rws - a fast, small and efficient web server written in C written by Richard Jones GENERAL INFO ------------ ``rws'' is yet another web server. This one offers the advantage that it is both cleanly written internally, as well as simple, and, of course, very fast. Current features include: * Serves files. * Memory-mapped file cache. * Serves directory listings. * Supports virtual hosts. * Supports aliases. * CGI scripts (NPH scripts only). * Shared object scripts (see below). * Access and error logs. The following are the features that I intend to add before I declare that ``rws'' is complete: * Run CGI scripts as a local user (similar to Apache suexec). * IP-based access control. * Manual pages. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------- You must install c2lib and pthrlib libraries first. Get these from: c2lib pthrlib If you are having problems with ``rws'', make sure that you have the latest versions of these libraries installed before reporting any errors to me. Build it: ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc [--prefix=/usr] make+ make+ test Install it (as root): make+ install As configured above the server installs itself as /usr/local/sbin/rwsd, and expects to find configuration files in the /etc/rws directory (unless you specify different --prefix and --sysconfdir parameters). Edit /etc/rws/rws.conf (which is the global level configuration file) as appropriate for your site. Edit /etc/rws/hosts/default to configure as required. Note that by default, the document root is set to /usr/local/share/rws/html, which just contains a demo page. Start up the web server: /usr/local/sbin/rwsd These are early days. If you find a bug, please report it to me by mailing Please include a complete description. FAQ --- 1. The web server seems to have loads of memory leaks! It just sits there sucking up more and more memory. A. Not so. The web server stores a cache of memory mapped files, making it quicker to serve the same file subsequent times. Unfortunately top(1) or ps(1) count the memory mapped files against the size of the process, even though they are never really loaded into memory. To get a real picture of what's going on, look at /proc/<>/maps and /proc/<>/fd/ (replace <> with the process ID of ``rws''). 2. What's all this about shared object scripts and .so files? A. See doc/index.html 3. Can I run rws under Apache? A. Yes, using mod_proxy. More instructions to come, but this is the recommended approach if you want to integrate monolith applications with your existing Apache-driven site.