ block *^ blocksize in (* Map from this block to the devices one layer down. *) let devs = dev#map_block block in (* Get the real device offsets, adding the offset from start of block. *) let devs = List.map (fun (dev, dev_offset) -> dev, dev_offset +^ offset_in_block) devs in let devs = List.map (fun (dev, dev_offset) -> map_recursively disks dev dev_offset) devs in (* Work out the minimum contiguous extent from this offset. *) let devs, extent = let extents = List.map snd devs in let devs = List.concat (List.map fst devs) in let extent = List.fold_left min this_extent extents in devs, extent in devs, extent ) and string_of_owner = function | `Filesystem {fs_plugin_id = fs_plugin_id; fs_dev = fs_dev} -> sprintf "%s(%s)" fs_dev#name fs_plugin_id | `PhysicalVolume { pv_uuid = pv_uuid } -> "PV:" ^ pv_uuid | `Partitions { parts_plugin_id = parts_plugin_id } -> parts_plugin_id and add_ownership dev offset extent owner = let blocksize = dev#blocksize in let offset_in_blocks, offset_in_block = offset /^ blocksize, offset %^ blocksize in let extent_in_blocks, extent_in_block = extent /^ blocksize, extent %^ blocksize in eprintf "add_ownership: %s %s[%s:%s] %s[%s:%s] %s\n" dev#name (Int63.to_string offset) (Int63.to_string offset_in_blocks) (Int63.to_string offset_in_block) (Int63.to_string extent) (Int63.to_string extent_in_blocks) (Int63.to_string extent_in_block) (string_of_owner owner) in iter_over_machine machine