(* Handy tool for managing CSV files. * $Id: csvtool.ml,v 1.3 2006-06-06 16:01:52 rich Exp $ *) open Printf open Csv let cmd_cols ~separator ~csv ~chan cols = let cols = List.map int_of_string cols in let output = List.map ( fun row -> let n = List.length row in let row = List.map ( fun col_wanted -> if 0 <= col_wanted && col_wanted < n then List.nth row col_wanted else "" ) cols in row ) csv in save_out ~separator chan output let cmd_namedcols ~separator ~csv ~chan names = let header, data = match csv with | [] -> failwith "no rows in this CSV file" | h :: t -> h, t in let data = associate header data in let data = List.map ( fun row -> List.map (fun name -> List.assoc name row) names ) data in save_out ~separator chan data let cmd_width ~csv ~chan () = fprintf chan "%d\n" (columns csv) let cmd_height ~csv ~chan () = fprintf chan "%d\n" (lines csv) let cmd_readable ~csv ~chan () = save_out_readable chan csv let cmd_square ~separator ~csv ~chan () = let csv = square csv in save_out ~separator chan csv let cmd_sub ~separator ~csv ~chan args = let r, c, rows, cols = match args with | [ r; c; rows; cols ] -> int_of_string r, int_of_string c, int_of_string rows, int_of_string cols | _ -> failwith "unknown arguments to 'sub' command" in let csv = sub r c rows cols csv in save_out ~separator chan csv let cmd_replace ~separator ~csv ~chan args = let ncols, replacement = match args with | [ ncols; replacement ] -> int_of_string ncols, replacement | _ -> failwith "unknown arguments to 'replace' command" in (* Load the replacement CSV file in. *) let replacement = Csv.load ~separator replacement in (* Compare two rows for equality be considering only the first ncols. *) let rec compare ncols row1 row2 = if ncols <= 0 then true else match row1, row2 with | [], [] -> true | [], _ -> false | _, [] -> false | x :: xs, y :: ys -> let c = Pervasives.compare x y in if c <> 0 then false else compare (ncols-1) xs ys in (* Look for rows in the original to be replaced by rows from the * replacement file. This is an ugly O(n^2) hack (XXX). *) let csv = List.filter ( fun row -> not (List.exists (compare ncols row) replacement) ) csv in let csv = csv @ replacement in save_out ~separator chan csv (* Process the arguments. *) let usage = "csvtool - Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Richard W.M. Jones, Merjis Ltd. csvtool is a tool for performing manipulations on CSV files from shell scripts. Summary: csvtool [-options] command [command-args] < input.csv Commands: col [col1] [col2] ... Return one or more columns from the CSV file. Columns are numbered starting from zero. namedcol [name1] [name2] ... Assuming the first row of the CSV file is a list of column headings, this returned the column(s) with the named headings. width Return the maximum width of the CSV file (number of columns in the widest row). height Return the number of rows in the CSV file. readable Print the input CSV in a readable format. square Make the CSV square, so all rows have the same length. sub r c rows cols Take a square subset of the CSV, top left at row r, column c (counting from 0), which is rows deep and cols wide. replace ncols file.csv Replace rows in input.csv with rows from file.csv. The first ncols columns only are used to compare rows in input.csv and file.csv to see if they are candidates for replacement. Input and output files: csvtool normally processes its input from stdin and writes its output to stdout. Use the -i and -o options to override this behaviour. Options:" let () = let input_sep = ref ',' in let set_input_sep = function | "TAB" -> input_sep := '\t' | "COMMA" -> input_sep := ',' | s -> input_sep := s.[0] in let output_sep = ref ',' in let set_output_sep = function | "TAB" -> output_sep := '\t' | "COMMA" -> output_sep := ',' | s -> output_sep := s.[0] in let input_file = ref "" in let output_file = ref "" in let argspec = [ "-t", Arg.String set_input_sep, "Input separator char. Use -t TAB for tab separated input."; "-u", Arg.String set_output_sep, "Output separator char. Use -t TAB for tab separated output."; "-i", Arg.Set_string input_file, "Read CSV input from file (instead of stdin)"; "-o", Arg.Set_string output_file, "Write output to file (instead of stdout)" ] in let rest = ref [] in let set_rest str = rest := str :: !rest in Arg.parse argspec set_rest usage; let input_sep = !input_sep in let output_sep = !output_sep in let input_file = !input_file in let output_file = !output_file in let rest = List.rev !rest in let cmd, args = match rest with | [] -> prerr_endline (Sys.executable_name ^ " --help for usage"); exit 1 | h :: t -> h, t in (* Read the input file. *) let input = if input_file <> "" then load ~separator:input_sep input_file else load_in ~separator:input_sep stdin in (* Set up the output file. *) let chan = if output_file <> "" then open_out output_file else stdout in (match cmd with | "col" | "cols" -> cmd_cols ~separator:output_sep ~csv:input ~chan args | "namedcol" | "namedcols" -> cmd_namedcols ~separator:output_sep ~csv:input ~chan args | "width" -> cmd_width ~csv:input ~chan () | "height" -> cmd_height ~csv:input ~chan () | "readable" -> cmd_readable ~csv:input ~chan () | "square" -> cmd_square ~separator:output_sep ~csv:input ~chan () | "sub" -> cmd_sub ~separator:output_sep ~csv:input ~chan args | "replace" -> cmd_replace ~separator:output_sep ~csv:input ~chan args | _ -> prerr_endline (Sys.executable_name ^ " --help for usage") ); if output_file <> "" then close_out chan