(* Bitmatch persistent patterns. * Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat Inc., Richard W.M. Jones * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, * with the OCaml linking exception described in COPYING.LIB. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * $Id$ *) open Printf open Camlp4.PreCast open Syntax open Ast type patt = Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax.Ast.patt type expr = Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax.Ast.expr type loc_t = Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax.Ast.Loc.t (* Field. In bitmatch (patterns) the type is [patt field]. In * BITSTRING (constructor) the type is [expr field]. *) type 'a field = { field : 'a; (* field ('a is either patt or expr) *) flen : expr; (* length in bits, may be non-const *) endian : endian_expr; (* endianness *) signed : bool; (* true if signed, false if unsigned *) t : field_type; (* type *) _loc : Loc.t; (* location in source code *) offset : expr option; (* offset expression *) } and field_type = Int | String | Bitstring (* field type *) and endian_expr = | ConstantEndian of Bitmatch.endian (* a constant little/big/nativeendian *) | EndianExpr of expr (* an endian expression *) type pattern = patt field list type constructor = expr field list type named = string * alt and alt = | Pattern of pattern | Constructor of constructor (* Work out if an expression is an integer constant. * * Returns [Some i] if so (where i is the integer value), else [None]. * * Fairly simplistic algorithm: we can only detect simple constant * expressions such as [k], [k+c], [k-c] etc. *) let rec expr_is_constant = function | <:expr< $int:i$ >> -> (* Literal integer constant. *) Some (int_of_string i) | <:expr< $a$ + $b$ >> -> (* Addition of constants. *) (match expr_is_constant a, expr_is_constant b with | Some a, Some b -> Some (a+b) | _ -> None) | <:expr< $a$ - $b$ >> -> (* Subtraction. *) (match expr_is_constant a, expr_is_constant b with | Some a, Some b -> Some (a-b) | _ -> None) | <:expr< $a$ * $b$ >> -> (* Multiplication. *) (match expr_is_constant a, expr_is_constant b with | Some a, Some b -> Some (a*b) | _ -> None) | <:expr< $a$ / $b$ >> -> (* Division. *) (match expr_is_constant a, expr_is_constant b with | Some a, Some b -> Some (a/b) | _ -> None) | <:expr< $a$ lsl $b$ >> -> (* Shift left. *) (match expr_is_constant a, expr_is_constant b with | Some a, Some b -> Some (a lsl b) | _ -> None) | <:expr< $a$ lsr $b$ >> -> (* Shift right. *) (match expr_is_constant a, expr_is_constant b with | Some a, Some b -> Some (a lsr b) | _ -> None) | _ -> None (* Anything else is not constant. *) let string_of_field_type = function | Int -> "int" | String -> "string" | Bitstring -> "bitstring" let patt_printer = function | <:patt< $lid:id$ >> -> id | <:patt< _ >> -> "_" | _ -> "[pattern]" let expr_printer = function | <:expr< $lid:id$ >> -> id | <:expr< $int:i$ >> -> i | _ -> "[expression]" let _string_of_field { flen = flen; endian = endian; signed = signed; t = t; _loc = _loc; offset = offset } = let flen = match expr_is_constant flen with | Some i -> string_of_int i | None -> "[non-const-len]" in let endian = match endian with | ConstantEndian endian -> Bitmatch.string_of_endian endian | EndianExpr _ -> "endian([expr])" in let signed = if signed then "signed" else "unsigned" in let t = string_of_field_type t in let offset = match offset with | None -> "" | Some expr -> match expr_is_constant expr with | Some i -> sprintf ", offset(%d)" i | None -> sprintf ", offset([expr])" in let loc_fname = Loc.file_name _loc in let loc_line = Loc.start_line _loc in let loc_char = Loc.start_off _loc - Loc.start_bol _loc in sprintf "%s : %s, %s, %s%s (* %S:%d %d *)" flen t endian signed offset loc_fname loc_line loc_char let rec string_of_pattern_field ({ field = patt } as field) = sprintf "%s : %s" (patt_printer patt) (_string_of_field field) and string_of_constructor_field ({ field = expr } as field) = sprintf "%s : %s" (expr_printer expr) (_string_of_field field) let string_of_pattern pattern = "{ " ^ String.concat ";\n " (List.map string_of_pattern_field pattern) ^ " }\n" let string_of_constructor constructor = "{ " ^ String.concat ";\n " (List.map string_of_constructor_field constructor) ^ " }\n" let named_to_channel chan n = Marshal.to_channel chan n [] let named_to_string n = Marshal.to_string n [] let named_to_buffer str ofs len n = Marshal.to_buffer str ofs len n [] let named_from_channel = Marshal.from_channel let named_from_string = Marshal.from_string let create_pattern_field _loc = { field = <:patt< _ >>; flen = <:expr< 32 >>; endian = ConstantEndian Bitmatch.BigEndian; signed = false; t = Int; _loc = _loc; offset = None; } let set_lident_patt field id = let _loc = field._loc in { field with field = <:patt< $lid:id$ >> } let set_int_patt field i = let _loc = field._loc in { field with field = <:patt< $`int:i$ >> } let set_string_patt field str = let _loc = field._loc in { field with field = <:patt< $str:str$ >> } let set_unbound_patt field = let _loc = field._loc in { field with field = <:patt< _ >> } let set_patt field patt = { field with field = patt } let set_length_int field flen = let _loc = field._loc in { field with flen = <:expr< $`int:flen$ >> } let set_length field flen = { field with flen = flen } let set_endian field endian = { field with endian = ConstantEndian endian } let set_endian_expr field expr = { field with endian = EndianExpr expr } let set_signed field signed = { field with signed = signed } let set_type_int field = { field with t = Int } let set_type_string field = { field with t = String } let set_type_bitstring field = { field with t = Bitstring } let set_location field loc = { field with _loc = loc } let set_offset_int field i = let _loc = field._loc in { field with offset = Some <:expr< $`int:i$ >> } let set_offset field expr = { field with offset = Some expr } let set_no_offset field = { field with offset = None } let create_constructor_field _loc = { field = <:expr< 0 >>; flen = <:expr< 32 >>; endian = ConstantEndian Bitmatch.BigEndian; signed = false; t = Int; _loc = _loc; offset = None; } let set_lident_expr field id = let _loc = field._loc in { field with field = <:expr< $lid:id$ >> } let set_int_expr field i = let _loc = field._loc in { field with field = <:expr< $`int:i$ >> } let set_string_expr field str = let _loc = field._loc in { field with field = <:expr< $str:str$ >> } let set_expr field expr = let _loc = field._loc in { field with field = expr } let get_patt field = field.field let get_expr field = field.field let get_length field = field.flen let get_endian field = field.endian let get_signed field = field.signed let get_type field = field.t let get_location field = field._loc let get_offset field = field.offset