(** Structure classification. *) (* Memory info command for virtual domains. (C) Copyright 2008 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc. http://libvirt.org/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) (** {2 How it works} There's no getting around it, this is complicated. {!Pahole_parser} has parsed in a limited set of structures from each available kernel. We now aim to take a holistic view of a structure as it changed over time, though different kernel versions and also on different architectures. {3 Shape fields and content fields} A structure is a list of fields. Fields fall into two classifications, as far as we are interested: (i) 'Shape' fields define the relationship between different structures. Shape fields are all pointers to other structures that we care about. They have type {!Pahole_parser.FStructPointer} and {!Pahole_parser.FListHeadPointer}. (ii) 'Content' fields are fields in a structure that contain some data, like ints and strings. (In the current implementation, it's anything left which isn't a shape field). So we can easily take a structure and place its fields into two buckets. For example, with [task_struct] it might be: [task_struct] shape fields: - [tasks'next] (the linked list of tasks) - [tasks'prev] - [parent] (points to the parent task) [task_struct] content fields: - [pid] (process ID) - [comm] (task name) - etc. etc. {3 Shape fields and iterator functions} For each kernel/structure we can build a list of shape fields, but in fact in many kernels they will be the same, so we also performing a {i sharing} operation to minimize the number of variations. We also write (by hand) iterator functions. These iterator functions are matched to the corresponding shape field structure, by setting up some prerequisites that the function needs, then matching on those prerequisites with the available shape field structures. {3 Content fields and printing functions} The same (minimization & matching) applies to hand-written printing functions over content field structures. {3 Generated parsing functions} A third form of minimization is required to find kernel structures which happen to be similar - ie. all the fields happen to be in the same place, with the same wordsize and endianness. We can then generate a minimal set of parsing functions which map the binary data from the kernel image into shape and content field structures. {3 Generated loading code} Finally, we generate recursive loading code which recurses over structures into order to load the kernel memory and invoke the correct parsers on it, ensuring that when the program runs, all known kernel structures are recursively reached and loaded in. *) (** {2 Field classification} *) type f_class = ShapeField | ContentField val classify_field : string list -> Pahole_parser.f_type -> f_class (** [classify_field names field] classifies a field as either a shape field or a content field. [names] is a list of all kernel structures that we care about. *) (** {2 Minimization of shape field structures and content field structures} *) type shape_field_struct = { sf_i : int; (** Unique number. *) sf_name : string; (** Structure name in output. *) sf_fields : Pahole_parser.field list; (** Shape fields. *) } (** The type of a shape field structure. *) and content_field_struct = { cf_i : int; (** Unique number. *) cf_name : string; (** Structure name in output. *) cf_fields : Pahole_parser.field list; (** Content fields. *) } (** The type of a content field structure. *) val minimize_shape_field_structs : string -> string list -> (Pahole_parser.info * Pahole_parser.structure) list -> shape_field_struct list * (string, shape_field_struct) Hashtbl.t (** [minimize_shape_field_structs struct_name names kernels] returns a minimized list of shape field structures (a hash table of kernel version to {!shape_field_struct}). [struct_name] is the name of the structure. [names] is the list of interesting kernel structures. *) val minimize_content_field_structs : string -> string list -> (Pahole_parser.info * Pahole_parser.structure) list -> content_field_struct list * (string, content_field_struct) Hashtbl.t (** [minimize_content_field_structs struct_name names kernels] returns a minimized list of content field structures (a hash table of kernel version to {!content_field_struct}). [struct_name] is the name of the structure. [names] is the list of interesting kernel structures. *) (** {2 Minimization of parsers} *) type parser_ (* parser is a reserved word *) = { pa_i : int; (** Unique number. *) pa_name : string; (** Parser function name in output. *) (* The input to the parser: *) pa_endian : Bitstring.endian; (** Default field endianness. *) pa_fields : Pahole_parser.field list; (** All fields. *) (* The output of the parser: *) pa_shape_field_struct : shape_field_struct; pa_content_field_struct : content_field_struct; } (** The type of a parser. *) val minimize_parsers : string -> (Pahole_parser.info * Pahole_parser.structure) list -> (string, shape_field_struct) Hashtbl.t -> (string, content_field_struct) Hashtbl.t -> parser_ list * (string, parser_) Hashtbl.t (** [minimize_parsers struct_name kernels sfhash cfhash] returns a minimized list of parsers (a hash table of kernel version to {!parser_}). [sfhash] and [cfhash] are the kernel version -> shape/content field struct hashes returned by a previous call to {!minimize_shape_field_structs} and {!minimize_content_field_structs} respectively. *)