Short introduction to libguestfs

by Richard W.M. Jones <>

The Idea

Reuse qemu, Linux kernel and userspace tools to read and write disk images.

The Stable API

  /* get the Linux VFS type corresponding to a mounted device */
extern char *guestfs_vfs_type (guestfs_h *g, const char *device);
Example using this API:
#include <guestfs.h>

char *fstype = guestfs_vfs_type (g, "/dev/vda1");
printf ("%s\n", fstype);
free (fstype);
→ ntfs

click to see a real example ...

   (RString "fstype",
        [Device "device"], []),
   198, [],
   [ (* tests *) ],
   "get the Linux VFS type corresponding to a mounted device",
This command gets the filesystem type corresponding to
the filesystem on C<device>.

For most filesystems, the result is the name of the Linux
VFS module which would be used to mount this filesystem
if you mounted it without specifying the filesystem type.
For example a string such as C<ext3> or C<ntfs>.");

full source ...

char *
do_vfs_type (const char *device)
  return get_blkid_tag (device, "TYPE");

static char *
get_blkid_tag (const char *device, const char *tag)
  char *out, *err;
  int r;

  r = commandr (&out, &err,
                "-c", "/dev/null",
                "-o", "value", "-s", tag, device, NULL);
  if (r != 0 && r != 2) {
    if (r >= 0)
      reply_with_error ("%s: %s (blkid returned %d)",
                        device, err, r);
      reply_with_error ("%s: %s", device, err);
    free (out);
    free (err);
    return NULL;

  /* ... */

  return out;             /* caller frees */

full source ...

Just these two fragments generate:

Tools written around the API

guestfish -N fs -m /dev/sda1 <<EOF
  mkdir /etc
  upload /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
  write /etc/hostname ""

manual ...

virt-df -a /dev/vg/F15x32 -h
Filesystem                    Size  Used Available Use%
F15x32:/dev/sda1              484M   31M      428M   7%
F15x32:/dev/vg_f15x32/lv_root 5.5G  3.4G      1.8G  63%

manual ...

virt-edit -c qemu:///system -d F15x32 /etc/passwd
(launches editor)

manual ...

virt-win-reg -c qemu:///system --unsafe-printable-strings \
  Win7x32 'HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Tcpip\Parameters' \
  | grep DhcpIPAddress

manual ...


V2V & P2V

Read more ... is the main website.

guestfs(3) is the manual page documenting the C API and the internals.

There are manual pages documenting guestfish, guestmount and each virt tool. See the main website or your local man command.

This page © 2011 Red Hat Inc. and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.