Talk contents: - What precisely is offered by RISC-V? - Bootstrapping Fedora. - The state of RISC-V software development and the community. - Are open source ISAs in Red Hat's future? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions: fixed size 32 bit instructions compressed instructions extension 32 general purpose registers 32 floating point registers (extension) zero register always little-endian influenced by MIPS proven to be patent-free Boring: Micro-architecture independent as far as possible Macro-op fusion No register windows, branch delay slots etc Royalty free, no licensing Specifications: User spec 2.0 -> 2.1 Priv spec 1.7 -> 1.9/2.0 4 open source core designs, Rocket, BOOM and two others Chisel generates Verilog Includes cache hierarchy Includes coherence between L2 caches Parameterized Targets C++ (simulation), FPGA or ASIC Proprietary tools needed if you go FPGA or ASIC route Emulators Toolchain External projects: LowRISC = "RPi for grown-ups" SiFive Many FPGA implementations Lots of research groups Lots of small dev groups Some large companies looking: NVidia, Google, AMD, HPE, IBM, Mellanox, Microsemi, Microsoft, WD, ... Missing bits: PLIC (coming) any other sort of hardware, serial, ethernet, display, SATA, DDR, ... PCI (SiFive have done some work) much of this is filled in with proprietary "IP" "Minion cores" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fedora -- Demo Fedora Explain why: Current software is crap Busybox Cross-compilers Basically an embedded system Aims Scope Four stage bootstrap process Stage 3 is a "hack job" containing a mix of cross-compiled packages built on the host, layered with "--nodeps"-installed RPMs on top. Stage 4 is the clean image built entirely from RPMs, with all dependencies satisfied and all files controlled by RPM. The bootstrap process has generally speaking been quite easy (just tedious and slow because it all happens under emulation). All the complicated bits (ie. kernel, toolchain) were done already upstream and there haven't been any packages that were difficult to get working. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RISC-V software development and the community Lots of momentum. Considerably more realistic than previous open ISA efforts. Friendly and helpful upstream community. Far too many of non-upstream forks around. Some concerns about changes/instability in the architecture, but at least for userspace things seem pretty solid. Really needs virtio support. Someone from the Fedora community is looking into this. Fedora community have been very active with packaging. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What does this mean for Red Hat? Summary and questions