(* This contains lots of configuration specifics which are * unlikely to be useful unless you are me ... *) open Goaljobs open Printf (* General. *) let buildtmp = sprintf "%s/tmp/builds" (Sys.getenv "HOME") (* Fedora *) let fedora_dir = Sys.getenv "HOME" // "d/fedora" let fedora_repo pkg branch = fedora_dir // pkg // branch let fedora_specfile pkg branch = sprintf "%s/%s.spec" (fedora_repo pkg branch) pkg (* libguestfs *) let libguestfs_query_mins = 60 let libguestfs_website_repo = sprintf "%s/d/websites/libguestfs" (Sys.getenv "HOME") let libguestfs_localconfigure source = let configure = match source with `Git -> "./autogen.sh" | `Tarball -> "./configure" in sprintf "\ #!/bin/bash - . localenv # NB: --enable-valgrind-daemon is disabled because we # should be checking production builds. %s \\ --prefix /usr \\ --disable-static \\ --with-default-backend=libvirt \\ --enable-werror \\ --enable-gtk-doc \\ --disable-golang \\ -C \\ \"$@\" " configure let libguestfs_localenv supermin = let skips = shlines "grep SKIP_ %s" (fedora_specfile "libguestfs" "master") in "\ # Fails under valgrind because of a leak in the fuse library, # although I could not work out exactly why. export SKIP_TEST_PARALLEL_MOUNT_LOCAL=1 # Fails under valgrind because cpio subprocess has a memory leak. export SKIP_TEST_FILE_ARCHITECTURE_11=1 " ^ String.concat "\n" skips ^ match supermin with | None -> "" | Some (supermin, supermin_helper) -> sprintf "\ # Needs a modified path to supermin binaries: export SUPERMIN=%s export SUPERMIN_HELPER=%s " supermin supermin_helper