monolith/apps directory ----------------------- msp - monolith server pages --------------------------- MSPs (".msp" files) are HTML files with additional mark-up. The main benefit is that they allow you to embed working monolith widgets into existing HTML pages. The current implementation of MSPs should be regarded as very much "version 0.1". We will probably rewrite it from scratch when we have time to use something which looks a lot more like XML. However, the current version is usable; indeed is built using MSPs. The msp app contained in this directory is just a wrapper around the ml_msp widget which can be found in the ../widgets/ directory. For full documentation on writing MSP files, look at the new_ml_msp(3) manual page. To use MSPs, add the following to your /etc/rws/hosts/ file: begin rewrite ^/(.*\.msp)$ /so-bin/$1 last,qsa ^/$ /index.msp qsa,external ^/(.*)/$ /$1/index.msp qsa,external end rewrite msp root: msp database: dbname= stats - monolith statistics/debugging application ------------------------------------------------- The stats interface allows you to browse around the internals of a running rws/monolith server, displaying structures and updating them in real time. It can be quite useful for debugging. For security reasons, this application does not install itself by default. You need to manually copy the file to /usr/share/rws/so-bin, and make sure it is mode 0755. You should also consider NOT installing this on live servers - at least until rws supports access control. This is because the sensitive internal information revealed by stats might make it easier for a cracker to break into your system. To run the stats application, point your browser at http://yourhostname/so-bin/ . It should be self-explanatory from there on.