(* Memory info command for virtual domains. (C) Copyright 2008 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc. http://libvirt.org/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) open Camlp4.PreCast open Syntax (*open Ast*) open ExtList open ExtString open Printf module PP = Pahole_parser module MM = Minimizer let rec uniq ?(cmp = Pervasives.compare) = function [] -> [] | [x] -> [x] | x :: y :: xs when cmp x y = 0 -> uniq (x :: xs) | x :: y :: xs -> x :: uniq (y :: xs) let sort_uniq ?cmp xs = let xs = List.sort ?cmp xs in let xs = uniq ?cmp xs in xs (* We don't care about locations when generating code, so it's * useful to just have a single global _loc. *) let _loc = Loc.ghost (* Some handy camlp4 construction functions which do some * things that ought to be easy/obvious but aren't. * * 'concat_str_items' concatenates a list of str_item together into * one big str_item. * * 'concat_record_fields' concatenates a list of records fields into * a record. The list must have at least one element. * * 'build_record' builds a record out of record fields. * * 'build_tuple_from_exprs' builds an arbitrary length tuple from * a list of expressions of length >= 2. * * Thanks to bluestorm on #ocaml for getting these working. *) let concat_str_items items = match items with | [] -> <:str_item< >> | x :: xs -> List.fold_left (fun xs x -> <:str_item< $xs$ $x$ >>) x xs let concat_sig_items items = match items with | [] -> <:sig_item< >> | x :: xs -> List.fold_left (fun xs x -> <:sig_item< $xs$ $x$ >>) x xs let concat_exprs exprs = match exprs with | [] -> assert false | x :: xs -> List.fold_left (fun xs x -> <:expr< $xs$ ; $x$ >>) x xs let concat_record_fields fields = match fields with | [] -> assert false | f :: fs -> List.fold_left (fun fs f -> <:ctyp< $fs$ ; $f$ >>) f fs let concat_record_bindings rbs = match rbs with | [] -> assert false | rb :: rbs -> List.fold_left (fun rbs rb -> <:rec_binding< $rbs$ ; $rb$ >>) rb rbs let concat_bindings bs = match bs with | [] -> assert false | b :: bs -> List.fold_left (fun bs b -> <:binding< $bs$ and $b$ >>) b bs let concat_sum_types ts = match ts with | [] -> assert false | t :: ts -> List.fold_left (fun ts t -> <:ctyp< $ts$ | $t$ >>) t ts let build_record rbs = Ast.ExRec (_loc, rbs, Ast.ExNil _loc) let build_tuple_from_exprs exprs = match exprs with | [] | [_] -> assert false | x :: xs -> Ast.ExTup (_loc, List.fold_left (fun xs x -> Ast.ExCom (_loc, x, xs)) x xs) let build_tuple_from_patts patts = match patts with | [] | [_] -> assert false | x :: xs -> Ast.PaTup (_loc, List.fold_left (fun xs x -> Ast.PaCom (_loc, x, xs)) x xs) (* Helper functions to store things in a fixed-length tuple very efficiently. * Note that the tuple length must be >= 2. *) type tuple = string list let tuple_create fields : tuple = fields (* Generates 'let _, _, resultpatt, _ = tupleexpr in body'. *) let tuple_generate_extract fields field resultpatt tupleexpr body = let patts = List.map ( fun name -> if name = field then resultpatt else <:patt< _ >> ) fields in let result = build_tuple_from_patts patts in <:expr< let $result$ = $tupleexpr$ in $body$ >> (* Generates '(fieldexpr1, fieldexpr2, ...)'. *) let tuple_generate_construct fieldexprs = build_tuple_from_exprs fieldexprs type code = Ast.str_item * Ast.sig_item let ocaml_type_of_field_type = function | PP.FInteger, true -> <:ctyp< int64 >> | PP.FInteger, false -> <:ctyp< int64 option >> | PP.FString _, true -> <:ctyp< string >> | PP.FString _, false -> <:ctyp< string option >> | PP.FStructPointer _, true | PP.FVoidPointer, true | PP.FAnonListHeadPointer, true | PP.FListHeadPointer _, true -> <:ctyp< Virt_mem_mmap.addr >> | PP.FStructPointer _, false | PP.FVoidPointer, false | PP.FAnonListHeadPointer, false | PP.FListHeadPointer _, false -> <:ctyp< Virt_mem_mmap.addr option >> let generate_types xs = let types = List.map ( fun (struct_name, all_fields) -> let fields = List.map ( fun (name, (typ, always_available)) -> match typ with | PP.FListHeadPointer _ -> (* A list head turns into three fields, the pointer, * the offset within current struct, and the adjustment * (offset within destination struct). *) let t = ocaml_type_of_field_type (typ, always_available) in [ <:ctyp< $lid:struct_name^"_"^name$ : $t$ >>; <:ctyp< $lid:struct_name^"_"^name^"_offset"$ : int >>; <:ctyp< $lid:struct_name^"_"^name^"_adjustment"$ : int >> ] | _ -> let t = ocaml_type_of_field_type (typ, always_available) in [ <:ctyp< $lid:struct_name^"_"^name$ : $t$ >> ] ) all_fields in let fields = List.concat fields in let fields = concat_record_fields fields in <:str_item< type $lid:struct_name$ = { $fields$ } >>, <:sig_item< type $lid:struct_name$ = { $fields$ } >> ) xs in (* Generate a sum-type which can use to store any type of kernel * structure, ie. Task_struct | Net_device | ... *) let types = types @ [ let constrs = List.map ( fun (struct_name, _) -> let struct_name_uc = String.capitalize struct_name in <:ctyp< $uid:struct_name_uc$ of $lid:struct_name$ >> ) xs in let constrs = concat_sum_types constrs in <:str_item< type kernel_struct = $constrs$ >>, <:sig_item< type kernel_struct = $constrs$ >> ] in let strs, sigs = List.split types in concat_str_items strs, concat_sig_items sigs let generate_offsets xs = (* Only need to generate the offset_of_* functions for fields * which are cross-referenced from another field. Which * ones are those? *) let fields = List.concat ( List.map ( fun (_, (_, all_fields)) -> List.filter_map ( function | (_, (PP.FListHeadPointer ((Some (struct_name, field_name)) as f), _)) -> f | _ -> None ) all_fields ) xs ) in let fields = sort_uniq fields in let strs = List.map ( fun (struct_name, field_name) -> let kernels, _ = try List.assoc struct_name xs with Not_found -> failwith ( sprintf "generate_offsets: structure %s not found. This is probably a list_head-related bug." struct_name ) in (* Find the offset of this field in each kernel version. *) let offsets = List.filter_map ( fun ({ PP.kernel_version = version }, { PP.struct_fields = fields }) -> try let field = List.find (fun { PP.field_name = name } -> field_name = name) fields in let offset = field.PP.field_offset in Some (version, offset) with Not_found -> None ) kernels in if offsets = [] then failwith ( sprintf "generate_offsets: field %s.%s not found in any kernel. This is probably a list_head-related bug." struct_name field_name ); (* Generate a map of kernel version to offset. *) let map = List.fold_left ( fun map (version, offset) -> <:expr< StringMap.add $str:version$ $`int:offset$ $map$ >> ) <:expr< StringMap.empty >> offsets in let code = <:str_item< let $lid:"offset_of_"^struct_name^"_"^field_name$ = let map = $map$ in fun kernel_version -> StringMap.find kernel_version map >> in code ) fields in let strs = concat_str_items strs in strs, <:sig_item< >> let generate_parsers xs = let strs = List.map ( fun (struct_name, (all_fields, palist)) -> let palist = List.map ( fun { MM.pa_name = pa_name } -> <:str_item< let $lid:pa_name$ kernel_version bits = $str:pa_name$ >> ) palist in concat_str_items palist ) xs in let strs = concat_str_items strs in (* The shared parser functions. * * We could include bitmatch statements directly in here, but * what happens is that the macros get expanded here, resulting * in (even more) unreadable generated code. So instead just * do a textual substitution later by post-processing the * generated files. Not type-safe, but we can't have * everything. *) let subs = Hashtbl.create 13 in List.iter ( fun (struct_name, (all_fields, palist)) -> List.iter ( fun ({ MM.pa_name = pa_name; pa_endian = endian; pa_structure = structure }) -> (* Generate the code to match this structure. *) let endian = match endian with | Bitstring.LittleEndian -> "littleendian" | Bitstring.BigEndian -> "bigendian" | _ -> assert false in let patterns = String.concat ";\n " ( List.map ( function | { PP.field_name = field_name; field_type = PP.FInteger; field_offset = offset; field_size = size } -> (* 'zero+' is a hack to force the type to int64. *) sprintf "%s : zero+%d : offset(%d), %s" field_name (size*8) (offset*8) endian | { PP.field_name = field_name; field_type = (PP.FStructPointer _ | PP.FVoidPointer | PP.FAnonListHeadPointer | PP.FListHeadPointer _); field_offset = offset; field_size = size } -> sprintf "%s : zero+%d : offset(%d), %s" field_name (size*8) (offset*8) endian | { PP.field_name = field_name; field_type = PP.FString width; field_offset = offset; field_size = size } -> sprintf "%s : %d : offset(%d), string" field_name (width*8) (offset*8) ) structure.PP.struct_fields ) in let assignments = List.map ( fun (field_name, (field_type, always_available)) -> if always_available then ( (* Go and look up the field offset in the correct kernel. *) let { PP.field_offset = offset } = List.find (fun { PP.field_name = name } -> field_name = name) structure.PP.struct_fields in (* Generate assignment code. List_heads are treated * specially because they have an implicit adjustment. *) match field_type with | PP.FListHeadPointer None -> sprintf "%s_%s = %s; %s_%s_offset = %d; %s_%s_adjustment = %d" struct_name field_name field_name struct_name field_name offset struct_name field_name offset | PP.FListHeadPointer (Some (other_struct_name, other_field_name)) -> (* A reference to a field in another structure. We don't * know the offset until runtime, so we have to call * offset_of__ to find it. *) sprintf "%s_%s = %s; %s_%s_offset = %d; %s_%s_adjustment = offset_of_%s_%s kernel_version" struct_name field_name field_name struct_name field_name offset (* in this struct *) struct_name field_name (* ... & in other struct*) other_struct_name other_field_name | _ -> sprintf "%s_%s = %s" struct_name field_name field_name ) else ( (* Field is optional. Is it available in this kernel * version? If so, get its offset, else throw Not_found. *) try let { PP.field_offset = offset } = List.find (fun { PP.field_name = name } -> field_name = name) structure.PP.struct_fields in (* Generate assignment code. List_heads are treated * specially because they have an implicit adjustment. *) match field_type with | PP.FListHeadPointer None -> sprintf "%s_%s = Some %s; %s_%s_offset = %d; %s_%s_adjustment = %d" struct_name field_name field_name struct_name field_name offset struct_name field_name offset | PP.FListHeadPointer (Some (other_struct_name, other_field_name)) -> (* A reference to a field in another structure. We * don't know the offset until runtime, so we have * to call offset_of__ to find it. *) sprintf "%s_%s = Some %s; %s_%s_offset = %d; %s_%s_adjustment = offset_of_%s_%s kernel_version" struct_name field_name field_name struct_name field_name offset(*in this struct *) struct_name field_name (*... & in other struct*) other_struct_name other_field_name | _ -> sprintf "%s_%s = Some %s" struct_name field_name field_name with Not_found -> (* Field is not available in this kernel version. *) match field_type with | PP.FListHeadPointer _ -> sprintf "%s_%s = None; %s_%s_offset = -1; %s_%s_adjustment = -1" struct_name field_name struct_name field_name struct_name field_name | _ -> sprintf "%s_%s = None" struct_name field_name ) ) all_fields in let assignments = String.concat ";\n " assignments in let code = sprintf " bitmatch bits with | { %s } -> { %s } | { _ } -> raise (ParseError (%S, %S, match_err))" patterns assignments struct_name pa_name in Hashtbl.add subs pa_name code ) palist; ) xs; (strs, <:sig_item< >>), subs let generate_version_maps xs = (* size_of_ kernel_version *) let strs = List.map ( fun (struct_name, (kernels, _)) -> let map = List.fold_right ( fun ({ PP.kernel_version = version }, { PP.struct_total_size = size }) map -> <:expr< StringMap.add $str:version$ $`int:size$ $map$ >> ) kernels <:expr< StringMap.empty >> in <:str_item< let $lid:"size_of_"^struct_name$ = let map = $map$ in fun kernel_version -> try StringMap.find kernel_version map with Not_found -> unknown_kernel_version kernel_version $str:struct_name$ >> ) xs in (* parser_of_ kernel_version *) let strs = strs @ List.map ( fun (struct_name, (kernels, pahash)) -> let map = List.fold_right ( fun ({ PP.kernel_version = version }, _) map -> let { MM.pa_name = pa_name } = Hashtbl.find pahash version in <:expr< StringMap.add $str:version$ $lid:pa_name$ $map$ >> ) kernels <:expr< StringMap.empty >> in <:str_item< let $lid:"parser_of_"^struct_name$ = let map = $map$ in fun kernel_version -> try StringMap.find kernel_version map with Not_found -> unknown_kernel_version kernel_version $str:struct_name$ >> ) xs in concat_str_items strs, <:sig_item< >> let generate_followers names xs = (* A follower function for every structure. *) let bindings = List.map ( fun (struct_name, all_fields) -> let followers = List.fold_right ( fun (name, (typ, always_available)) rest -> let is_shape_field = match typ with | PP.FListHeadPointer None -> true | PP.FListHeadPointer (Some (struct_name, _)) | PP.FStructPointer struct_name when List.mem struct_name names -> true | _ -> false in if not is_shape_field then rest else ( let dest_struct_name = match typ with | PP.FListHeadPointer None -> struct_name | PP.FListHeadPointer (Some (struct_name, _)) -> struct_name | PP.FStructPointer struct_name -> struct_name | _ -> assert false in let body = match typ with | PP.FListHeadPointer _ -> <:expr< (* For list head pointers, add the address of the base * of this virtual structure to the map, then adjust * the pointer. *) let offset = data.$lid:struct_name^"_"^name^"_offset"$ and adj = data.$lid:struct_name^"_"^name^"_adjustment"$ in let offset = Int64.of_int offset and adj = Int64.of_int adj in (* 'addr' is base of the virtual struct *) let addr = Int64.sub (Int64.add addr offset) adj in let map = AddrMap.add addr ($str:dest_struct_name$, None) map in let dest_addr = Int64.sub dest_addr adj in let map = $lid:dest_struct_name^"_follower"$ kernel_version load map dest_addr in map >> | PP.FStructPointer _ -> <:expr< let map = $lid:dest_struct_name^"_follower"$ kernel_version load map dest_addr in map >> | _ -> assert false in if always_available then <:expr< let dest_addr = data.$lid:struct_name^"_"^name$ in let map = $body$ in $rest$ >> else <:expr< let map = match data.$lid:struct_name^"_"^name$ with | None -> map | Some dest_addr -> $body$ in $rest$ >> ) ) all_fields <:expr< map >> in let struct_name_uc = String.capitalize struct_name in <:binding< $lid:struct_name^"_follower"$ kernel_version load map addr = if addr <> 0L && not (AddrMap.mem addr map) then ( let parser_ = $lid:"parser_of_"^struct_name$ kernel_version in let total_size = $lid:"size_of_"^struct_name$ kernel_version in let bits = load $str:struct_name$ addr total_size in let data = parser_ kernel_version bits in let map = AddrMap.add addr ($str:struct_name$, Some (total_size, bits, $uid:struct_name_uc$ data)) map in $followers$ ) else map >> ) xs in let bindings = concat_bindings bindings in let strs = <:str_item< let rec $bindings$ >> in (* Function signatures for the interface. *) let sigs = List.map ( fun (struct_name, _) -> <:sig_item< val $lid:struct_name^"_follower"$ : kernel_version -> load_fn -> addrmap -> Virt_mem_mmap.addr -> addrmap >> ) xs in let sigs = concat_sig_items sigs in strs, sigs let output_interf ~output_file types offsets parsers version_maps followers = (* Some standard code that appears at the top and bottom * of the interface file. *) let prologue = <:sig_item< module AddrMap : sig type key = Virt_mem_mmap.addr type 'a t = 'a Map.Make(Int64).t val empty : 'a t val is_empty : 'a t -> bool val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t val find : key -> 'a t -> 'a val remove : key -> 'a t -> 'a t val mem : key -> 'a t -> bool val iter : (key -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t val mapi : (key -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t val fold : (key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b val compare : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> int val equal : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> bool end ;; exception ParseError of string * string * string ;; type kernel_version = string type load_fn = string -> Virt_mem_mmap.addr -> int -> Bitstring.bitstring >> and addrmap = <:sig_item< type addrmap = (string * (int * Bitstring.bitstring * kernel_struct) option) AddrMap.t >> in let sigs = concat_sig_items [ prologue; types; addrmap; offsets; parsers; version_maps; followers ] in Printers.OCaml.print_interf ~output_file sigs; ignore (Sys.command (sprintf "wc -l %s" (Filename.quote output_file))) (* Finally generate the output files. *) let re_subst = Pcre.regexp "^(.*)\"(\\w+_parser_\\d+)\"(.*)$" let output_implem ~output_file types offsets parsers parser_subs version_maps followers = (* Some standard code that appears at the top and bottom * of the implementation file. *) let prologue = <:str_item< open Printf ;; module StringMap = Map.Make (String) ;; module AddrMap = Map.Make (Int64) ;; exception ParseError of string * string * string ;; let match_err = "failed to match kernel structure" let unknown_kernel_version version struct_name = invalid_arg (sprintf "%s: unknown kernel version or struct %s is not supported in this kernel. Try a newer version of virt-mem, or if the guest is not from a supported Linux distribution, see this page about adding support: http://et.redhat.com/~rjones/virt-mem/faq.html\n" version struct_name) type kernel_version = string type load_fn = string -> Virt_mem_mmap.addr -> int -> Bitstring.bitstring let zero = 0 >> and addrmap = <:str_item< type addrmap = (string * (int * Bitstring.bitstring * kernel_struct) option) AddrMap.t >> in let strs = concat_str_items [ prologue; types; addrmap; offsets; parsers; version_maps; followers ] in (* Write the new implementation to .ml.new file. *) let new_output_file = output_file ^ ".new" in Printers.OCaml.print_implem ~output_file:new_output_file strs; (* Substitute the parser bodies in the output file. *) let ichan = open_in new_output_file in let ochan = open_out output_file in output_string ochan "\ (* WARNING: This file and the corresponding mli (interface) are * automatically generated by the extract/codegen/ program. * * Any edits you make to this file will be lost. * * To update this file from the latest kernel database, it is recommended * that you do 'make update-kernel-structs'. *)\n\n"; let rec loop () = let line = input_line ichan in let line = if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:re_subst line then ( let subs = Pcre.exec ~rex:re_subst line in let start = Pcre.get_substring subs 1 in let template = Pcre.get_substring subs 2 in let rest = Pcre.get_substring subs 3 in let sub = try Hashtbl.find parser_subs template with Not_found -> assert false in start ^ sub ^ rest ) else line in output_string ochan line; output_char ochan '\n'; loop () in (try loop () with End_of_file -> ()); close_out ochan; close_in ichan; Unix.unlink new_output_file; ignore (Sys.command (sprintf "wc -l %s" (Filename.quote output_file)))