# Example configuration file for hostinfo daemon. # See also '@sysconfdir@/hostinfo/guests.conf'. # IMPORTANT: Please read hostinfo(8) manual page for documentation. # This file contains any global configuration required by the # hostinfo daemon. If you change this file, then you must # restart the hostinfo service (ie. 'service hostinfo restart'). # Per-guest configuration is stored in a separate file. # To configure what each guest can see, you have to edit # this file, not the current file. guests @sysconfdir@/hostinfo/guests.conf # Directory containing sockets which are used to communicate # between the guests and the host. You probably shouldn't # change this. #sockets @localstatedir@/lib/hostinfo # Libvirt connection URI. # See: http://libvirt.org/uri.html #libvirt xen:/// # Enable verbose messages sent to the system log files. #verbose 1 # Don't fork into the background, and send verbose messages # to stderr. You shouldn't normally enable this unless you # are a developer. #foreground 1 #debug 1