(* Guestfs Browser. * Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *) open ExtString open Printf open Utils open DeviceSet module G = Guestfs type t = { view : GTree.view; model : GTree.tree_store; hash : (int, hdata) Hashtbl.t; (* hash from index_col -> hdata *) index_col : int GTree.column; mode_col : string GTree.column; name_col : string GTree.column; size_col : int64 GTree.column; date_col : string GTree.column; link_col : string GTree.column; } and hdata = state_t * content_t (* The type of the hidden column used to implement on-demand loading. * All rows are classified as either nodes or leafs (eg. a "node" might * be a directory, or a top-level operating system, or anything else * which the user could open and look inside). *) and state_t = | IsLeaf (* there are no children *) | NodeNotStarted (* user has not tried to open this *) | NodeLoading (* user tried to open it, still loading *) | IsNode (* we've loaded the children of this directory *) | Loading (* special row contains the "Loading ..." message *) (* The actual content of a row. *) and content_t = | NoContent | Top of Slave.source (* top level OS or volume node *) | Directory of Slave.direntry (* a directory *) | File of Slave.direntry (* a file inc. special files *) let loading_msg = "Loading ..." let create ~packing () = let view = GTree.view ~packing () in (*view#set_rules_hint true;*) view#selection#set_mode `MULTIPLE; (* Hash of index numbers -> hdata. We do this because it's more * efficient for the GC compared to storing OCaml objects directly in * the rows. *) let hash = Hashtbl.create 1023 in (* The columns stored in each row. The hidden [index_col] column is * an index into the hash table that records everything else about * this row (see hdata above). The other display columns, eg. * [name_col] contain Pango markup and thus have to be escaped. *) let cols = new GTree.column_list in (* Hidden: *) let index_col = cols#add Gobject.Data.int in (* Displayed: *) let mode_col = cols#add Gobject.Data.string in let name_col = cols#add Gobject.Data.string in let size_col = cols#add Gobject.Data.int64 in let date_col = cols#add Gobject.Data.string in let link_col = cols#add Gobject.Data.string in (* Create the model. *) let model = GTree.tree_store cols in view#set_model (Some (model :> GTree.model)); let renderer = GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["markup", mode_col] in let mode_view = GTree.view_column ~title:"Permissions" ~renderer () in ignore (view#append_column mode_view); let renderer = GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["markup", name_col] in let name_view = GTree.view_column ~title:"Filename" ~renderer () in name_view#set_max_width 400 (*pixels?!?*); ignore (view#append_column name_view); let renderer = GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["text", size_col] in let size_view = GTree.view_column ~title:"Size" ~renderer () in ignore (view#append_column size_view); let renderer = GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["markup", date_col] in let date_view = GTree.view_column ~title:"Date" ~renderer () in ignore (view#append_column date_view); let renderer = GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["markup", link_col] in let link_view = GTree.view_column ~title:"Link" ~renderer () in ignore (view#append_column link_view); { view = view; model = model; hash = hash; index_col = index_col; mode_col = mode_col; name_col = name_col; size_col = size_col; date_col = date_col; link_col = link_col } let clear { model = model; hash = hash } = model#clear (); Hashtbl.clear hash (* XXX No binding for g_markup_escape in lablgtk2. *) let markup_escape name = let f = function | '&' -> "&" | '<' -> "<" | '>' -> ">" | c -> String.make 1 c in String.replace_chars f name (* Mark up a filename for the name_col column. *) let rec markup_of_name name = markup_escape name (* Mark up symbolic links. *) and markup_of_link link = let link = markup_escape link in if link <> "" then utf8_rarrow ^ " " ^ link else "" (* Mark up mode. *) and markup_of_mode mode = let c = if is_socket mode then 's' else if is_symlink mode then 'l' else if is_regular_file mode then '-' else if is_block mode then 'b' else if is_directory mode then 'd' else if is_char mode then 'c' else if is_fifo mode then 'p' else '?' in let ru = if test_bit 0o400L mode then 'r' else '-' in let wu = if test_bit 0o200L mode then 'w' else '-' in let xu = if test_bit 0o100L mode then 'x' else '-' in let rg = if test_bit 0o40L mode then 'r' else '-' in let wg = if test_bit 0o20L mode then 'w' else '-' in let xg = if test_bit 0o10L mode then 'x' else '-' in let ro = if test_bit 0o4L mode then 'r' else '-' in let wo = if test_bit 0o2L mode then 'w' else '-' in let xo = if test_bit 0o1L mode then 'x' else '-' in let str = sprintf "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c" c ru wu xu rg wg xg ro wo xo in let suid = test_bit 0o4000L mode in let sgid = test_bit 0o2000L mode in let svtx = test_bit 0o1000L mode in if suid then str.[3] <- 's'; if sgid then str.[6] <- 's'; if svtx then str.[9] <- 't'; "" ^ str ^ "" (* File type tests. *) and file_type mask mode = Int64.logand mode 0o170000L = mask and is_socket mode = file_type 0o140000L mode and is_symlink mode = file_type 0o120000L mode and is_regular_file mode = file_type 0o100000L mode and is_block mode = file_type 0o060000L mode and is_directory mode = file_type 0o040000L mode and is_char mode = file_type 0o020000L mode and is_fifo mode = file_type 0o010000L mode and test_bit mask mode = Int64.logand mode mask = mask (* Mark up dates. *) and markup_of_date time = let time = Int64.to_float time in let tm = Unix.localtime time in sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" (tm.Unix.tm_year + 1900) (tm.Unix.tm_mon + 1) tm.Unix.tm_mday tm.Unix.tm_hour tm.Unix.tm_min tm.Unix.tm_sec (* Store hdata into a row. *) let store_hdata {model = model; hash = hash; index_col = index_col} row hdata = let index = unique () in Hashtbl.add hash index hdata; model#set ~row ~column:index_col index (* Retrieve previously stored hdata from a row. *) let get_hdata { model = model; hash = hash; index_col = index_col } row = let index = model#get ~row ~column:index_col in try Hashtbl.find hash index with Not_found -> assert false let rec add ({ model = model; hash = hash } as t) name data = clear t; (* Populate the top level of the filetree. If there are operating * systems from inspection, these have their own top level entries * followed by only unreferenced filesystems. If we didn't get * anything from inspection, then at the top level we just show * filesystems. *) let other_filesystems = DeviceSet.of_list (List.map fst data.Slave.insp_all_filesystems) in let other_filesystems = List.fold_left (fun set { Slave.insp_filesystems = fses } -> DeviceSet.subtract set (DeviceSet.of_array fses)) other_filesystems data.Slave.insp_oses in (* Add top level operating systems. *) List.iter (add_top_level_os t name) data.Slave.insp_oses; (* Add top level left-over filesystems. *) DeviceSet.iter (add_top_level_vol t name) other_filesystems and add_top_level_os ({ model = model; hash = hash } as t) name os = let markup = sprintf "%s: %s (%s)" (markup_of_name name) (markup_of_name os.Slave.insp_hostname) (markup_of_name os.Slave.insp_product_name) in let row = model#append () in make_node t row (Top (Slave.OS os)); model#set ~row ~column:t.name_col markup and add_top_level_vol ({ model = model; hash = hash } as t) name dev = let markup = sprintf "%s: %s" (markup_of_name name) (markup_of_name dev) in let row = model#append () in make_node t row (Top (Slave.Volume dev)); model#set ~row ~column:t.name_col markup (* Generic function to make an openable node to the tree. *) and make_node ({ model = model; hash = hash } as t) row content = let hdata = NodeNotStarted, content in store_hdata t row hdata; (* Create a placeholder "loading ..." row underneath this node so * the user has something to expand. *) let placeholder = model#append ~parent:row () in let hdata = Loading, NoContent in store_hdata t placeholder hdata; model#set ~row:placeholder ~column:t.name_col loading_msg; ignore (t.view#connect#row_expanded ~callback:(expand_row t)) and make_leaf ({ model = model; hash = hash } as t) row content = let hdata = IsLeaf, content in store_hdata t row hdata (* This is called when the user expands a row. *) and expand_row ({ model = model; hash = hash } as t) row _ = match get_hdata t row with | NodeNotStarted, Top src -> (* User has opened a top level node that was not previously opened. *) (* Mark this row as loading, so we don't try to open it again. *) let hdata = NodeLoading, Top src in store_hdata t row hdata; (* Get a stable path for this row. *) let path = model#get_path row in Slave.read_directory src "/" (when_read_directory t path) | NodeNotStarted, Directory direntry -> (* User has opened a filesystem directory not previously opened. *) (* Mark this row as loading. *) let hdata = NodeLoading, Directory direntry in store_hdata t row hdata; (* Get a stable path for this row. *) let path = model#get_path row in let src, pathname = get_pathname t row in Slave.read_directory src pathname (when_read_directory t path) | NodeLoading, _ | IsNode, _ -> () (* These are not nodes so it should never be possible to open them. *) | _, File _ | IsLeaf, _ | Loading, _ -> assert false (* Should not exist in the tree. *) | NodeNotStarted, NoContent -> assert false (* Search up to the top of the tree so we know if this directory * comes from an OS or a volume, and the full path to here. * * The path up the tree will always look something like: * Top * \_ Directory * \_ Directory * \_ Loading <--- you are here *) and get_pathname ({ model = model } as t) row = let hdata = get_hdata t row in let parent = model#iter_parent row in match hdata, parent with | (Loading, NoContent), Some parent -> get_pathname t parent | (Loading, NoContent), None -> assert false | (_, Directory { Slave.dent_name = name }), Some parent | (_, File { Slave.dent_name = name }), Some parent -> let src, parent_name = get_pathname t parent in let path = if parent_name = "/" then "/" ^ name else parent_name ^ "/" ^ name in src, path | (_, Top src), _ -> src, "/" | (_, Directory _), None | (_, File _), None -> assert false | (_, NoContent), _ -> assert false (* This is the callback when the slave has read the directory for us. *) and when_read_directory ({ model = model } as t) path entries = debug "when_read_directory"; let row = model#get_iter path in (* Add the entries. *) List.iter ( fun direntry -> let { Slave.dent_name = name; dent_stat = stat; dent_link = link } = direntry in let row = model#append ~parent:row () in if is_directory stat.G.mode then make_node t row (Directory direntry) else make_leaf t row (File direntry); model#set ~row ~column:t.name_col (markup_of_name name); model#set ~row ~column:t.mode_col (markup_of_mode stat.G.mode); model#set ~row ~column:t.size_col stat.G.size; model#set ~row ~column:t.date_col (markup_of_date stat.G.mtime); model#set ~row ~column:t.link_col (markup_of_link link) ) entries; (* Remove the placeholder entry. NB. Must be done AFTER adding * the other entries, or else Gtk will unexpand the row. *) (try let placeholder = model#iter_children ~nth:0 (Some row) in ignore (model#remove placeholder) with Invalid_argument _ -> () ); (* The original directory entry has now been loaded, so * update its state. *) let state, content = get_hdata t row in let hdata = IsNode, content in store_hdata t row hdata