(* wrappi * Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *) (* For general information about camlp4, see: * http://brion.inria.fr/gallium/index.php/Camlp4 * * For information about quotations, see: * http://brion.inria.fr/gallium/index.php/Quotation *) open Camlp4.PreCast open Syntax open Ast open Wrappi_types (* Convert a plain list into a list AST. *) let rec expr_of_list _loc = function | [] -> <:expr< [] >> | h::t -> let t = expr_of_list _loc t in <:expr< $h$ :: $t$ >> (* Convert an optional type into an option AST. *) let expr_of_option _loc = function | None -> <:expr< None >> | Some x -> <:expr< Some $x$ >> (* Convert a _loc to an AST. *) let expr_of_loc _loc loc = let file_name, start_line, start_bol, start_off, stop_line, stop_bol, stop_off, ghost = Loc.to_tuple loc in <:expr< Camlp4.PreCast.Loc.of_tuple ($str:file_name$, $`int:start_line$, $`int:start_bol$, $`int:start_off$, $`int:stop_line$, $`int:stop_bol$, $`int:stop_off$, $`bool:ghost$) >> let add_entry_point _loc local name parameters rtype code includes = let loc = expr_of_loc _loc _loc in let local = match local with None -> <:expr< false >> | _ -> <:expr< true >> in let parameters = List.map ( fun (name, t) -> <:expr< ($str:name$, $t$, None) >> ) parameters in let parameters = expr_of_list _loc parameters in let code = expr_of_option _loc code in let includes = match includes with None -> <:expr< [] >> | Some xs -> xs in <:str_item< let ep = { Wrappi_types.ep_loc = $loc$; ep_local = $local$; ep_name = $str:name$; ep_ftype = ($rtype$, $parameters$, []); ep_code = $code$; ep_includes = $includes$ } in Wrappi_accumulator.add_entry_point ep >> let add_typedef _loc name t = let loc = expr_of_loc _loc _loc in <:str_item< let td = { Wrappi_types.td_loc = $loc$; td_name = $str:name$; td_type = $t$ } in Wrappi_accumulator.add_typedef td >> let add_enum _loc name identifiers = let loc = expr_of_loc _loc _loc in <:str_item< let en = { Wrappi_types.en_loc = $loc$; en_name = $str:name$; en_identifiers = Array.of_list $identifiers$ } in Wrappi_accumulator.add_enum en >> let add_struct _loc name fields = let loc = expr_of_loc _loc _loc in let fields = List.map ( fun (name, t) -> <:expr< ($str:name$, $t$) >> ) fields in let fields = expr_of_list _loc fields in <:str_item< let sd = { Wrappi_types.sd_loc = $loc$; sd_name = $str:name$; sd_fields = Array.of_list $fields$ } in Wrappi_accumulator.add_struct sd >> let () = (* Quotation expander for C code. *) let c_quotation_expander _loc _ code = let loc = expr_of_loc _loc _loc in (* XXX Expand %- or $- expressions in code. *) (* XXX Escape >> in code. *) <:expr< { Wrappi_types.cc_loc = $loc$; cc_code = $str:code$ } >> in Quotation.add "c" Quotation.DynAst.expr_tag c_quotation_expander; (* Default quotation expander (<< .. >>) should be C code ("c"). *) Quotation.default := "c" ;; (* Extend the regular OCaml grammar. *) EXTEND Gram GLOBAL: str_item; (* A parameter or return type. *) ptype: [ [ "bool" -> <:expr< Wrappi_types.TBool >> ] | [ "buffer" -> <:expr< Wrappi_types.TBuffer >> ] | [ "enum"; name = LIDENT -> <:expr< Wrappi_types.TEnum $str:name$ >> ] | [ "file" -> <:expr< Wrappi_types.TFile >> ] | [ "hash"; "("; t = ptype; ")" -> <:expr< Wrappi_types.THash $t$ >> ] | [ "int" -> <:expr< Wrappi_types.TInt >> ] | [ "int32" -> <:expr< Wrappi_types.TInt32 >> ] | [ "int64" -> <:expr< Wrappi_types.TInt64 >> ] | [ "list"; "("; t = ptype; ")" -> <:expr< Wrappi_types.TList $t$ >> ] | [ "nullable"; "("; t = ptype; ")" -> <:expr< Wrappi_types.TNullable $t$ >> ] | [ "string" -> <:expr< Wrappi_types.TString >> ] | [ "struct"; name = LIDENT -> <:expr< Wrappi_types.TStruct $str:name$ >> ] | [ "uint32" -> <:expr< Wrappi_types.TUInt32 >> ] | [ "uint64" -> <:expr< Wrappi_types.TUInt64 >> ] | [ "union"; name = LIDENT -> <:expr< Wrappi_types.TUnion $str:name$ >> ] | [ name = LIDENT -> <:expr< Wrappi_types.TTypedef $str:name$ >> ] ]; (* A return type. *) rtype: [ [ "void" -> <:expr< Wrappi_types.RVoid >> ] | [ "static_string" -> <:expr< Wrappi_types.RStaticString >> ] | [ t = ptype -> <:expr< Wrappi_types.Return $t$ >> ] ]; (* A single function parameter. XXX Preconditions. *) parameter: [[ t = ptype; name = LIDENT -> (name, t) ]]; (* A single struct field. XXX Preconditions. *) struct_field: [[ t = ptype; name = LIDENT -> (name, t) ]]; str_item: LEVEL "top" [ [ "entry_point"; local = OPT "local"; rtype = rtype; name = LIDENT; "("; parameters = LIST0 parameter SEP ","; ")"; code = OPT [ code = expr -> code ]; includes = OPT [ "includes"; includes = expr -> includes ] -> add_entry_point _loc local name parameters rtype code includes ] | [ "enum"; name = LIDENT; identifiers = expr -> add_enum _loc name identifiers ] | [ "struct"; name = LIDENT; "{"; fields = LIST0 struct_field SEP ";"; "}" -> add_struct _loc name fields ] | [ "typedef"; t = ptype; name = LIDENT -> add_typedef _loc name t ] ]; END