(* wrappi * Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *) open Camlp4.PreCast open Wrappi_utils open Printf type ptype = | TBool | TBuffer | TEnum of string | TFile | THash of ptype | TInt | TInt32 | TInt64 | TList of ptype | TNullable of ptype | TString | TStruct of string | TTypedef of string | TUInt32 | TUInt64 | TUnion of string type prec type parameter = string * ptype * prec option type rtype = RVoid | RStaticString | Return of ptype type ftype = rtype * parameter list * parameter list type c_code = { cc_loc : Camlp4.PreCast.Loc.t; cc_code : string; } type entry_point = { ep_loc : Camlp4.PreCast.Loc.t; ep_local : bool; ep_name : string; ep_ftype : ftype; ep_code : c_code option; ep_includes : string list; } type typedef = { td_loc : Camlp4.PreCast.Loc.t; td_name : string; td_type : ptype; } type enum = { en_loc : Camlp4.PreCast.Loc.t; en_name : string; en_identifiers : string array; } type struct_decl = { sd_loc : Camlp4.PreCast.Loc.t; sd_name : string; sd_identifiers : string array; sd_fields : ptype array; } type union = { un_loc : Camlp4.PreCast.Loc.t; un_name : string; un_identifiers : string array; un_fields : ptype array; } type api = { api_typedefs : typedef StringMap.t; api_enums : enum StringMap.t; api_structs : struct_decl StringMap.t; api_unions : union StringMap.t; api_entry_points : entry_point StringMap.t; } let iter xs f = let xs = StringMap.bindings xs in let cmp (a, _) (b, _) = compare a b in let xs = List.sort cmp xs in List.iter (fun (_, x) -> f x) xs let iter_typedefs { api_typedefs = tds } f = iter tds f let iter_enums { api_enums = ens } f = iter ens f let iter_structs { api_structs = sds } f = iter sds f let iter_unions { api_unions = uns } f = iter uns f let iter_entry_points { api_entry_points = eps } f = iter eps f let rec string_of_ptype = function | TBool -> "bool" | TBuffer -> "buffer" | TEnum name -> sprintf "enum %s" name | TFile -> "file" | THash t -> sprintf "hash(%s)" (string_of_ptype t) | TInt -> "int" | TInt32 -> "int32" | TInt64 -> "int64" | TList t -> sprintf "list(%s)" (string_of_ptype t) | TNullable t -> sprintf "nullable(%s)" (string_of_ptype t) | TString -> "string" | TStruct name -> sprintf "struct %s" name | TTypedef name -> name | TUInt32 -> "uint32" | TUInt64 -> "uint64" | TUnion name -> sprintf "union %s" name let string_of_rtype = function | RVoid -> "void" | RStaticString -> "static_string" | Return t -> string_of_ptype t let string_of_parameter (name, t, _) = sprintf "%s %s" (string_of_ptype t) name let string_of_parameters params = sprintf "(%s)" (String.concat ", " (List.map string_of_parameter params)) let string_of_ftype (ret, req, opt) = sprintf "%s %s %s" (string_of_rtype ret) (string_of_parameters req) (string_of_parameters opt) let string_of_c_code code = code.cc_code let string_of_typedef td = sprintf "typedef %s %s" td.td_name (string_of_ptype td.td_type) let string_of_enum en = sprintf "enum %s {%s}" en.en_name (String.concat ", " (Array.to_list en.en_identifiers)) let string_of_struct sd = assert false let string_of_union un = assert false let string_of_entry_point ep = sprintf "entry_point%s %s %s <<%s>>" (*(Loc.to_string ep.ep_loc)*) (if ep.ep_local then " local" else "") ep.ep_name (string_of_ftype ep.ep_ftype) (match ep.ep_code with | None -> "/* implicit */" | Some code -> string_of_c_code code)