(* Example program which uses Net::Google to query Google. * You will need to have a Google API key in ~/.googlekey for this to work. * Copyright (C) 2003 Merjis Ltd. * $Id: google.ml,v 1.2 2003-10-15 16:51:12 rich Exp $ *) open Printf open Pl_Net_Google let () = (* Load Google API key. *) let home = Sys.getenv "HOME" in let chan = open_in (home ^ "/.googlekey") in let key = input_line chan in close_in chan; (* Create the Google query object. *) let google = Pl_Net_Google.new_ ~key () in (* Search. *) let search = google#search () in search#set_query "merjis"; search#set_max_results 5; printf "Top 5 results for \"merjis\":\n"; flush stdout; List.iter (fun response -> printf "* %s\n \n\n" response#title response#url ) search#results; (* Destroy the Perl interpreter. *) Perl.destroy (Perl.current_interpreter ())