Quick Introduction to NBD [About 2 mins 30 seconds] * Heading: Linux 2.1.55 (1997) - Diagram showing two machines - Physical disk attached to one - Exported to /dev/nbd0 on the other - NBD_CMD_READ (0) or NBD_CMD_WRITE (1) only Network Block Device is a protocol for exporting a disk from one machine to another over a network. It was added to Linux 2.1.55 in 1997 and started off very simple with just two commands. * Heading: Linux 5 (2019) - Same diagram annotated with additional commands: - DISC, FLUSH, TRIM, CACHE, WRITE_ZEROES, BLOCK_STATUS, RESIZE In 2019 NBD is quite a bit more complicated, but still overall a simple protocol. * Heading: Exporting a point in time snapshot over NBD - Diagram showing qemu exporting a point in time snapshot of a live guest - blockdev-backup device=A target=Target sync=none job-id=job1 - nbd-server-start addr={"type":"unix","data":{"path":"./nbd-sock"}} - nbd-server-add device=Target Our use of NBD today is quite a bit different from how it was intended back in 1997. Here are some ways we're using it today. As a way to export a point in time snapshot from qemu. * Heading: Virt-v2v using nbdkit to read a VDDK disk - Diagram showing virt-v2v + nbdkit + vddk + VMware As a way to read a VDDK disk and convert it to run on KVM. * Heading: qemu-nbd as a high performance server - Diagram showing qemu-nbd used by RHV ImageIO As a high performance server, serving qcow2 files for ImageIO. * Heading: qemu-img convert from RHV ImageIO to KubeVirt - Diagram showing nbdkit -> qemu-img convert -> nbdkit Copying disk images efficiently between KVM-based management systems. * Heading: nbdkit linuxdisk used to boot remote machines - Diagram showing linuxdisk synthesizing an initramfs/filesystem Using it as a replacement for TFTP when PXE-booting machines over the network. * Heading: Running RISC-V VMs from remote xz-compressed images - nbdkit --filter=xz curl https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/risc-v/disk-images/fedora/rawhide/20190703.n.0/Developer/Fedora-Developer-Rawhide-20190703.n.0-sda.raw.xz It's one way to test Fedora RISC-V VMs without downloading them. * Heading: Making disk images for testing - Diagram showing an nbdkit shell script plugin As a general purpose tool to make disk images for testing. You can think of NBD as a universal protocol that you can use whenever you need to access a virtual machine disk, disk image, or block device between two processes, whether or not the processes are running on the same machine.