/* Directory serving. * - by Richard W.M. Jones * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * $Id: dir.c,v 1.13 2003/02/05 23:02:51 rich Exp $ */ #include "config.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_DIRENT_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SYSLIMITS_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "process_rq.h" #include "mime_types.h" #include "file.h" #include "errors.h" #include "cfg.h" #include "re.h" #include "dir.h" static void choose_icon (process_rq p, const char *filename, const struct stat *statbuf, const char **icon, const char **icon_alt, int *icon_width, int *icon_height); static void standard_icon (process_rq p, const char *name, const char **icon, const char **icon_alt, int *icon_width, int *icon_height); static void unknown_icon (process_rq p, const char **icon, const char **icon_alt, int *icon_width, int *icon_height); static int parse_icon_str (process_rq p, const char *icon_str, const char **icon, const char **icon_alt, int *icon_width, int *icon_height); static const char *get_printable_size (process_rq p, const struct stat *statbuf); static const char *get_link_field (process_rq p, const char *filename); static int my_strcmp (const char **p1, const char **p2) { return strcmp (*p1, *p2); } int dir_serve (process_rq p) { http_response http_response; int close, i; char *index_file; struct stat index_statbuf; DIR *dir; struct dirent *d; vector files; /* Is there an index file in this directory? If so, internally redirect * the request to that file. */ index_file = psprintf (p->pool, "%s/index.html", p->file_path); if (stat (index_file, &index_statbuf) == 0 && S_ISREG (index_statbuf.st_mode)) { /* Update the request structure appropriately. */ p->file_path = index_file; p->remainder = psprintf (p->pool, "%s/index.html", p->remainder); p->statbuf = index_statbuf; /* Serve the file. */ return file_serve (p); } /* Are we allowed to generate a directory listing? */ if (!cfg_get_bool (p->host, p->alias, "list", 0)) return bad_request_error (p, "directory listing not allowed"); /* Yes: read the files into a local vector. */ dir = opendir (p->file_path); if (dir == 0) return bad_request_error (p, "error opening directory"); files = new_vector (p->pool, const char *); while ((d = readdir (dir)) != 0) { if (d->d_name[0] != '.') /* Ignore hidden files. */ { char *name = pstrdup (p->pool, d->d_name); vector_push_back (files, name); } } closedir (dir); /* Sort them into alphabetical order. */ psort (files, my_strcmp); /* Not changed, so it's a real cache hit. */ http_response = new_http_response (p->pool, p->http_request, p->io, 200, "OK"); http_response_send_headers (http_response, /* Content type. */ "Content-Type", "text/html", /* End of headers. */ NULL); close = http_response_end_headers (http_response); if (http_request_is_HEAD (p->http_request)) return close; io_fprintf (p->io, "Directory listing: %s" CRLF "" CRLF "

Directory listing: %s

" CRLF "Go up to parent directory" CRLF "" CRLF, p->canonical_path, p->canonical_path); for (i = 0; i < vector_size (files); ++i) { const char *name, *pathname, *icon, *icon_alt; const char *size = "", *link_field = ""; int icon_width, icon_height; struct stat file_statbuf; vector_get (files, i, name); /* Generate the full pathname. */ pathname = psprintf (p->pool, "%s/%s", p->file_path, name); /* Stat the file to get type and size information. */ if (lstat (pathname, &file_statbuf) == 0) { /* Choose an icon type. */ choose_icon (p, name, &file_statbuf, &icon, &icon_alt, &icon_width, &icon_height); /* Get the size. */ if (S_ISREG (file_statbuf.st_mode)) size = get_printable_size (p, &file_statbuf); /* If it's a link, get the link field. */ if (S_ISLNK (file_statbuf.st_mode)) link_field = get_link_field (p, pathname); /* Print the pathname. */ io_fprintf (p->io, "" CRLF, icon, icon_alt, icon_width, icon_height, name, S_ISDIR (file_statbuf.st_mode) ? "/" : "", name, link_field, size); } } io_fprintf (p->io, "
\"%s\"%s %s%s
" CRLF "
" CRLF "" CRLF, http_get_servername ()); return close; } static void choose_icon (process_rq p, const char *filename, const struct stat *statbuf, const char **icon, const char **icon_alt, int *icon_width, int *icon_height) { if (S_ISREG (statbuf->st_mode)) { const char *mime_type = 0; const char *icon_str; vector v; /* Get the file extension and map it to a MIME type. */ if ((v = prematch (p->pool, filename, re_ext, 0)) != 0) { char *ext; vector_get (v, 1, ext); mime_type = mime_types_get_type (ext); } if (!mime_type) { standard_icon (p, "no type", icon, icon_alt, icon_width, icon_height); return; } /* If there a icon specified for this MIME type? */ icon_str = cfg_get_string (p->host, p->alias, psprintf (p->pool, "icon for %s", mime_type), 0); if (!icon_str) { /* Try looking for an icon for class / * instead. */ v = pstrcsplit (p->pool, mime_type, '/'); if (vector_size (v) >= 1) { const char *mime_class; vector_get (v, 0, mime_class); icon_str = cfg_get_string (p->host, p->alias, psprintf (p->pool, "icon for %s/*", mime_class), 0); } } if (!icon_str) { unknown_icon (p, icon, icon_alt, icon_width, icon_height); return; } /* Split up the string. */ if (!parse_icon_str (p, icon_str, icon, icon_alt, icon_width, icon_height)) { fprintf (stderr, "cannot parse icon description: %s (mime_type = %s)\n", icon_str, mime_type); unknown_icon (p, icon, icon_alt, icon_width, icon_height); return; } } else if (S_ISDIR (statbuf->st_mode)) { standard_icon (p, "directory", icon, icon_alt, icon_width, icon_height); } else if (S_ISLNK (statbuf->st_mode)) { standard_icon (p, "link", icon, icon_alt, icon_width, icon_height); } else { standard_icon (p, "special", icon, icon_alt, icon_width, icon_height); } } static void standard_icon (process_rq p, const char *name, const char **icon, const char **icon_alt, int *icon_width, int *icon_height) { const char *icon_str; icon_str = cfg_get_string (p->host, p->alias, psprintf (p->pool, "%s icon", name), 0); if (!icon_str) { unknown_icon (p, icon, icon_alt, icon_width, icon_height); return; } if (!parse_icon_str (p, icon_str, icon, icon_alt, icon_width, icon_height)) { fprintf (stderr, "cannot parse icon description: %s\n", icon_str); unknown_icon (p, icon, icon_alt, icon_width, icon_height); return; } } static void unknown_icon (process_rq p, const char **icon, const char **icon_alt, int *icon_width, int *icon_height) { const char *icon_str; icon_str = cfg_get_string (p->host, p->alias, "unknown icon", 0); if (!icon_str) { fprintf (stderr, "``unknown icon'' must be present in configuration file\n"); exit (1); } if (!parse_icon_str (p, icon_str, icon, icon_alt, icon_width, icon_height)) { fprintf (stderr, "cannot parse icon description: %s\n", icon_str); exit (1); } } static int parse_icon_str (process_rq p, const char *icon_str, const char **icon, const char **icon_alt, int *icon_width, int *icon_height) { vector v; char *s; /* Split up the string. */ if ((v = prematch (p->pool, icon_str, re_icon, 0)) == 0) return 0; if (vector_size (v) != 5) return 0; vector_get (v, 1, *icon); vector_get (v, 2, s); sscanf (s, "%d", icon_width); vector_get (v, 3, s); sscanf (s, "%d", icon_height); vector_get (v, 4, *icon_alt); return 1; } static const char * get_printable_size (process_rq p, const struct stat *statbuf) { unsigned long size = statbuf->st_size; if (size < 1024) return psprintf (p->pool, "%lu bytes", size); else if (size < 1024 * 1024) return psprintf (p->pool, "%.1f KB", size / 1024.0); else return psprintf (p->pool, "%.1f MB", size / (1024 * 1024.0)); } static const char * get_link_field (process_rq p, const char *filename) { const char prefix[] = "-> "; const int prefix_sz = sizeof prefix - 1; char *buffer; int n; #ifndef NAME_MAX /* Solaris defines NAME_MAX on a per-filesystem basis. * See: http://lists.spine.cx/archives/everybuddy/2002-May/001419.html */ long NAME_MAX = pathconf (filename, _PC_NAME_MAX); #endif buffer = pmalloc (p->pool, NAME_MAX + 1 + prefix_sz); memcpy (buffer, prefix, prefix_sz); n = readlink (filename, buffer + prefix_sz, NAME_MAX + 1); if (n == -1) return ""; buffer[n + prefix_sz] = '\0'; return buffer; }