(* Memory info for virtual domains. (C) Copyright 2008 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc. http://libvirt.org/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) (* This program takes the kernel database (in kernels/ in toplevel directory) and generates parsing code for the various structures in the kernel that we are interested in. The output programs -- *.ml, *.mli files of generated code -- go into lib/ at the toplevel, eg. lib/virt_mem_kernels.ml The stuff at the top of this file determine what structures we try to parse. *) type struct_t = { good_fields : string list; field_metadata : (string * field_metadata_t) list; } and field_metadata_t = | VoidPointerIsReally of string | ListHeadIsReally of (string * string) option (*---------------------------------------------------------------------- * This controls what structures & fields we will parse out. *----------------------------------------------------------------------*) let good_structs = [ "task_struct", { good_fields = [ "tasks'next"; "tasks'prev"; "run_list'next"; "run_list'prev"; "state"; "prio"; "static_prio"; "normal_prio"; "comm"; "pid" ]; field_metadata = [ "tasks'next", ListHeadIsReally None; (*"tasks'prev", ListHeadIsReally None; XXX point to 'next *) "run_list'next", ListHeadIsReally None; (*"run_list'prev", ListHeadIsReally None; XXX point to 'next *) ]; }; "net_device", { good_fields = [ "dev_list'prev"; "dev_list'next"; "next"; "ip_ptr"; "ip6_ptr"; "name"; "flags"; "operstate"; "mtu"; "perm_addr"; "addr_len" ]; field_metadata = [ "dev_list'next", ListHeadIsReally None; (*"dev_list'prev", ListHeadIsReally None; XXX point to 'next *) "ip_ptr", VoidPointerIsReally "in_device"; "ip6_ptr", VoidPointerIsReally "inet6_dev"; ]; }; "net", { good_fields = [ "dev_base_head'next"; "dev_base_head'prev" ]; field_metadata = [ "dev_base_head'next", ListHeadIsReally (Some ("net_device", "dev_list'next")); "dev_base_head'prev", ListHeadIsReally (Some ("net_device", "dev_list'next")); ]; }; "in_device", { good_fields = [ "ifa_list" ]; field_metadata = []; }; "inet6_dev", { good_fields = [ "addr_list" ]; field_metadata = []; }; "in_ifaddr", { good_fields = [ "ifa_next"; "ifa_local"; "ifa_address"; "ifa_mask"; "ifa_broadcast" ]; field_metadata = []; }; "inet6_ifaddr", { good_fields = [ "prefix_len"; "lst_next" ]; field_metadata = []; }; ] let debug = true open Camlp4.PreCast open Syntax (*open Ast*) open ExtList open ExtString open Printf module PP = Pahole_parser module MM = Minimizer module CG = Code_generation let (//) = Filename.concat (* Start of the main program. *) let () = let quick = ref false in let anon_args = ref [] in let argspec = Arg.align [ "--quick", Arg.Set quick, " Quick mode (just for testing)"; ] in let anon_arg str = anon_args := str :: !anon_args in let usage = "\ compile-kerneldb: Turn kernels database into code modules. Usage: compile-kerneldb [-options] For example, from the top level of the virt-mem source tree: compile-kerneldb kernels/ lib/ Options: " in Arg.parse argspec anon_arg usage; let quick = !quick in let anon_args = List.rev !anon_args in let kernelsdir, outputdir = match anon_args with | [kd;od] -> kd,od | _ -> eprintf "compile-kerneldb \n"; exit 2 in (* Read in the list of kernels from the kerneldb. *) let kernels = PP.list_kernels kernelsdir in (* In quick mode, just process the first few kernels. *) let kernels = if quick then List.take 10 kernels else kernels in let good_struct_names = List.map fst good_structs in (* Load in the structures. *) let nr_kernels = List.length kernels in let kernels = List.mapi ( fun i info -> printf "Loading kernel data file %d/%d\r%!" (i+1) nr_kernels; let structures = PP.load_structures info good_struct_names in (info, structures) ) kernels in (* Keep only the good fields. *) let kernels = List.map ( fun (info, structures) -> let structures = List.map ( fun (struct_name, structure) -> let { good_fields = good_fields } = List.assoc struct_name good_structs in let fields = List.filter ( fun { PP.field_name = name } -> List.mem name good_fields ) structure.PP.struct_fields in struct_name, { structure with PP.struct_fields = fields } ) structures in (info, structures) ) kernels in (* Turn anonymous list_head and void * pointers into pointers to * known structure types, where we have that meta-information. *) let kernels = List.map ( fun (info, structures) -> let structures = List.map ( fun (struct_name, structure) -> let { field_metadata = metadata } = List.assoc struct_name good_structs in let fields = structure.PP.struct_fields in let fields = List.map ( fun ({ PP.field_name = name; PP.field_type = typ } as field) -> try let meta = List.assoc name metadata in let typ = match meta, typ with | ListHeadIsReally s, PP.FAnonListHeadPointer -> PP.FListHeadPointer s | VoidPointerIsReally s, PP.FVoidPointer -> PP.FStructPointer s | _, typ -> typ in { field with PP.field_type = typ } with Not_found -> field ) fields in struct_name, { structure with PP.struct_fields = fields } ) structures in (info, structures) ) kernels in if debug then List.iter ( fun (info, structures) -> printf "\n%s ----------\n" (PP.string_of_info info); List.iter ( fun (_, structure) -> printf "%s\n\n" (PP.string_of_structure structure); ) structures; ) kernels; (* First output file is a simple list of kernels, to support the * 'virt-mem --list-kernels' option. *) let () = let _loc = Loc.ghost in let versions = List.map ( fun ({ PP.kernel_version = version }, _) -> version ) kernels in (* Sort them in reverse because we are going to generate the * final list in reverse. *) let cmp a b = compare b a in let versions = List.sort ~cmp versions in let xs = List.fold_left (fun xs version -> <:expr< $str:version$ :: $xs$ >>) <:expr< [] >> versions in let code = <:str_item< let kernels = $xs$ >> in let output_file = outputdir // "virt_mem_kernels.ml" in printf "Writing list of kernels to %s ...\n%!" output_file; Printers.OCaml.print_implem ~output_file code in (* We want to track single structures as they have changed over * time, ie. over kernel versions. Transpose our dataset so we are * looking at structures over time. *) let structures = PP.transpose good_struct_names kernels in let kernels = () in ignore (kernels); (* garbage collect *) let structures = List.map ( fun (struct_name, kernels) -> let all_fields = PP.get_fields kernels in (struct_name, (kernels, all_fields)) ) structures in if debug then List.iter ( fun (struct_name, (kernels, all_fields)) -> printf "struct %s:\n" struct_name; printf " structure occurs in %d kernel versions\n" (List.length kernels); printf " union of fields found:\n"; List.iter ( fun (field_name, (field_type, always_available)) -> printf " %s %s /* %s */\n" (PP.string_of_f_type field_type) field_name (if always_available then "always" else "optional") ) all_fields ) structures; (* Now perform the minimization step for parsers. *) let structures = List.map ( fun (struct_name, (kernels, all_fields)) -> let palist, pahash = MM.minimize_parsers struct_name kernels in (struct_name, (kernels, all_fields, palist, pahash)) ) structures in if debug then List.iter ( fun (struct_name, (kernels, all_fields, palist, pahash)) -> printf "struct %s:\n" struct_name; printf " parsers:\n"; List.iter ( fun { MM.pa_name = name; pa_structure = structure } -> printf " let %s bits =\n" name; List.iter ( fun ({ PP.field_name = name; field_type = typ }) -> printf " %s %s;\n" (PP.string_of_f_type typ) name ) structure.PP.struct_fields; ) palist ) structures; (* Now let's generate some code. *) let implem_types, interf_types = CG.generate_types ( List.map ( fun (struct_name, (_, all_fields, _, _)) -> (struct_name, all_fields) ) structures ) in let implem_offsets, interf_offsets = CG.generate_offsets ( List.map ( fun (struct_name, (kernels, all_fields, _, _)) -> (struct_name, (kernels, all_fields)) ) structures ) in let (implem_parsers, interf_parsers), subst_parsers = CG.generate_parsers ( List.map ( fun (struct_name, (_, all_fields, palist, _)) -> (struct_name, (all_fields, palist)) ) structures ) in let implem_version_maps, interf_version_maps = CG.generate_version_maps ( List.map ( fun (struct_name, (kernels, _, _, pahash)) -> (struct_name, (kernels, pahash)) ) structures ) in let implem_followers, interf_followers = CG.generate_followers good_struct_names ( List.map ( fun (struct_name, (_, all_fields, _, _)) -> (struct_name, all_fields) ) structures ) in (* Output the generated code. *) let output_file = outputdir // "kernel.mli" in printf "Writing kernel data interface to %s ...\n%!" output_file; CG.output_interf ~output_file interf_types interf_offsets interf_parsers interf_version_maps interf_followers; let output_file = outputdir // "kernel.ml" in printf "Writing kernel data parsers to %s ...\n%!" output_file; CG.output_implem ~output_file implem_types implem_offsets implem_parsers subst_parsers implem_version_maps implem_followers; printf "Finished.\n"