# Example per-guest configuration file for hostinfo daemon. # See also '@sysconfdir@/hostinfo/hostinfo.conf'. # IMPORTANT: Please read hostinfo(8) manual page for documentation. # VERY IMPORTANT: If you change this file, then the daemon will notice # the change next time it gets a request from a guest. HOWEVER for # security reasons if you change this file and your change contains a # mistake, then the DAEMON WILL EXIT with an error message (usually in # syslog). Hostinfo defaults to no-access in these circumstances and # you have to correct your mistake and restart the service ('service # hostinfo restart'). # A rule for a specific qemu/KVM guest with the libvirt name 'dom'. #[qemu-dom] #interval 60 # A rule that would apply to all qemu/KVM guests. #[qemu-*] #interval 60 # Catch-all default rule for guests. This rule MUST be last in the file. # This lists commands that are enabled. Any commands not listed here # will be disabled by default. [*] interval 1 availcpus on corespersocket on memory on mhz on model on nodes on physcpus on ping on socketspernode on threadspercore on