(* csv.ml - comma separated values parser * * $Id: csv.ml,v 1.7 2005-11-25 14:06:58 rich Exp $ *) (* The format of CSV files: * * Each field starts with either a double quote char or some other * char. For the some other char case things are simple: just read up * to the next comma (,) which marks the end of the field. * * In the case where a field begins with a double quote char the * parsing rules are different. Any double quotes are doubled ("") and * we finish reading when we reach an undoubled quote. eg: "The * following is a quote: "", and that's all" is the CSV equivalent of * the following literal field: The following is a quote: ", and that's * all * * "0 is the quoted form of ASCII NUL. * * CSV fields can also contain literal carriage return characters, if * they are quoted, eg: "This field * is split over lines" represents a * single field containing a \n. * * Excel will only use the quoting format if a field contains a double * quote or comma, although there's no reason why Excel couldn't always * use the quoted format. * * The practical upshot of this is that you can't split a line in a CSV * file just by looking at the commas. You need to parse each field * separately. * * How we represent CSV files: * * We load in the whole CSV file at once, and store it internally as a * 'string list list' type (note that each line in the CSV file can, * and often will, have different lengths). We then provide simple * functions to read the CSV file line-by-line, copy it out, or copy a * subset of it into a matrix. *) type t = string list list exception Bad_CSV_file of string let rec dropwhile f = function | [] -> [] | x :: xs when f x -> dropwhile f xs | xs -> xs (* from extlib: *) let rec drop n = function | _ :: l when n > 0 -> drop (n-1) l | l -> l let rec take n = function | x :: xs when n > 0 -> x :: take (pred n) xs | _ -> [] let lines = List.length let columns csv = List.fold_left max 0 (List.map List.length csv) type state_t = StartField | InUnquotedField | InQuotedField | InQuotedFieldAfterQuote let load_rows ?(separator = ',') f chan = let row = ref [] in (* Current row. *) let field = ref [] in (* Current field. *) let state = ref StartField in (* Current state. *) let end_of_field () = let field_list = List.rev !field in let field_len = List.length field_list in let field_str = String.create field_len in let rec loop i = function [] -> () | x :: xs -> field_str.[i] <- x; loop (i+1) xs in loop 0 field_list; row := field_str :: !row; field := []; state := StartField in let empty_field () = row := "" :: !row; field := []; state := StartField in let end_of_row () = let row_list = List.rev !row in f row_list; row := []; state := StartField in let rec loop () = let c = input_char chan in if c != '\r' then ( (* Always ignore \r characters. *) match !state with StartField -> (* Expecting quote or other char. *) if c = '"' then ( state := InQuotedField; field := [] ) else if c = separator then (* Empty field. *) empty_field () else if c = '\n' then ( (* Empty field, end of row. *) empty_field (); end_of_row () ) else ( state := InUnquotedField; field := [c] ) | InUnquotedField -> (* Reading chars to end of field. *) if c = separator then (* End of field. *) end_of_field () else if c = '\n' then ( (* End of field and end of row. *) end_of_field (); end_of_row () ) else field := c :: !field | InQuotedField -> (* Reading chars to end of field. *) if c = '"' then state := InQuotedFieldAfterQuote else field := c :: !field | InQuotedFieldAfterQuote -> if c = '"' then ( (* Doubled quote. *) field := c :: !field; state := InQuotedField ) else if c = '0' then ( (* Quote-0 is ASCII NUL. *) field := '\000' :: !field; state := InQuotedField ) else if c = separator then (* End of field. *) end_of_field () else if c = '\n' then ( (* End of field and end of row. *) end_of_field (); end_of_row () ) else ( (* Bad single quote in field. *) field := c :: '"' :: !field; state := InQuotedField ) ); (* end of match *) loop () in try loop () with End_of_file -> (* Any part left to write out? *) (match !state with StartField -> if !row <> [] then ( empty_field (); end_of_row () ) | InUnquotedField | InQuotedFieldAfterQuote -> end_of_field (); end_of_row () | InQuotedField -> raise (Bad_CSV_file "Missing end quote after quoted field.") ) let load_in ?separator chan = let csv = ref [] in let f row = csv := row :: !csv in load_rows ?separator f chan; List.rev !csv let load ?separator filename = let chan = open_in filename in let csv = load_in ?separator chan in close_in chan; csv let trim ?(top=true) ?(left=true) ?(right=true) ?(bottom=true) csv = let rec empty_row = function | [] -> true | x :: xs when x <> "" -> false | x :: xs -> empty_row xs in let csv = if top then dropwhile empty_row csv else csv in let csv = if right then List.map (fun row -> let row = List.rev row in let row = dropwhile ((=) "") row in let row = List.rev row in row) csv else csv in let csv = if bottom then ( let csv = List.rev csv in let csv = dropwhile empty_row csv in let csv = List.rev csv in csv ) else csv in let empty_left_cell = function [] -> true | x :: xs when x = "" -> true | _ -> false in let empty_left_col = List.fold_left (fun a row -> a && empty_left_cell row) true in let remove_left_col = List.map (function [] -> [] | x :: xs -> xs) in let rec loop csv = if empty_left_col csv then ( let csv = remove_left_col csv in loop csv ) else csv in let csv = if left then loop csv else csv in csv let square csv = let columns = columns csv in List.map ( fun row -> let n = List.length row in let row = List.rev row in let rec loop acc = function | 0 -> acc | i -> "" :: loop acc (i-1) in let row = loop row (columns - n) in List.rev row ) csv let is_square csv = let columns = columns csv in List.for_all (fun row -> List.length row = columns) csv let rec set_columns cols = function | [] -> [] | r :: rs -> let rec loop i cells = if i < cols then ( match cells with | [] -> "" :: loop (succ i) [] | c :: cs -> c :: loop (succ i) cs ) else [] in loop 0 r :: set_columns cols rs let rec set_rows rows csv = if rows > 0 then ( match csv with | [] -> [] :: set_rows (pred rows) [] | r :: rs -> r :: set_rows (pred rows) rs ) else [] let set_size rows cols csv = set_columns cols (set_rows rows csv) let sub r c rows cols csv = let csv = drop r csv in let csv = List.map (drop c) csv in let csv = set_rows rows csv in let csv = set_columns cols csv in csv let to_array csv = Array.of_list (List.map Array.of_list csv) let of_array csv = List.map Array.to_list (Array.to_list csv) let associate header data = let nr_cols = List.length header in let rec trunc = function | 0, _ -> [] | n, [] -> "" :: trunc (n-1, []) | n, (x :: xs) -> x :: trunc (n-1, xs) in List.map ( fun row -> let row = trunc (nr_cols, row) in List.combine header row ) data let save_out ?(separator = ',') chan csv = (* Quote a single CSV field. *) let quote_field field = if String.contains field separator || String.contains field '\"' || String.contains field '\n' then ( let buffer = Buffer.create 100 in Buffer.add_char buffer '\"'; for i = 0 to (String.length field) - 1 do match field.[i] with '\"' -> Buffer.add_string buffer "\"\"" | c -> Buffer.add_char buffer c done; Buffer.add_char buffer '\"'; Buffer.contents buffer ) else field in let separator = String.make 1 separator in List.iter (fun line -> output_string chan (String.concat separator (List.map quote_field line)); output_char chan '\n') csv let print ?separator csv = save_out ?separator stdout csv; flush stdout let save ?separator file csv = let chan = open_out file in save_out ?separator chan csv; close_out chan let save_out_readable chan csv = (* Escape all the strings in the CSV file first. *) let csv = List.map (List.map String.escaped) csv in let csv = square csv in (* Find the width of each column. *) let widths = match csv with | [] -> [] | r :: _ -> let n = List.length r in let lengths = List.map (List.map String.length) csv in let max2rows r1 r2 = let rp = List.combine r1 r2 in List.map (fun ((a : int), (b : int)) -> max a b) rp in let rec repeat x = function | 0 -> [] | i -> x :: repeat x (i-1) in List.fold_left max2rows (repeat 0 n) lengths in (* Print out each cell at the correct width. *) let rec repeat f = function | 0 -> () | i -> f (); repeat f (i-1) in List.iter ( fun row -> let row = List.combine widths row in List.iter ( fun (width, cell) -> output_string chan cell; let n = String.length cell in repeat (fun () -> output_char chan ' ') (width - n + 1) ) row; output_char chan '\n' ) csv let print_readable = save_out_readable stdout